Environmental investigation of some heavy elements in the intrusive mass of Soungoun copper mine in Varzaqan, North-West of Iran
Subject Areas :
Heavy metal
Ali Shahi
Mohammad Poosti
Gholamreza Ghadami
Mohammad Fadaeyan
1 - PhD student, Faculty of Science, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2022-11-14
Accepted : 2023-05-31
Published : 2023-10-23
Arasbaran biosphere reserve,
Heavy Metals,
Soungoun copper mine,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Among the most important environmental pollutants are heavy metals that enter the environment from industrial activities such as mining, fuel and energy production, the use of herbicides, cleaners, and urban waste production. The most important and valuable natural habitat in the study area is Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve. The purpose of this research is to determine the concentration of heavy elements in Soungoun copper mine, which have the potential of environmental pollution.Material and Methodology: The collected samples after preparation were analyzed by ICP-MS method. Then the geochemical data were statistically analyzed by software such as SPSS. Many univariate and multivariate calculations including: linear correlation, cluster analysis and factor analysis were performed on the database.Findings: Investigations show that the rocks of this area are enriched with elements Te, Mo, Cu, S, As, Sb, Bi, W, Ag, Tl, U, Sn and Pb. Among them, the enrichment of Te, Mo, Cu and S is very impressive. Three groups can be distinguished in the cluster analysis diagram: 1- Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Be, U, Tl, Co and Fe. 2- Bi, W, Ag, Sn, Cu and As. 3- Sb, Zn, Mn, Pb, Mo and Te. The highest correlation values are observed between Sc-Ti-V, Cr-Ni, Be-U, Co-Fe, Ag-Sn and Sb-Zn elements. The extracted grade of copper and molybdenum in Soungoun complex is 0.61% and 0.01%, respectively, while their average in the studied rocks is 0.73% and 0.0113%, respectively, which are close to each other.Discussion and Conclusion: The formation of sulphide minerals is a factor for the high amount of chalcophile elements in the intrusive mass rocks of Soungoun copper mine. Due to the fact that mining activities may cause the release of heavy and toxic elements into geochemical cycles, design is very important in the matter of extracting minerals and should be done with sensitivity and correct and accurate environmental assessment. Therefore, if the mining site is not restored, it will turn into polluted land and this pollution will cause many changes in the physicochemical properties and pH of the soil. Correct, efficient and dynamic management of the environment must be continuously applied to mining activities so that these activities do not deviate from the path of sustainable and healthy development.
Adami Ghamsari, Fatemeh, Hosseini, Farzaneh, khanafari, Anita, 2015, Isolation of Lipolytic Bacteria from Environmental Resources for Biodegradation Polysorbates in Industrial Wastewater, Bimonthly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Volume 22, Number 4.
Emami, Shermin, Khodadadi Darban, Ahmad, Jamshidi Zanjani, Ahmad, 2017, Investigating the removal of arsenic and cyanide from aqueous solutions using graphene nanocomposites, Tarbiat Modares University, Technical and Engineering Faculty.
Seyed Alipour, Seyedeh Fatemeh, Yousefi Kebria, Dariush, Dehestani, Mehdi, 2012, The use of cardboard factory waste in the production of lightweight concrete, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Fakharmanesh, Jafar & Naebi, Amir, 2016, Evaluation of effective factors on performance of phytoremediation of contaminated soils with heavy metals, 9th National Conference on Environmental Health.
Shahsavaripour, Nahid, TaheriAzad, Leila, Shahsavaripour, Mahmoud, NazemRoaya, Samira, 2015, Investigation of environmental effects caused by the presence of some heavy elements on soil quality, the first specialized conference on environmental engineering.
Bodnar, R. J., 1995, Fluid inclusion evidence for magmatic source of metals in porphyry copper deposits. Miner. Assoc. Canada, Short Course Series 23, 139–152.
Hedenquist, J. W., Lowenstern, J. B., 1994, The role of magmas in the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits. Nature 370, 519–527.
