Analytical Hierarchy Process of Land Potentiality for the Forest Roads Optimizing Path Tracing in terms of enviromental (Case Study; Seri Dallak Kheil)
Subject Areas : Environmental Risk AnalysisSareh Hosseini 1 , S. Ata ollah Hosseini 2 * , Majid Lotfalian 3 , Aidin Parsakhoo 4
1 - Ph. D. Graduated of Forestry, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
2 - Professor, Forestry and Forest economics Dept. University of Tehran* (Corresponding Author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
4 - Assistant Professor, Gorgan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
Keywords: Optimal planning forest road n, Analytical hierarchy process, land capability map, Backmond method, Dallak kheil forest,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Forest roads network in forestry plans have main and basic role in the forest management, conservation and recovery. In this research the ability of GIS and AHP in production of road-use map in Dallak kheil forest of Sari with an area of 1521.89 hectare (without villages in study area) was investigated. Method: In this study, for finding a suitable method for optimal routing forest roads and finding environmentally optimal variant of GIS and AHP technique was used. According to effective factors on road planning such as slope, slop direction, soil, geology, stock growth per hectare, hydrology, landscape and conserved species, a questionnaire was provided and then the idea of the experts about forest road planning and relative importance of factors was collected. The factors were weighted in Expert choice (EC) software via pair wise method.Then based on weights, the maps of mentioned factors were overlaid and land capability map with four classes of most unsuitable, unsuitable, suitable and most suitable was produced. Different variants of forest road were designed on land capability map using Arc GIS 9.3 software and divider method. Finally, the status of designed road network and existing road was compared using Backmund and nearest route method. Findings: Analysis of effective factors in the design based on the road design profesionals and forest roads, showed that standard slope with 0.254 relative weight, have the highest points and the outlook with relative weight 0.052 has the lowest points. Discussion and Conclusions:The result of the comparsion betwwen the existing network with five new variants in terms of environmental considerations indicated that the second variant is the best variant due to the passing of the most sutibel areas (19.7%) and unsutibel (21.5%) in compared to the existing road and other variants. Also The second variant whit 62/72 cover persentage in compared to other variants and existing roads in terms of environmental performance were selected as variants better. The Chi square test was used to compare the most suitable variant with existing road. Results showed that the designed road network was significantly better than that of existing road, regarding pass from suitable area.
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- Gumus, S. 2001. Constitution of the forest road evaluation form for Turkish forestry. African Journal of Biotechnology.Vol. 8 (20)، 5389-5394.
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- Najafi, A., Sobhani, H., Saeed, A., Makhdum, M and Mohajer, M. M. 2008. Planning and assessment and skidding networks. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. )29) 1, 63-73.
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- Tan, J. 1999. Locating forest roads by a spatial and heuristic procedure using microcomputers. Journal of Forest Engineering. 10 (2), 91-100.
- Lotfalian, M. Koch, Y, Sarikhani, N. 2008. Effective Factors Determination Optimal Density of Forest Road Network, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, (4): 470-475.
- Zekibaskent, E. and Keles S. 2005. Spatial forest planning: A review Ecological modeling, volume 188, issues 2-4, 145- 173.
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- Berhe, D. 1992. Experies with the use of Ageographical Information System to Develop Coast- Effective Ecologycall- Southland- useep lanning, using Etupia as an Example, Forest Wissenschaftlichf. Journal of Zentral Blatt, 111(1):1-33.
- Saaty, T, L. 1977. A Scaling Method for Priorities in Hierarchical Structures. J. Mathemat. Psych, 15:234-281.
- Mostafa, M., Rafatnia. N., Shataeei. S., and Ghazanfari. H. 2001. Forest Road Network Planning of multipurpose forestry in Armardeh Bane Using GIS. Forest and Wood Science and Technology Journal. 7(1). 129-133. (In Persian)
- Babapour, R., Naghdi. R., and Salehi. A. 2001. Importance of GIS using in Forest Road Planning (Case Study, Shafarud). Prociding of Geographical Information System Conference. 10. (In Persian)
- Coulter, E., J. Sessions and M. Wing. 2006. Scheduling Forest Road Maintenance Using Of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Heuristics. J. Silva Fennica 40(1): 143-160.
