Effect of using an airfoil-shaped deflector on increasing the efficiency of a savonius vertical axis wind turbine
Subject Areas :
Renewable Energy
Keyhan Layeghmand
Nima Ghiasi Tabari
Mehran Zarkesh
1 - PhD Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dashtestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borazjan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dashtestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borazjan, Iran. (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dashtestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borazjan, Iran.
Received: 2020-10-02
Accepted : 2020-12-08
Published : 2022-02-20
Wind turbine,
Airfoil-shaped deflector,
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD),
Abstract :
Background and Objective: With the increment of population, the need for sustainable energy development has been raised. By increasing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing the fossil energy reserves have also shifted research centers around the world to renewable energy sources. Among renewable energies, wind energy is one of the most important types of renewable energy. In this study, the efficiency of the Savonius wind turbine is significantly increased by using an airfoil-shaped deflector. This increase in efficiency is carried out by upgrading the self-starting performance capability of the Savonius wind turbine and reducing the negative torque generated by the returning blade.
Material and Methodology: Different configurations of the proposed deflector system are considered numerically using the CFD solver. A three-dimensional incompressible unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulation in conjunction with the SST k-ω turbulence model is done and validated with the available experimental data.
Findings: The predicted results indicated that the performance of the Savonius rotor is highly dependent on the position and angle of the deflector. Thus, there was an appropriate position and angle values to obtain the highest torque and power coefficients. It was concluded that using the favorable airfoil-shaped deflector significantly enhanced the static torque coefficient values in all angular ranges especially in the rotation angles between 0° to 30° and 150° to 180°. By properly covering the returning blade using the airfoil-shaped deflector, the static torque coefficient values increased up to 2 times higher than that generated by without deflector case.
Discussion and Conclusion: The Savonius turbine suffers from poor efficiency. Hence, the present work dealt with proposing an improved deflector system led to generate higher power and torque coefficients which resulted in capturing a higher efficiency and better self-starting capability.
L.B, Kothe., S.V, Möller., A.P, Petry., 2020. Numerical and experimental study of a helical Savonius wind turbine and a comparison with a two-stage Savonius turbine. Renewable Energy, vol. 148, pp. 627-638.
A.S, Saad., I.I, El-Sharkawy., S, Ookawara, M, Ahmed., 2020. Performance enhancement of twisted-bladed Savonius vertical axis wind turbines. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 209, pp. 112673.
S.B, Ahangar., J.S, Allen., S.H, Lee., C.K, Choi., 2020. Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging: A Technique to Reveal the Dropwise Condensation Mechanism. Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 142, pp. 030903.
F, Behrouzi., M, Nakisa., A, Maimun., Y, Ahmed., A.S, Souf-Aljen., 2019. Performance investigation of self-adjusting blades turbine through experimental study. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 181, pp. 178-188.
S.B, Ahangar., V, Konduru., J.S, Allen., N, Miljkovic., S.H, Lee, C.K, Choi., 2020. Development of automated angle-scanning, high-speed surface plasmon resonance imaging and SPRi visualization for the study of dropwise condensation. Experiments in Fluids, vol. 61, pp. 12-20.
S.B, Ahangar., C.H, Jeong., F, Long., J.S, Allen, S.H, Lee., C.K, Choi., 2020. The Effect of Adsorbed Volatile Organic Compounds on an Ultrathin Water Film Measurement. Applied Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 5981.
R, Ricci., R, Romagnoli., S, Montelpare., D, Vitali., 2016. Experimental study on a Savonius wind rotor for street lighting systems. Applied Energy, vol.161, pp. 143-152.
S, Bayani., Y, Tabe., Y.T, Kang., S.H, Lee, C.K, Choi., 2018. Surface plasmon resonance imaging of drop coalescence at high-temporal resolution. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, vol, 25, pp. 191-205.
M, Rahim-Esbo., S, Bayani, R, Mohammadyari., A.K, Asboei., S, Mohsenian., S.E, Mousavitileboni., 2014. <b> Analytical and Numerical investigation of natural convection in a heated cylinder using Homotopy Perturbation Method. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, vol. 36, pp. 669-677.
N.M, Nouri., S, Sekhavat., S, Bayani Ahangar., N, Faal Nazari., 2012. Effect of curing condition on superhydrophobic surface for 7075Al. Journal of dispersion science and technology, vol. 33, pp. 771-774.
G, Ferrari., D, Federici., P, Schito., F, Inzoli., R, Mereu., 2017. CFD study of Savonius wind turbine: 3D model validation and parametric analysis. Renewable Energy, vol, 105, pp. 722-734.
H, Ijaz., H, Raza., G.A, Gohar., S, Ullah., A, Akhtar., M, Imran., 2020. Effect of graphene oxide doped nano coolant on temperature drop across the tube length and effectiveness of car radiator–A CFD study. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 20, pp. 100689.