Belkin, H. E., De Vivo, B., Lima, A., and Torok, K., 1996, Magmatic silicate/saline/sulphur rich/ CO2 immiscibility and zirconium and REE enrichment from alkaline magma chamber margins evidence from Ponza island, Pontine archipelago, Italy. Eur. J. Miner. 8, 1401–1420.
De Vivo, B., Torok, K., Ayuso, R. A., Lima, A., and Lirer, L., 1995, Fluid inclusion evidence for magmatic silicate/saline/CO2 immiscibility and geochemistry of alkaline xenoliths from Ventotene island, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 2941–2953.
De Vivo, B., Lima, A., Kamenetsky, V. S., and Danyushevsky, L. V., 2006, Fluid and melt inclusions in the sub-volcanic environments from volcanic systems: Examples from the Neapolitan area and Pontine islands, In ‘‘Melt Inclusions in Plutonic Rocks’’ (J. D. Webster, ed.), pp. 211–237., Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course 36, Montreal, Quebec.
Fedele, L., Tarzia, M., Belkin, H. E., De Vivo, B., Lima, A., and Lowenstern, J. B., 2006, Magmatic hydrothermal fluid interaction and mineralization in alkali-syenite nodules from the Breccia Museo pyroclastic deposit, Naples, In ‘‘Volcanism in the Campania Plain: Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Ignimbrites’’ (B. De Vivo, ed.). Developments in Volcanology, 9, pp. 125–161. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tarzia, M., Lima, A., De Vivo, B., and Belkin, H. E., 1999, Uranium, zirconium and rare earth element enrichment in alkali syenite nodules from the Breccia Museo deposit, Naples, Geol. Soc. Amer. Annual Meeeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 31, n. 7, p. A-69.
Tarzia, M., De Vivo, B., Somma, R., Ayuso, R. A., McGill, R. A. R., & Parrish, R. R., 2002, Anthropogenic vs. natural pollution: An environmental study of an industrial site under remediation, Geochem. Explor. Environ. Anal. 2, 45–56.
Nelson L. Nemerow, Franklin J. Agardy, Patrick Sullivan, and Joseph A. Salvato, 2009, Environmental Engineering: Prevention and Response to Water-, Food-, Soil-, And Air-Borne Disease and Illness, Sixth Edition Edited by Copyright © 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-470-08304-8.
Benedetto De Vivo, Harvey E. Belkin, Annamaria Lima, 2008, Environmental Geochemistry, Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories, 429 p.
Marci Bortman, Peter Brimblecombe, Mary Ann Cunningham, William P. Cunningham, & William Freedman, 2003, Environmental Encyclopedia, Third Edition, 1641 p.
Shahi, Ali, Aftabi, Alijan, 2013, Investigation on the toxic and heavy elements in waste rocks at Soungoun porphyry copper mine, Master's thesis, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 316 p.
Shahi, Ali, Aftabi, Alijan, Esmaeilzadeh, Esmat, mazaheri, nader, Sheikhfakhradini, Sara, 2012, Environmental impact assessment of heavy metals in the waste rocks of Soungoun mine, 31st meeting of earth sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Khoi, N., Ghorbani, M., TajBakhsh, P., 1378, Copper deposits in Iran, publications of geological survey & exploration of Iran, 421 p.
Calagari, A., A., 2004, Fluid inclusion studies in quartz veinlets in the porphyry copper deposit at Sungun, east-azarbaidjan, iran, Journal of Asian Earth Science, V.23, pp.179-189.
Stocklin, J., Setudenia, A., 1991, Stratigraphic lexicon of Iran, Geological Survey of Iran, Report NO. 18, 376 p.
Aghajari, Jhaleh, Abdolahi Sharif, Jafar, Nourizadeh, Hadi, 2012, Investigating the feasibility of changing the wastewater disposal method of Soungoun copper processing plant from the current system to the PPSM method, Urmia University, Technical and Engineering Faculty.
