Mathematical Analysis regarding Nasir Ol Molk Mosque Mosque Based on Environmental Psychology
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanism
Nima Shahmohammadi
reza babakhani
1 - M.Arch Student, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD Student, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Nasir Ol Molk Mosque, color psychology,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The architecture of mosques and buildings that are associated with conscious perception, mentality and sensibility of the audience they address, requires more awareness about the provocative factors in these spaces. Nasir Ol Molk Mosque which is one of the example designs contributing psychological refinement as well as tension reduction, makes it vital to analyze information and data related to the mentioned places.Material and Methodology: The present study has divided Nassir Ol Molk’s space into multiple zones in order to have a deeper understanding of dominant color tones of the area. Consequently, every individual orsi has encountered thirteen levels of evaluation. Due to the high volume of collected data, it was not feasible to analyze datasets by conventional methods. Hence the research method in this study is based on Python coding along working with Artificial Intelligence algorithms.Findings: After gathering data followed by applying complex statistical calculations, the colors in orsies were converted to codes for analysis. subsequently, a database founded on the matrix of numbers in the form of RGB color codes, was constructed for each orsi.Discussion and Conclusion: In conclusion, it should be noted that the mean and variance of the calculated color numbers represent distinctive colors in different parts of the mosque. Furthermore, based on the extracted information, a table along with the mosque's color plan was generated. Additionally, the correlation of colors was measured and results indicate a positive connection along with consistency in the selected colors.