Analysis of morphodynamic changes of landforms in riverbed kalshour in the shirAhmad protected area in Sabzevar With an environmental perspective
Subject Areas :
River Basin Environment
ebrahim taghavi moghadam
elahe akbari
Ali akbar Ehsanzadeh
1 - Ph.D Student of Geomorphology, Department of climatology and Geomorphology, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Ph.D Student of remote sensing in Tehran University and Faculty of Geography, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
3 - M.Sc Student of Geomorphology, Department of climatology and Geomorphology, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Received: 2016-02-07
Accepted : 2016-10-19
Published : 2020-09-22
Maximum Likelihood,
Remote sensing,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Knowledge of the characteristics of morphodynamic river systems, Landform and its evolution as one of the most vital components of the Earth's surface that In many studies and projects, including the flood control, watershed studies, and environmental hydrology of the basic requirements for environmental planners. This study aimed to evaluate the changes of landforms and the KalShour riverbed in protected area ShirAhmad is Sabzevar emphasis on environmental considerations.
Method: in the Research using topographic map and satellite images of Landsat, years 1988, 2000 and 2015. For this purpose, was determined changes kaleshor of riverbed and morphodinamic landform changes occurred in the study period of 27 years and Using maximum likelihood map landforms and account for the years of research and changes in any areas identified and analyzed and assessed.
Findings: Calculations show that the rivers in the region of 8.1 km2 kalshour shorter and less meandering, and become more the radius of the circle is tangent to any show that has become curved meander pattern to direct arterial. The map Landforms has changed was produced with maximum likelihood and overall accuracy0.78 and kappa coefficient 0.84.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results show a large changes of sand dunes and vegetation especially .Based on the results, because of having high groundwater levels and also enter wastewater Sabzevar and.31.5 km2 of sand dunes volume reduction and conversion to fields Tamarix hispida and forest Tamarix. This issue is for the benefit of the natural landscape and on the other hand depletes water resources and soil and adverse impact on animal life protected area's Shirahmd that require special strategic programs in order to preserve natural heritage and sustainable development.
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- Jafari, Sh, Alizadeh Shabani, A Danehkar, A, Nazari Samani, A A, 2012, Assessing the trend of residential land use change in protected areas (Case study: Jajroud Protected Area), Second National Conference on Health, Environment and Development stable, Bandar Abbas. (In Persian)
- Majnonian, AH, 1979, Instructions for preparing a management plan for protected areas, Publications of the Management and Planning Organization of the country, No. 1 publication. 144 p.
- Karimi b, Sharafi S, Maghsodi, M, karimi S, soltani SH, 2012. The effect of morphotectonic factors on erosion and change of longitudinal profile of river using the mathematical functions (Case Study: Alvand River in the West Kermanshah Province). Environmental Erosion Research.. 2012; 2 (2):73-95. (In Persian)
- Yamani, M., Hassanzadeh M., 2002. Study of changing the pattern of Talar river in the coastal plain of the Caspian Sea Natural Geographical Research No. 43 pp. 109-122. (In Persian)
- Vikrant Jain, R. Sinha, 2004, Fluvial dynamics of an anbranching river system in Himalayan foreland basin, Baghmati river, north Bihar plains, India, Geomorphology, Volume 60, Issues 1–2, Pages 147-170.
Khatibi, B.M, 2006," investigation on Causes of Creation and Development of Meanders in Mountainous Vallyies", Roshde Geography, no75. (In Persian) Katherine S. Willis 2015 Remote sensing change detection for ecological monitoring in United States protected areas Conservation Volume, February 2015, Pages 233–242.
Rabiee, H. 2004 Application of Remote Sensing in Natural Resources, University of Tehran Press. (In Persian)
Sabzevar Environment Organization 1392, Natural Resources Department. (In Persian)
Anderson, J., Hady, R., Roach, E. and Wetter, R.E. 1976. A Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, pp.80.
Kamusoko, C., Aniya, M 2006, land use/Cover Change and Landscape Fragmentation Analysis in the Bindura District Zimbabwe, Land Degradation & Development, 221-233.
Ashraf, D. Yamaguchi, Y. 2009 Land use and land cover change in Greater Dhaka, Bangladesh: Using remote sensing to promote sustainable urbanization, Applied Geography Volume 29, Issue 3, July 2009, Pages 390–401.