Hoseinzadeh, MohammadReza, Alavi, SeyedGhafour, Moayed, Mohsen, 2013, Petrography and petrology of the porphyry mass of Songun copper deposit and post-mineralization dykes, with an attitude on accompanying skarn (North Varzaqan-East Azerbaijan), Petrology, 5(17), pp. 17-32.
Aghazadeh, Azizeh, Moore, Farid, 2009, Biogeochemistry and origin of selenium, arsenic and mercury elements in the deposit and ecosystem of the Soungoun copper system, Master's thesis, Shiraz University, 248 pages.
Rahimi, Erfan, 2016, Investigation of mining process in Soungoun copper mine, National Conference of Engineering Sciences.
Asghari, O., Hezarkhani, A., Soltani, F., 2009, The comparison of alteration zones in the Soungoun porphyry copper deposit, Iran (based on fluid inclusion studies), Acta Geologica Polonica, V. 59, pp. 93 – 109.
Mehrpartou, M., AminiFazl, A., Radfar, J., 1992, Geological map of one hundred thousand sheet of Varzaqan along with report, number 5367, Geological survey & exploration of Iran.
Hezarkhani, A., 2006, Petrology of the intrusive rocks within the Soungoun Porphyry Copper Deposit, Azerbaijan, Iran, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V. 28, pp. 409 – 422.
Tabatabai-Rezaei, M.D., Aftabi, A., 2001, geochemical investigation on the exploratory significance of lithogeochemical halos in Soungoun porphyry (copper-molybdenum)-skarn (copper-silver-gold) mine, Ahar, Azerbaijan, Master's thesis in Economic Geology, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, 400 p.
EsmailNejad, A., Delshad, M., 2006, Analysis of geochemical data of Soungoun porphyry copper deposit, 5th Mining Engineering Student Conference, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
Daya, AliAkbar, 2018, Geological studies, modeling and estimation of copper grade in Sungun ore deposit by use of statistical based methods, The 10th National Conference of the Economic Geology Association of Iran.
Stocklin J, Setudehnia A, 1972, Lexique Stratigraphique International Volume III, ASIE centnational de la Recherche scientifique. 15 quai Anodle-France 75 (Paris-VII). Geological Survey of Iran, Report no. 18, second edition, 376 pp.
Faridi, Ebrahim, ValizadehKamran, Khalil, Rezvani, Mohammad, 2017, Ecological land capability evaluation of Arasbaran protected area using Boolean multi-criteria evaluation method and weighted linear combination techniques in Geographic Information System, Environmental Science and Technology Quarterly, 20(3), pp. 127-141.
Mehrpartou, M., 1993, Contributions to the geology, geochemistry, ore genesis and fluid inclusion investigation on Soungoun Cu – Mo porphyry deposit, North-west of Iran, Doctoral thesis, Hamburg University, 245 p.
Mehrpartou, M., 1996, Geological map of varzaghan (1:100000). Geol. Surv. Of Iran, World Metal statistics, 1996-published by Bureau of Metal statistics, USA.
Levinson, A.A., 1980, Introduction to exploration geochemistry, Second Edition, Applied Publishing Company Ltd., 924 p.
Adami Ghamsari, Fatemeh, Hosseini, Farzaneh, khanafari, Anita, 2015, Isolation of Lipolytic Bacteria from Environmental Resources for Biodegradation Polysorbates in Industrial Wastewater, Bimonthly Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Volume 22, Number 4.
Emami, Shermin, Khodadadi Darban, Ahmad, Jamshidi Zanjani, Ahmad, 2017, Investigating the removal of arsenic and cyanide from aqueous solutions using graphene nanocomposites, Tarbiat Modares University, Technical and Engineering Faculty.