B.K, Sreejith., A, Sathyabhama., 2020. Experimental and numerical study of laminar separation bubble formation on low Reynolds number airfoil with leading-edge tubercles. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 42, pp. 1-15.
R, Gupta., K.K, Sharma., 2011. Flow physics of a three-bucket Savonius rotor using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). International Journal of research in Mechanical engineering and technology, vol. 1, pp. 46-51.
X, Jin., Y, Wang., W, Ju., J, He., S, Xie., 2018. Investigation into parameter influence of upstream deflector on vertical axis wind turbines output power via three-dimensional CFD simulation. Renewable energy, vol. 115, pp. 41-53.
D.L, Shukla., A.U, Mehta., K.V, Modi., 2020 Dynamic overset 2D CFD numerical simulation of a small vertical axis wind turbine. International Journal of Ambient Energy, vol. 41, pp. 1415-1422.
T, Zhang., Z, Wang., W, Huang., D, Ingham., L, Ma., M, Pourkashanian., 2020. A numerical study on choosing the best configuration of the blade for vertical axis wind turbines. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 201, pp. 104162.
M.E, Nimvari, H, Fatahian., E, Fatahian., 2020. Performance improvement of a Savonius vertical axis wind turbine using a porous deflector. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 220, pp. 113062.
M, Mosbahi., A, Ayadi., Y, Chouaibi., Z, Driss., T, Tucciarelli., 2019. Performance study of a Helical Savonius hydrokinetic turbine with a new deflector system design. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 194, pp. 55-74.
M.S, Siddiqui., N, Durrani., I, Akhtar., 2015. Quantification of the effects of geometric approximations on the performance of a vertical axis wind turbine. Renewable Energy, vol. 74, pp. 661-670.
R, Lanzafame., S, Mauro., M, Messina., 2013. Wind turbine CFD modeling using a correlation-based transitional model. Renewable Energy, vol. 52, pp. 31-39.
I, Marinic-Kragic., D, Vucina, Z, Milas., 2020. Computational analysis of Savonius wind turbine modifications including novel scooplet-based design attained via smart numerical optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 262, p. 121310.
P, Laws., J.S, Saini., A, Kumar., S, Mitra., 2020. Improvement in Savonius Wind Turbines Efficiency by Modification of Blade Designs—A Numerical Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol. 142, p. 061303.
H, Fatahian., H, Salarian., J, Khaleghinia., E, Fatahian., 2018. Improving the efficiency of a Savonius vertical axis wind turbine using an optimum parameter. Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering (CRPASE), vol. 4, pp. 27-32.
F.R, Menter., 1994. Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications. AIAA journal, vol. 32, pp. 1598-1605.
P.K, Talukdar., A, Sardar., V, Kulkarni., U.K, Saha., 2018. Parametric analysis of model Savonius hydrokinetic turbines through experimental and computational investigations. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 158, pp. 36-49.
R.E, Sheldahl., B.F, Blackwell., L.V, Feltz., 1978. Wind tunnel performance data for two-and three-bucket Savonius rotors. Journal of Energy, vol. 2, pp. 160-164.
E, Kerikous., D. Thévenin., 2019. Optimal shape of thick blades for a hydraulic Savonius turbine. Renewable Energy, vol. 134, pp. 629-638.
L.B, Kothe., S.V, Möller., A.P, Petry., 2020. Numerical and experimental study of a helical Savonius wind turbine and a comparison with a two-stage Savonius turbine. Renewable Energy, vol. 148, pp. 627-638.
A.S, Saad., I.I, El-Sharkawy., S, Ookawara, M, Ahmed., 2020. Performance enhancement of twisted-bladed Savonius vertical axis wind turbines. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 209, pp. 112673.
S.B, Ahangar., J.S, Allen., S.H, Lee., C.K, Choi., 2020. Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging: A Technique to Reveal the Dropwise Condensation Mechanism. Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 142, pp. 030903.
F, Behrouzi., M, Nakisa., A, Maimun., Y, Ahmed., A.S, Souf-Aljen., 2019. Performance investigation of self-adjusting blades turbine through experimental study. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 181, pp. 178-188.
S.B, Ahangar., V, Konduru., J.S, Allen., N, Miljkovic., S.H, Lee, C.K, Choi., 2020. Development of automated angle-scanning, high-speed surface plasmon resonance imaging and SPRi visualization for the study of dropwise condensation. Experiments in Fluids, vol. 61, pp. 12-20.
S.B, Ahangar., C.H, Jeong., F, Long., J.S, Allen, S.H, Lee., C.K, Choi., 2020. The Effect of Adsorbed Volatile Organic Compounds on an Ultrathin Water Film Measurement. Applied Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 5981.
