Investigation of the Factors Affecting Visual Management of Views and Vistas within the Historical - Functional Valuable Buildings (Case Study: Streetscape of Seyyed Alaedin Hossein Shrine, Shiraz)
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanismFerial Ahmadi 1 * , Ali Reza Sadeghi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Views and vistas, Valuable buildings (historical, Visual axis, Seyyed Alaedin Hossein Shrine ,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Nowadays, giving identity to urban areas through preserving, promoting the character and empowerment (function and form) of the buildings with historical–functional value, which has a prominent role as a symbol in collective memory and mental status of people, is of high importance in urban design discussion. Seemingly, taking an action which provides these buildings with the opportunity to be viewed and provides their position and environment with the quality of visual permeability, can be considered as one of the empowerment strategies for these buildings. Method: In this study, a descriptive-analytical method with literature review of the resources and documents in the context of visual studies and also case study by interview and observation methodology in the field studies have been used. Also, the streetscape of Seyyed Alaedin Hossein Shrine in historical and traditional district of Shiraz was analyzed. Findings: The results of this paper showed that the views and vistas, as the main elements of urban landscape visual system, are the elements which can facilitate the visual permeability in the buildings with historical–functional value through regulations. Discussion and Conclusion: This study represents the concepts related to views and vistas and their role and position in visual management and visual studies. Also, this study reviews the universal rules for purposeful and conscious design of views on the buildings with historical-functional value within the city. In this paper, using the verified regulations, the strategies for improving the quality of the streetscape of Seyyed Alaedin Hossein Shrine in Shiraz have been presented.
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- Zekavat, K. 2007. Strategic Framwork of Visual Management. Aabadi, 53: 33-56 (In Persian).
- Mayor of London. 2009. Draft Revised Supplementary Planning Guidance London View Management Framework, Greater London Authority City Hall, pp.3-9.
- Zacharias, j. 1999. Preferences for View Corridors through the Urban Environment. Landscape and urban planning 43: 217-
- Kurt Grutter, J. 1987. Ästhetik der Architektur: Grundlagen der Architektur-Wahrnehmung. Germany: W. Kohlhammer.
- Falamaki, M.M. 2006. Urban restoration expeiences (from Venice To Shiraz). Tehran: Faza Scientefic- Cultural Institute (In Persian).
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- Pain, David, 2003, Evaluating view corridor’s effect on development in the Austin central business district, Master project of Regional Planning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Smardon, R, 1988, Perception and aesthetics of urban environment, Landscape and Urban planning 15, p: 85-106
- Pourjafar, M.R., Sadeghi, A.R. 2007. Recognizing and Organizing Visual Corridors. The National Conference on Innovative Idea in Urban Management. Tehran: Iranian Student Book Agency, pp 34-40.
- Pourjafar, M.R., Sadeghi, A.R. 2007. Recognizing and Organizing Visual Corridors. The National Conference on Innovative Idea in Urban Management. Tehran: Iranian Student Book Agency, pp 34-40.
- Tibbalds, F. 2000. Making People-Friendly Towns: Improving the Public Environment in Towns and Cities. USA: Spon Press.
- Falamaki, M.M. 2007. Urban Renovation. Tehran: Faza Scientefic- Cultural Institute (In Persian).