- Gomus, S. H. Acar, H and Tuksoy, D. 2006. Functional Forest Road Network Planning by Consideration of Environmental Impact assessment for Wood Harvesting. Environ Monit Assess. DOI10.1007/s10661-007-9912- y.
- Alexandrowicz, z., Margielewski, W., 2010. Impact of mass movements on geo- and biodiversity in the polish Outer (Flysch) Carpathians. Geomorphology, 123: 290-304.
- Anonymus, 2003. Dalak-Kheil Forestry Management Booklet. Natural Resources Office of Mazandaran Province. Wood and Paper Company. 270. (In Persian)
- Sundberg, U. 1985. Distribution of the Costs of Joints Forest Road According to Crosswise and Lengthwise Road Function. Studia Forestalia Suecica .30: 11pp.
- Heralt, L. 2002. Using the Roading System to Design an Optimum Forest Road Variant Aimed at the Minimization of Negative Impacts on the Natural Environment. Journal of Forest Science 48:2002(8): 361-365.
- Malchepheski, J. Chapmon, T. Flegel, c. Walters, D.Healy, M, A.2003. GIS-Multicriteria Evaluation with Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA): Case Study of Developing Watershed Management strategies. Environment and Planning, A35 (10):1769-1784.
- Musa, M.K. A. and Mohamed, A.N. 2001. Alignment Locating Forest Road Network by Best-Path Modeling Method. The Malaysian Center for Remote Sensing (MACRES): 7p.
- Ghodsipour, H. 2003. Some Discussion about Multi Criteria of Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process. Amirkabir University Publication. 7th Ed. 220. (In Persian)
- Babapour. R. and Naghdi. R. 2009. GIS using in Forest Road Planning (case Study, Shafaroud). Geographical Information System Conference. Tehran. 663-668(In Persian).
- Dai, F, C. Lee, C, F. and Zhang, X, H. 2001. GIS- Based geo- Environment Evaluation for Urban Land- use Planning: Case Study. Engineering Geology, 61:257-271.
- Parsakhoo, A and Hosseini, A., Lotfalian, M and jalilvand, H.2010. Influence of Hillside Gradient on Forest Road Cross Section Components in a Loamy Clay Soil. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 6 (6): 1212-1216.
- Hosseini, S., Hosseini, S.A., Lotfalian, M and Parsakhoo, A., 2011. Assessment of factors affecting forest road routing and landslide occurrence in north of Iran. International journal of science and nature. Vol 2(2): 220-224.
- Dean, D. J. 1997. Finding Optimal Routes for Networks of Harvest Site Access Road Using GIS-Based Techniques. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 27:11-22.
- Moradmand, A and S.A, Hosseini. 2008. Application of GIS in planning forest roads. Journal of the Science Environment Technology, (In persion), 263-274.
- Badraghi, N. 2008. Forest Road Network Planning based on Site Charectristics (Case Study, Vaston). MSc. Thesis. Mazandaran University. 58. (In Persian)
- Tibor, p.p. Dragutin, p, lgor, D, pavol, and Nevecerel H.2005. Analysis of an Existing Forest Road Network. Creation journal of Forest Engineering26 (1):39-50.
- Rezaee, J. 1990. Investigation of Optimal Forest Road using Intensive Utilization Method. MSc.Thesis. Gorgan University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 96. (In Persian)
- Lotfalian, M. 1997. Investigation of Effective Factors on Forest Road Density (Sangdeh Forestry – Mazandaran Province). PhD. Thesis. University of Tehran. 129. (In Persian)
- Akay, A. (2006). The Costs of Construction and Maintenance of a Forest Road are generally the Largest Cost Components in Producing Timber for Industrial uses. Sadhana. Vol. 31، Part 5، 621–633.
- Pentek, T. 2005. Analysis of an Existing Forest Road Network Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 26(1): 39-50.
- Audery, M.M. 2001. Development of Environmental Routing Strategies for the Management of Forest Access Raods using GIS and GPS Ph.D. Thesis National University of Ireland, Dublin, 105.