Miriam ,w and Taylor V. Stein 2010 Modeling social and land-use/land-cover change data to assess drivers of smallholder deforestation in Belize, Applied Geography, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2010, Pages 329–342.
Wohlfart ,ch, G, Liu. Ch, Huang and Claudia Kuenzer 2016 A River Basin over the Course of Time: Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin (China) Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data, Remote Sens. 2016, 8(3), 186; doi:10.3390/rs8030186.
zebardast, L., jafari, H., badehyan, Z., asheghmoala, M. (2011). Assessment of the Trend of Changes in Land Cover of Arasbaran Protected Area Using Satellite Images of 2002, 2006 and 2008. Environmental Researches, 1(1), 23-33. (In Persian)
Rahdari, V, Maleki Najafabadi, S, Afsari, K, Abtin, E, Piri, Halimeh, F, (2011). Monitoring land use change and land cover of Hamoon Wildlife Sanctuary, during the years 1986 to 2009 using satellite images and GIS. Remote Sensing and GIS Iran, 3 (2). (In Persian)
Arshad, P., Murid S., Mirabolghasemi2007, Investigation of the Morphological Changes of Rivers Using Remote Sensing (Case Study of Karun River from Gotvand to Farsiat (1369-82), Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Volume 14, Number 6, pp. 180-194. (In Persian)
Ghanavati, E., Firouzabadi, P. Z., Jangi, A. A. and Khosravi, S. 2008 M onitoring geomorphologic changes using Landsat TM and ETM+ data in the Hendijan River delta, southwest Iran," International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 29 Issue 4, February 2008,Pages 945-959. (In Persian)
Yamani M, Elmizadeh, Maghsoudi M, Moghimi A, Lamenter. Investigation of torsional changes and instability of riverbeds in the northern plain of the Strait of Hormuz. Planning and arranging space. 1389; 14 (4): 215-232. (In Persian)
mahdavi, A., fathizad, H., Shataee, S. (2015). Evaluation and analysis of different changes detection methods of land use/vegetation cover (case Study: Forest protected area of Manesht, Ilam). Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 21(4), 187-210. (In Persian)
Soltanian, Q 2014 Evaluating the trend of land use change in Oshtrankooh Protected Area between 1989 and 2005, Quarterly Journal of New Technologies in Environmental Engineering and Renewable Resources No. 1 Summer 2014. (In Persian)
Omidvar, D., Narangifard, M., Abbasi, H. (2015). Detecting the Changes of land uses and vegetation cover using remote sensing in Yasooj city. Geography and Territorial Spatial Arrangement, 5(16), 111-126. doi: 10.22111/gaij.2015.2166. (In Persian)
Moradi, A., Jafari, M., Arzani, H., Ebrahimi, M. (2016). Assessment of land use changes into dry land using satellite images and Geographical information system (GIS). Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 7(1), 89-100. (In Persian)
Lillesand ,TM and Kiefer, r.w, 2001, remote sensing and image interparation 4th ed,jhon wiley ,and sonsinc usa.2001 isbn0471255157,London.
Alavi Panah, S.K., 484, Application of Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences, University of Tehran Press. (In Persian)
Rasooli, A. A. 2008 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Tabriz University Press. (In Persian)
Tso. B. and P.M. Mather, 2009, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data. Chapter3 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis Pub., America.
- Coppin, P I. Jonckheere, K. Nackaerts, B. Muys. 2004, Digital change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review. Remote Sensing, VOL. 25, NO. 9, 1565–1596.
- Jafari, Sh, Alizadeh Shabani, A Danehkar, A, Nazari Samani, A A, 2012, Assessing the trend of residential land use change in protected areas (Case study: Jajroud Protected Area), Second National Conference on Health, Environment and Development stable, Bandar Abbas. (In Persian)
- Majnonian, AH, 1979, Instructions for preparing a management plan for protected areas, Publications of the Management and Planning Organization of the country, No. 1 publication. 144 p.
- Karimi b, Sharafi S, Maghsodi, M, karimi S, soltani SH, 2012. The effect of morphotectonic factors on erosion and change of longitudinal profile of river using the mathematical functions (Case Study: Alvand River in the West Kermanshah Province). Environmental Erosion Research.. 2012; 2 (2):73-95. (In Persian)
- Yamani, M., Hassanzadeh M., 2002. Study of changing the pattern of Talar river in the coastal plain of the Caspian Sea Natural Geographical Research No. 43 pp. 109-122. (In Persian)
- Vikrant Jain, R. Sinha, 2004, Fluvial dynamics of an anbranching river system in Himalayan foreland basin, Baghmati river, north Bihar plains, India, Geomorphology, Volume 60, Issues 1–2, Pages 147-170.