R, Ricci., R, Romagnoli., S, Montelpare., D, Vitali., 2016. Experimental study on a Savonius wind rotor for street lighting systems. Applied Energy, vol.161, pp. 143-152.
S, Bayani., Y, Tabe., Y.T, Kang., S.H, Lee, C.K, Choi., 2018. Surface plasmon resonance imaging of drop coalescence at high-temporal resolution. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, vol, 25, pp. 191-205.
M, Rahim-Esbo., S, Bayani, R, Mohammadyari., A.K, Asboei., S, Mohsenian., S.E, Mousavitileboni., 2014. <b> Analytical and Numerical investigation of natural convection in a heated cylinder using Homotopy Perturbation Method. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, vol. 36, pp. 669-677.
N.M, Nouri., S, Sekhavat., S, Bayani Ahangar., N, Faal Nazari., 2012. Effect of curing condition on superhydrophobic surface for 7075Al. Journal of dispersion science and technology, vol. 33, pp. 771-774.
G, Ferrari., D, Federici., P, Schito., F, Inzoli., R, Mereu., 2017. CFD study of Savonius wind turbine: 3D model validation and parametric analysis. Renewable Energy, vol, 105, pp. 722-734.
H, Ijaz., H, Raza., G.A, Gohar., S, Ullah., A, Akhtar., M, Imran., 2020. Effect of graphene oxide doped nano coolant on temperature drop across the tube length and effectiveness of car radiator–A CFD study. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 20, pp. 100689.
B.K, Sreejith., A, Sathyabhama., 2020. Experimental and numerical study of laminar separation bubble formation on low Reynolds number airfoil with leading-edge tubercles. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 42, pp. 1-15.
R, Gupta., K.K, Sharma., 2011. Flow physics of a three-bucket Savonius rotor using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). International Journal of research in Mechanical engineering and technology, vol. 1, pp. 46-51.
X, Jin., Y, Wang., W, Ju., J, He., S, Xie., 2018. Investigation into parameter influence of upstream deflector on vertical axis wind turbines output power via three-dimensional CFD simulation. Renewable energy, vol. 115, pp. 41-53.
D.L, Shukla., A.U, Mehta., K.V, Modi., 2020 Dynamic overset 2D CFD numerical simulation of a small vertical axis wind turbine. International Journal of Ambient Energy, vol. 41, pp. 1415-1422.
T, Zhang., Z, Wang., W, Huang., D, Ingham., L, Ma., M, Pourkashanian., 2020. A numerical study on choosing the best configuration of the blade for vertical axis wind turbines. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 201, pp. 104162.
M.E, Nimvari, H, Fatahian., E, Fatahian., 2020. Performance improvement of a Savonius vertical axis wind turbine using a porous deflector. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 220, pp. 113062.
M, Mosbahi., A, Ayadi., Y, Chouaibi., Z, Driss., T, Tucciarelli., 2019. Performance study of a Helical Savonius hydrokinetic turbine with a new deflector system design. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 194, pp. 55-74.
M.S, Siddiqui., N, Durrani., I, Akhtar., 2015. Quantification of the effects of geometric approximations on the performance of a vertical axis wind turbine. Renewable Energy, vol. 74, pp. 661-670.
R, Lanzafame., S, Mauro., M, Messina., 2013. Wind turbine CFD modeling using a correlation-based transitional model. Renewable Energy, vol. 52, pp. 31-39.
I, Marinic-Kragic., D, Vucina, Z, Milas., 2020. Computational analysis of Savonius wind turbine modifications including novel scooplet-based design attained via smart numerical optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 262, p. 121310.
P, Laws., J.S, Saini., A, Kumar., S, Mitra., 2020. Improvement in Savonius Wind Turbines Efficiency by Modification of Blade Designs—A Numerical Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol. 142, p. 061303.
H, Fatahian., H, Salarian., J, Khaleghinia., E, Fatahian., 2018. Improving the efficiency of a Savonius vertical axis wind turbine using an optimum parameter. Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering (CRPASE), vol. 4, pp. 27-32.
F.R, Menter., 1994. Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications. AIAA journal, vol. 32, pp. 1598-1605.
P.K, Talukdar., A, Sardar., V, Kulkarni., U.K, Saha., 2018. Parametric analysis of model Savonius hydrokinetic turbines through experimental and computational investigations. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 158, pp. 36-49.
R.E, Sheldahl., B.F, Blackwell., L.V, Feltz., 1978. Wind tunnel performance data for two-and three-bucket Savonius rotors. Journal of Energy, vol. 2, pp. 160-164.
E, Kerikous., D. Thévenin., 2019. Optimal shape of thick blades for a hydraulic Savonius turbine. Renewable Energy, vol. 134, pp. 629-638.