Analysis of space inequalities focused on house quality indices (Case study: Ardebil urban regions)
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanism
ata Ghaffari Gilandeh
hosein nazmfar
alirezza mohammadi
Parvin dadazade silabi
1 - Associate Prof. Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mohaghegh ardabili, Ardabi, Iran.
2 - Associate Prof. Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mohaghegh ardabili, Ardabi, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof. Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mohaghegh ardabili, Ardabi, Iran.
4 - Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mohaghegh ardabili, Ardabi, Iran. *(Corresponding Authors)
Keywords: Spatial statistical, Ardebil city, Spatial inequalities, housing quality,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Housing is one of real phenomenon and primary subjects that human always face with and he/she is trying to it’s transition and finding proper , rational response for it. Currently , presented subject about housing at world level relate to deficiency and shortage of housing and resident units and also discussions about resident and housing units quality don’t regard in some places approximately. It is regarded for housing and resident planning in every city and finding housing quality space measurement response is one of basic requirements. So , the aim and purpose of current research is measuring housing indices space inequalities at Ardebil city in order to implementation correct and better planning for housing part. Method: Current research is applied according to aim& purpose and it is analytical- descriptive based on nature and used methodology. Requirement data were extracted from Ardebil city statistical data blocks at 1390. Research statistical society in Ardebil city at 1390 include statistical blocks. To investigation of inequality position of housing quality indices and recognition of space pattern , inequality development ; we have been used spatial statistical models , Hot Spot analysis, Morans I spatial auto- correlation in Arc/GIS software. Findings: According to implemented studies , Ardebil city blocks are located in inequality position based on housing quality indices and also districts , regions and sectors which they are located on Northwest and Western parts ; have improper situation about housing quality indices , but central and southern sectors of this city have proper position in mentioned subject.. Discussion and Conclusion: Housing quality indices with inequality distribution pattern in Ardebil city study by clustering method and also there is significant relationship between housing quality and social classes in this city. It is necessary to regard urban planning , housing plans in Ardebil city and Northern , Northwest ( Urban –Rural tissue) parts and they need more pay attention.
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- Maliene, V. Natalie, D., Begum, S. Naglis, M (2012), Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Sustainable Communities in the North West of England, Challenges 2012, 3, 133-152; doi:10.3390/challe3020133.
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- Meshkini, A., Elyaszadeh, SN., Zabetian, E. (2013). Evaluating the location of Mehr Housing Projects with a Physical-Environmental Approach Using the AHP Model (Case Study: Yazd Province), Urban Studies Quarterly, Vol 2,Pp: 57-70. (In Persian)
- Bonyaddasht, A., (2012). Investigation of the physical effects of housing loans on rural areas development Case study: Behmi County, MSc., Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian)
- Sajdi Gheydari, H., Sadeghlou, T., Mahmoudi, H., (2014). Evaluation and Analysis of the Quality of Housing in Rural Areas, Case Study: Kenwist Village of Mashhad, Journal of Rural Planning and Research, 4(1). (In Persian)
- Khalubagheri, M., (2013), Confronting spatial inequality while using planning based on improving the quality of life: Tehran 13th District, Quarterly Journal of Management and Economics, Vol 1, Pp: 49-67. (In Persian)
- Ardebil Governor's Office (2012), Statistics of Cities, Sample Province: Study of Ardebil City and its Developments. (In Persian)
- Florida, R. L. (2004), Cities and the creative class, London: Rutledge.
- Yousefi, A., Vershoy, S., (2011). Social Inequality in the City of Mashhad, Estimation of Inequalities in Income and Education in the Area of the City, Iranian Journal of Social Studies, 4(4), Pp: 152-183. (In Persian)
- Chen, W, Sun, J. (2006). “Sociological Perspectives on Urban China: Form Familiar Territories to Complex Terrains”, China Information, 20(3): 519 -551.
- Nikpour, A., Malekshahi, Gh, Rezghi, F. (2017). Spatial Analysis and Analysis of Social Inequalities in Urban Areas with a Dense City Approach Case Study: Babol City, Urban Studies Quarterly, 4(16), Pp: 27-38. (In Persian)
- Lobao, L. M., Hooks, G., & Tickamyer, A. R., (2007). The sociology of spatial inequality. New York:State University of New York Press.
- Harvey, D. (2009). Social Justice and the City (Rev. ed.). Athens & London: The University of Georgia Press.
- Lotfi, S., Kheyrkhah, Z., Kouchekzadeh, M., (2016), Analyzing and Prioritizing the Quality of Housing in Sample Urban Samples: Neka Towns, Geography Quarterly and Urban Planning of Zagros Landscape, 7(25), Pp: 51-71. (In Persian)
- Lawrence, R. J. (1995) Housing quality: an agenda for research. Urban Studies, 32(10),
1655-1664. - Usuzi, A., (1997). Housing Quality Assessment Model, Case Study of the Exterior of Istanbul, Translation by Khorshid Dost, A., Mohammadzadeh, R. Quarterly journal of geographic research, Vol (43). Pp: 119-134. (In Persian)
- Filali, R. (2012). Housing conditions in Tunisia: the quantity-quality mismatch. Journal of
Housing and the Built Environment, 27(3), 317-347. - Evans, G. W., Wells, N. M., Chan, H. Y. E., & Saltzman, H. (2000). Housing quality and
mental health. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 68(3), 526 - Herrin, W. E., Amaral, M. M., & Balihuta, A. M. (2013) the relationships between housing
quality and occupant health in Uganda. Social Science & Medicine, 81, 115-122. - Adjei, P. O. W., & Kyei, P. O. (2013). Linkages between income, housing quality and disease occurrence in rural Ghana. Journal of housing and the built environment, 28(1), 35- 49.
- Habib, R. R., Yassin, N., Ghanawi, J., Haddad, P., & Mahfoud, Z. (2011) Double jeopardy:
assessing the association between internal displacement, housing quality and chronic illness
in a low-income neighborhood. Journal of Public Health, 19(2), 171-182. - Sajjadi, Zh., Kanuni, R., Khavarian, AR., Firuzi, E., (2017), Measuring the development of Ardebil province cities in terms of housing quality indicators, Regional Planning Quarterly, 6(23), Pp: 31-44: (In Persian)
- Hakimi, H., Zadvali, F., Zadvali, SH., (2017), Study of the relationship between the quality of housing and the psychological capital in informal settlements, Case study: Yousefabad neighborhood of Tabriz, Geography and Urban Planning Research, 4(1), Pp: 117-130, (In Persian)
- Ziari, KA., Mansurian, H., Sattari, MH. (2016). Spatial distribution of housing quality indices in Tehran: exploratory analysis of spatial data, Spatial Planning Scientific Journal 5(2), Pp: 75-92. , (In Persian)
- Ebrahimzadeh, I., Ghadermarzi, J., (2016), An Analysis on the Quality of Housing in Urban Sites A Way to Improve the Quality of Life of Citizens, A Case Study of Dehgolan Townships, Geography and Development, 13(40), Pp: 139-156, (In Persian)
- Emmanuel, J.B (2012), The Quality of Housing Produced by the Low Income in a Developing Country: A case study in Ibadan, Nigeria, Asian ournal Of Environment-Behavour Studies, Volume 4, Number 11, January/February, 2013 :1-14
- Maliene, V. Natalie, D., Begum, S. Naglis, M (2012), Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Sustainable Communities in the North West of England, Challenges 2012, 3, 133-152; doi:10.3390/challe3020133.
- Asgari, A. (2012). ArcGIS Space Statistics Analysis, Tehran Municipality's Information and Communication Technology Organization, First Edition. , (In Persian)