The Investigation of Heavy Metal Content and Their Chemical Forms in Tehran Sewage Sludge for Agricultural Application
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)Sumayyah Naji Rad 1 , Akbar Ghavidel 2 * , Hossein Ali Alikhani 3 , Ali Ashraf Soltnai Toolarood 4
1 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
2 - Assistant Prof. Department of Soil Science and Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Prof. Department of Soil Science and Engineering, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.
4 - Associate Prof. Department of Soil Science and Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
Keywords: Coliform, Environmental pollution, Sewage sludge disposal, Wastewater treatment,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Among sewage sludge disposal options, land application is more preferred because of economic benefits and decreasing fertilizer cost for farmers. However, if sludge has excess amount of heavy metals and microbial infections, land application may lead to soil and environmental pollution. Method: In this research, the amount of total, DTPA-extractable and soluble forms of Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn and Ni and population of coliform bacteria were determined in the sludge samples of three different sewage sludge treatment plants including Shahrak-e-Gharb, Ekbatan and Shoush and the results were compared to the world pollution limit standards of these metals and the coliform population. Findings: Results showed that 0.01% of all metals accumulatively in sewage sludge were in soluble form, 1.32% in DTPA-extractable form and 98.67% in other forms, which are unavailable. Shoush sludge had largest amount of sum of eight metals (39.73 gr/kg dry sludge), Ekbatan sludge (28.42 gr/kg dry sludge) and Shahrak-e-Gharb sludge (22.95 gr/kg dry sludge) were the second and third in the rank, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Because of high amounts of Zn and Cu in the sludge samples in compare to the standards, the samples from all the treatment plants did not categorized as the exceptional quality which can be used in agriculture. A comparison between the coliform population and the standards showed that in this regard, sludge samples were in B quality and there would be limitations in their land application.
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- Babel, S., del Mundo Dacera, D., 2006. Heavy metal removal from contaminated sludge for land application: a review. Waste Management. Vol. 26(9), pp. 988-1004.
- Metcalf, E., Tchobanoglous, G., 2003. Wastewater engineering: treatment disposal reuse: McGraw-Hill; Boston. USA. 384 p.
- Smith, SR., 1996. Agricultural Recycling of Sewage Sludge and the Environment: CAB International.
- Wong, JW., Xiang, L., Gu, XY., Zhou, LX., 2004. Bioleaching of heavy metals from anaerobically digested sewage sludge using FeS2 as an energy source. Chemosphere. Vol. 55(1), pp. 101-7.
- EPA832. 2000. Biosolids technology fact sheet: land application of bioslids. Available from, <>.
- Epstein, EL., Taylor, JM., Chancy, RL., 1976. Effects of sewage sludge and sludge compost applied to soil on some soil physical and chemical properties. Journal of Environmental Quality. Vol. 5(4), pp. 422-6.
- Bhangoo, MS., Day, KS., Sudanagunta, VR., Petrucci, VE., 1988. Application of poultry manure influences Thompson seedless grape production and soil properties. Hort. Science (USA).
- Wong, JW., Selvam, A., 2006. Speciation of heavy metals during co-composting of sewage sludge with lime. Chemosphere. Vol. 63(6), pp. 980-6.
- Dutta, S., 2002. Environmental Treatment Technologies for Hazardous and Medical Wastes: Remedial Scope and Efficacy: McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt Limited.
- Clesceri, LS., Eaton, AD., Greenberg, AE., 1988. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater: American Public Health Association.
- Walkley, A., Black, IA., 1934. An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil science. 1934. Vol. 37(1), pp. 29-38.
- Kjeldahl, J., 1883. A new method for the determination of nitrogen in organic matter. Z. Anal. Chem. Vol. 22(1), pp. 366-82.
- Olsen, SR., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Dep. Of Agric. Cric. 939.
- Lindsay, WL., Norvell, WA., 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil science society of America journal. Vol. 42(3), pp. 421-8.
- Alef, K., Nannipieri, P., 1995. Methods in applied soil microbiology and biochemistry: Academic Press.
- European Council Directive 86/278/EEC. 2005. Sewage Sludge Metal Level Standards.
- USEPA. 1993. The Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 503.
- USEPA. 1996. Soil Screening Guidance, EPA Tech. Background Document No. 9355.4-23.
- Kharrazi, S.M., Younesi, H., Abedini Torghabe, J. 2014. The Application of Active Sewage Sludge on the Vermicomposting of Agricultural Waste. Journal of Water and Wastewater. Vol. 25 (5), 76-85. (In Persian)
- Ali, S.M., 1994. Chemical and biological heavy metal dissolution process for sewage sludge. Master’s Thesis. Asian institute of technology. Pathumthani, Thailand.
- Oake, RJ., Booker, CS., Davis, RD., 1985. Fractionation of heavy metals in sewage sludges. Water Science and Technology. Vol. 17(4-5), pp. 587-98.
- Stover, RC., Sommers, LE., Silviera, DJ., 1976. Evaluation of metals in wastewater sludge. Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation) Vol 1, pp. 2165-75.
- Ratanachoo, K., 1995. Biological heavy metal removal from sewage sludge. Master's Thesis, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand.
- Rahmani, H.R., Moayeri, M., Mazaheri Kouhestani, Z., Khodabakhsh, N., Sharifi, H. 2014. The investigationof some quality properties and heavy metal concentration in dried sewage sludge of Isfahan Shahinshahr wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 16 (2): 55-65. (In Persian)
- Alloway, B.J., 1995. Heavy Metals in Soils (2nd ed.) Blackie Academic & Professional. Glasgow, UK.
- Smith, SR., 1994. Effect of soil pH on availability to crops of metals in sewage sludge-treated soils. I. Nickel, copper and zinc uptake and toxicity to ryegrass. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 85(3), pp. 321-7.
- Scheltinga, HM., 1987. Sludge in agriculture: the European approach. Water Science and Technology. Vol. 19(8) pp. 9-18.
- USEPA. 1999. Control of pathogens and vector attraction in sewage sludge. EPA 625/R-92-013.