- Akay, A.E. Karas, I.R., 2004. Using High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model for Computer-Aided Forest Road Design. Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents، Istanbul Turkey، the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 6pp.
- Demir, M. 2007. Impacts, management and Functional Planning Criterion of Forest Road Network System in Turkey. Transportation Research Part A, Policy and Practice, 41:1. 56-68.
- Aryamanesh, M., Maghdi, R., and Maskani Jafrudi, H. 2000. Forest Road Network Planning and GIS using in Technical and Environmental Standardizing of forest Road Construction. Geographical Information System Conference. Tehran.10 (In Persian)
- Yakhkeshi, A.2002. Cognition and Improvement of Environment. Scientific and applied High Educational Institute of Jihad. 445. (In Persian)
- Gumus, S. 2001. Constitution of the forest road evaluation form for Turkish forestry. African Journal of Biotechnology.Vol. 8 (20)، 5389-5394.
- Ghaffarian , M.R. 2002. Efficiency of Production and Damage on Soil and Regeneration in Traditional Loggging. MSc. Thesis of Forestry. University of Tehran. 109. (In Persian)
- Akay, A. Erdas, O. Reis, M. Yuksel, A. 2008. Estinating Sediment Yield forms a Forest Road Network by using a Sediment Predictin Model and GIS Techniques. Journal of Building and Environment 43, 678-615.
- Najafi, A., Sobhani, H., Saeed, A., Makhdum, M and Mohajer, M. M. 2008. Planning and assessment and skidding networks. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. )29) 1, 63-73.
- Murray، T. A. 1998. Rout planning for harvest site access. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 28 (7), 1084-1087. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-28-7-1084.
- Kirby, M., Hager, W and Wong. W. 1986. Simultaneous planning of woodland management and transportation alternatives. TIMS Stud. Manage. 21, 371-387.
- Tan, J. 1999. Locating forest roads by a spatial and heuristic procedure using microcomputers. Journal of Forest Engineering. 10 (2), 91-100.
- Lotfalian, M. Koch, Y, Sarikhani, N. 2008. Effective Factors Determination Optimal Density of Forest Road Network, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, (4): 470-475.
- Zekibaskent, E. and Keles S. 2005. Spatial forest planning: A review Ecological modeling, volume 188, issues 2-4, 145- 173.
- Sarikhani, N. 1999. Guidance of Forest Road Network Project. Plan and Budget Organization. No. 148. 200. (In Persian)
- Newnham, R. M. 1995. Roadplan: a Tool for Designing Forest Road Netwoks. Journal of Forest Engineering. 6 (2). 17-26.
- Berhe, D. 1992. Experies with the use of Ageographical Information System to Develop Coast- Effective Ecologycall- Southland- useep lanning, using Etupia as an Example, Forest Wissenschaftlichf. Journal of Zentral Blatt, 111(1):1-33.
- Saaty, T, L. 1977. A Scaling Method for Priorities in Hierarchical Structures. J. Mathemat. Psych, 15:234-281.
- Mostafa, M., Rafatnia. N., Shataeei. S., and Ghazanfari. H. 2001. Forest Road Network Planning of multipurpose forestry in Armardeh Bane Using GIS. Forest and Wood Science and Technology Journal. 7(1). 129-133. (In Persian)
- Babapour, R., Naghdi. R., and Salehi. A. 2001. Importance of GIS using in Forest Road Planning (Case Study, Shafarud). Prociding of Geographical Information System Conference. 10. (In Persian)
- Coulter, E., J. Sessions and M. Wing. 2006. Scheduling Forest Road Maintenance Using Of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Heuristics. J. Silva Fennica 40(1): 143-160.
- Gomus, S. H. Acar, H and Tuksoy, D. 2006. Functional Forest Road Network Planning by Consideration of Environmental Impact assessment for Wood Harvesting. Environ Monit Assess. DOI10.1007/s10661-007-9912- y.
- Alexandrowicz, z., Margielewski, W., 2010. Impact of mass movements on geo- and biodiversity in the polish Outer (Flysch) Carpathians. Geomorphology, 123: 290-304.
