Study of Environmental Impact of Minab Esteghlal Dam in Operation Phase Using a Combination of Modified and ICOLD Methods
Subject Areas : ارزیابی پی آمدهای محیط زیستی
Seyed Ali Jozi
Leila Hosseini
Ali Dehghani
1 - Department of Natural Resources Engineering, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
* ( Corresponding Author)
2 - - M.A. of Environmental Management, Bandar Abbas Islamic Azad University, Bandarabas, Iran.
3 - Hormozgan Water Authority Compay, Bandarabas, Iran.
Keywords: Assessment of Environment, Predicting the Environmental I, ICOLD Method, Operation Phase, Minab Esteghlal Dam,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Minab Esteghlal dam, with a capacity of 350 million m2 and an efficient capacity of 270 million m2, is a stable-weight-concrete dam which is constructed on Minab river at the distance of 4 km from the east of Minab township with a geographic longitude of 57° and 4′ and a geographic latitude of 27° and 9′. This dam was established in 1993 to supply the drinking water for Bandar Abbas and to provide water for 14670 hectares of downstram lands in Minab and for industry, flood control and artificial nutrition purposes. Method: This study is carried out to analyze the environmental impacts caused by operation of the dam. After collecting the basic data and field survey of the site and the dam reservoir, a list of environmental resources being affected was prepared. The study area was also determined in the from of individual environment under the direct and indirect impacts. Then, the required maps for the site, stations, ground cover, etc, were provided in the GIS environment. Water sampling was accomplished in warm and dry and warm and humid seasons, and water samples were carefully examined. In order to predict the dam impacts, a special method of assessment called ICOLD was conducted. After determining all the impacts, since this method is a qualitative method, a modified method was used to mark and interprete the impacts. Results: The results of this study showed that Esteghlal dam had a positive impact on biologic and socio-economic environments and had the scores of +207.5 and +329.25, and had a negative impact of -242 on physico–chemical environment. At the end, some recommendations to eliminate the negative impacts caused by operation of the dam, including decrease of deposit input to the river via constructing som dams at the upperhills before Esteghlal dam, and propagation of biological methods instead of applying fertilizer to defeat the agricultural pests were suggested. The proper environmental management of Minab watershed is bound to careful implementation of these suggestions.
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