Seyed Alipour, Seyedeh Fatemeh, Yousefi Kebria, Dariush, Dehestani, Mehdi, 2012, The use of cardboard factory waste in the production of lightweight concrete, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Fakharmanesh, Jafar & Naebi, Amir, 2016, Evaluation of effective factors on performance of phytoremediation of contaminated soils with heavy metals, 9th National Conference on Environmental Health.
Shahsavaripour, Nahid, TaheriAzad, Leila, Shahsavaripour, Mahmoud, NazemRoaya, Samira, 2015, Investigation of environmental effects caused by the presence of some heavy elements on soil quality, the first specialized conference on environmental engineering.
Bodnar, R. J., 1995, Fluid inclusion evidence for magmatic source of metals in porphyry copper deposits. Miner. Assoc. Canada, Short Course Series 23, 139–152.
Hedenquist, J. W., Lowenstern, J. B., 1994, The role of magmas in the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits. Nature 370, 519–527.
Belkin, H. E., De Vivo, B., Lima, A., and Torok, K., 1996, Magmatic silicate/saline/sulphur rich/ CO2 immiscibility and zirconium and REE enrichment from alkaline magma chamber margins evidence from Ponza island, Pontine archipelago, Italy. Eur. J. Miner. 8, 1401–1420.
De Vivo, B., Torok, K., Ayuso, R. A., Lima, A., and Lirer, L., 1995, Fluid inclusion evidence for magmatic silicate/saline/CO2 immiscibility and geochemistry of alkaline xenoliths from Ventotene island, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 2941–2953.
De Vivo, B., Lima, A., Kamenetsky, V. S., and Danyushevsky, L. V., 2006, Fluid and melt inclusions in the sub-volcanic environments from volcanic systems: Examples from the Neapolitan area and Pontine islands, In ‘‘Melt Inclusions in Plutonic Rocks’’ (J. D. Webster, ed.), pp. 211–237., Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course 36, Montreal, Quebec.
Fedele, L., Tarzia, M., Belkin, H. E., De Vivo, B., Lima, A., and Lowenstern, J. B., 2006, Magmatic hydrothermal fluid interaction and mineralization in alkali-syenite nodules from the Breccia Museo pyroclastic deposit, Naples, In ‘‘Volcanism in the Campania Plain: Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Ignimbrites’’ (B. De Vivo, ed.). Developments in Volcanology, 9, pp. 125–161. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tarzia, M., Lima, A., De Vivo, B., and Belkin, H. E., 1999, Uranium, zirconium and rare earth element enrichment in alkali syenite nodules from the Breccia Museo deposit, Naples, Geol. Soc. Amer. Annual Meeeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 31, n. 7, p. A-69.
Tarzia, M., De Vivo, B., Somma, R., Ayuso, R. A., McGill, R. A. R., & Parrish, R. R., 2002, Anthropogenic vs. natural pollution: An environmental study of an industrial site under remediation, Geochem. Explor. Environ. Anal. 2, 45–56.
Nelson L. Nemerow, Franklin J. Agardy, Patrick Sullivan, and Joseph A. Salvato, 2009, Environmental Engineering: Prevention and Response to Water-, Food-, Soil-, And Air-Borne Disease and Illness, Sixth Edition Edited by Copyright © 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-470-08304-8.
Benedetto De Vivo, Harvey E. Belkin, Annamaria Lima, 2008, Environmental Geochemistry, Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories, 429 p.
Marci Bortman, Peter Brimblecombe, Mary Ann Cunningham, William P. Cunningham, & William Freedman, 2003, Environmental Encyclopedia, Third Edition, 1641 p.
Shahi, Ali, Aftabi, Alijan, 2013, Investigation on the toxic and heavy elements in waste rocks at Soungoun porphyry copper mine, Master's thesis, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 316 p.
Shahi, Ali, Aftabi, Alijan, Esmaeilzadeh, Esmat, mazaheri, nader, Sheikhfakhradini, Sara, 2012, Environmental impact assessment of heavy metals in the waste rocks of Soungoun mine, 31st meeting of earth sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Khoi, N., Ghorbani, M., TajBakhsh, P., 1378, Copper deposits in Iran, publications of geological survey & exploration of Iran, 421 p.