- Anonymus, 2003. Dalak-Kheil Forestry Management Booklet. Natural Resources Office of Mazandaran Province. Wood and Paper Company. 270. (In Persian)
- Sundberg, U. 1985. Distribution of the Costs of Joints Forest Road According to Crosswise and Lengthwise Road Function. Studia Forestalia Suecica .30: 11pp.
- Heralt, L. 2002. Using the Roading System to Design an Optimum Forest Road Variant Aimed at the Minimization of Negative Impacts on the Natural Environment. Journal of Forest Science 48:2002(8): 361-365.
- Malchepheski, J. Chapmon, T. Flegel, c. Walters, D.Healy, M, A.2003. GIS-Multicriteria Evaluation with Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA): Case Study of Developing Watershed Management strategies. Environment and Planning, A35 (10):1769-1784.
- Musa, M.K. A. and Mohamed, A.N. 2001. Alignment Locating Forest Road Network by Best-Path Modeling Method. The Malaysian Center for Remote Sensing (MACRES): 7p.
- Ghodsipour, H. 2003. Some Discussion about Multi Criteria of Decision Making, Analytical Hierarchy Process. Amirkabir University Publication. 7th Ed. 220. (In Persian)
- Babapour. R. and Naghdi. R. 2009. GIS using in Forest Road Planning (case Study, Shafaroud). Geographical Information System Conference. Tehran. 663-668(In Persian).
- Dai, F, C. Lee, C, F. and Zhang, X, H. 2001. GIS- Based geo- Environment Evaluation for Urban Land- use Planning: Case Study. Engineering Geology, 61:257-271.
- Parsakhoo, A and Hosseini, A., Lotfalian, M and jalilvand, H.2010. Influence of Hillside Gradient on Forest Road Cross Section Components in a Loamy Clay Soil. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 6 (6): 1212-1216.
- Hosseini, S., Hosseini, S.A., Lotfalian, M and Parsakhoo, A., 2011. Assessment of factors affecting forest road routing and landslide occurrence in north of Iran. International journal of science and nature. Vol 2(2): 220-224.
- Dean, D. J. 1997. Finding Optimal Routes for Networks of Harvest Site Access Road Using GIS-Based Techniques. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 27:11-22.
- Moradmand, A and S.A, Hosseini. 2008. Application of GIS in planning forest roads. Journal of the Science Environment Technology, (In persion), 263-274.
- Badraghi, N. 2008. Forest Road Network Planning based on Site Charectristics (Case Study, Vaston). MSc. Thesis. Mazandaran University. 58. (In Persian)
- Tibor, p.p. Dragutin, p, lgor, D, pavol, and Nevecerel H.2005. Analysis of an Existing Forest Road Network. Creation journal of Forest Engineering26 (1):39-50.
- Rezaee, J. 1990. Investigation of Optimal Forest Road using Intensive Utilization Method. MSc.Thesis. Gorgan University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 96. (In Persian)
- Lotfalian, M. 1997. Investigation of Effective Factors on Forest Road Density (Sangdeh Forestry – Mazandaran Province). PhD. Thesis. University of Tehran. 129. (In Persian)
- Akay, A. (2006). The Costs of Construction and Maintenance of a Forest Road are generally the Largest Cost Components in Producing Timber for Industrial uses. Sadhana. Vol. 31، Part 5، 621–633.
- Pentek, T. 2005. Analysis of an Existing Forest Road Network Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 26(1): 39-50.
- Audery, M.M. 2001. Development of Environmental Routing Strategies for the Management of Forest Access Raods using GIS and GPS Ph.D. Thesis National University of Ireland, Dublin, 105.
- Akay, A.E. Karas, I.R., 2004. Using High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model for Computer-Aided Forest Road Design. Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents، Istanbul Turkey، the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 6pp.
- Demir, M. 2007. Impacts, management and Functional Planning Criterion of Forest Road Network System in Turkey. Transportation Research Part A, Policy and Practice, 41:1. 56-68.
- Aryamanesh, M., Maghdi, R., and Maskani Jafrudi, H. 2000. Forest Road Network Planning and GIS using in Technical and Environmental Standardizing of forest Road Construction. Geographical Information System Conference. Tehran.10 (In Persian)