Calagari, A., A., 2004, Fluid inclusion studies in quartz veinlets in the porphyry copper deposit at Sungun, east-azarbaidjan, iran, Journal of Asian Earth Science, V.23, pp.179-189.
Stocklin, J., Setudenia, A., 1991, Stratigraphic lexicon of Iran, Geological Survey of Iran, Report NO. 18, 376 p.
Aghajari, Jhaleh, Abdolahi Sharif, Jafar, Nourizadeh, Hadi, 2012, Investigating the feasibility of changing the wastewater disposal method of Soungoun copper processing plant from the current system to the PPSM method, Urmia University, Technical and Engineering Faculty.
Hoseinzadeh, MohammadReza, Alavi, SeyedGhafour, Moayed, Mohsen, 2013, Petrography and petrology of the porphyry mass of Songun copper deposit and post-mineralization dykes, with an attitude on accompanying skarn (North Varzaqan-East Azerbaijan), Petrology, 5(17), pp. 17-32.
Aghazadeh, Azizeh, Moore, Farid, 2009, Biogeochemistry and origin of selenium, arsenic and mercury elements in the deposit and ecosystem of the Soungoun copper system, Master's thesis, Shiraz University, 248 pages.
Rahimi, Erfan, 2016, Investigation of mining process in Soungoun copper mine, National Conference of Engineering Sciences.
Asghari, O., Hezarkhani, A., Soltani, F., 2009, The comparison of alteration zones in the Soungoun porphyry copper deposit, Iran (based on fluid inclusion studies), Acta Geologica Polonica, V. 59, pp. 93 – 109.
Mehrpartou, M., AminiFazl, A., Radfar, J., 1992, Geological map of one hundred thousand sheet of Varzaqan along with report, number 5367, Geological survey & exploration of Iran.
Hezarkhani, A., 2006, Petrology of the intrusive rocks within the Soungoun Porphyry Copper Deposit, Azerbaijan, Iran, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V. 28, pp. 409 – 422.
Tabatabai-Rezaei, M.D., Aftabi, A., 2001, geochemical investigation on the exploratory significance of lithogeochemical halos in Soungoun porphyry (copper-molybdenum)-skarn (copper-silver-gold) mine, Ahar, Azerbaijan, Master's thesis in Economic Geology, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, 400 p.
EsmailNejad, A., Delshad, M., 2006, Analysis of geochemical data of Soungoun porphyry copper deposit, 5th Mining Engineering Student Conference, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
Daya, AliAkbar, 2018, Geological studies, modeling and estimation of copper grade in Sungun ore deposit by use of statistical based methods, The 10th National Conference of the Economic Geology Association of Iran.
Stocklin J, Setudehnia A, 1972, Lexique Stratigraphique International Volume III, ASIE centnational de la Recherche scientifique. 15 quai Anodle-France 75 (Paris-VII). Geological Survey of Iran, Report no. 18, second edition, 376 pp.
Faridi, Ebrahim, ValizadehKamran, Khalil, Rezvani, Mohammad, 2017, Ecological land capability evaluation of Arasbaran protected area using Boolean multi-criteria evaluation method and weighted linear combination techniques in Geographic Information System, Environmental Science and Technology Quarterly, 20(3), pp. 127-141.
Mehrpartou, M., 1993, Contributions to the geology, geochemistry, ore genesis and fluid inclusion investigation on Soungoun Cu – Mo porphyry deposit, North-west of Iran, Doctoral thesis, Hamburg University, 245 p.
Mehrpartou, M., 1996, Geological map of varzaghan (1:100000). Geol. Surv. Of Iran, World Metal statistics, 1996-published by Bureau of Metal statistics, USA.
Levinson, A.A., 1980, Introduction to exploration geochemistry, Second Edition, Applied Publishing Company Ltd., 924 p.