Khatibi, B.M, 2006," investigation on Causes of Creation and Development of Meanders in Mountainous Vallyies", Roshde Geography, no75. (In Persian) Katherine S. Willis 2015 Remote sensing change detection for ecological monitoring in United States protected areas Conservation Volume, February 2015, Pages 233–242.
Rabiee, H. 2004 Application of Remote Sensing in Natural Resources, University of Tehran Press. (In Persian)
Sabzevar Environment Organization 1392, Natural Resources Department. (In Persian)
Anderson, J., Hady, R., Roach, E. and Wetter, R.E. 1976. A Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, pp.80.
Kamusoko, C., Aniya, M 2006, land use/Cover Change and Landscape Fragmentation Analysis in the Bindura District Zimbabwe, Land Degradation & Development, 221-233.
Ashraf, D. Yamaguchi, Y. 2009 Land use and land cover change in Greater Dhaka, Bangladesh: Using remote sensing to promote sustainable urbanization, Applied Geography Volume 29, Issue 3, July 2009, Pages 390–401.
Miriam ,w and Taylor V. Stein 2010 Modeling social and land-use/land-cover change data to assess drivers of smallholder deforestation in Belize, Applied Geography, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2010, Pages 329–342.
Wohlfart ,ch, G, Liu. Ch, Huang and Claudia Kuenzer 2016 A River Basin over the Course of Time: Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin (China) Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data, Remote Sens. 2016, 8(3), 186; doi:10.3390/rs8030186.
zebardast, L., jafari, H., badehyan, Z., asheghmoala, M. (2011). Assessment of the Trend of Changes in Land Cover of Arasbaran Protected Area Using Satellite Images of 2002, 2006 and 2008. Environmental Researches, 1(1), 23-33. (In Persian)
Rahdari, V, Maleki Najafabadi, S, Afsari, K, Abtin, E, Piri, Halimeh, F, (2011). Monitoring land use change and land cover of Hamoon Wildlife Sanctuary, during the years 1986 to 2009 using satellite images and GIS. Remote Sensing and GIS Iran, 3 (2). (In Persian)
Arshad, P., Murid S., Mirabolghasemi2007, Investigation of the Morphological Changes of Rivers Using Remote Sensing (Case Study of Karun River from Gotvand to Farsiat (1369-82), Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Volume 14, Number 6, pp. 180-194. (In Persian)
Ghanavati, E., Firouzabadi, P. Z., Jangi, A. A. and Khosravi, S. 2008 M onitoring geomorphologic changes using Landsat TM and ETM+ data in the Hendijan River delta, southwest Iran," International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 29 Issue 4, February 2008,Pages 945-959. (In Persian)
Yamani M, Elmizadeh, Maghsoudi M, Moghimi A, Lamenter. Investigation of torsional changes and instability of riverbeds in the northern plain of the Strait of Hormuz. Planning and arranging space. 1389; 14 (4): 215-232. (In Persian)
mahdavi, A., fathizad, H., Shataee, S. (2015). Evaluation and analysis of different changes detection methods of land use/vegetation cover (case Study: Forest protected area of Manesht, Ilam). Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 21(4), 187-210. (In Persian)
Soltanian, Q 2014 Evaluating the trend of land use change in Oshtrankooh Protected Area between 1989 and 2005, Quarterly Journal of New Technologies in Environmental Engineering and Renewable Resources No. 1 Summer 2014. (In Persian)
Omidvar, D., Narangifard, M., Abbasi, H. (2015). Detecting the Changes of land uses and vegetation cover using remote sensing in Yasooj city. Geography and Territorial Spatial Arrangement, 5(16), 111-126. doi: 10.22111/gaij.2015.2166. (In Persian)
Moradi, A., Jafari, M., Arzani, H., Ebrahimi, M. (2016). Assessment of land use changes into dry land using satellite images and Geographical information system (GIS). Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 7(1), 89-100. (In Persian)
Lillesand ,TM and Kiefer, r.w, 2001, remote sensing and image interparation 4th ed,jhon wiley ,and sonsinc usa.2001 isbn0471255157,London.
Alavi Panah, S.K., 484, Application of Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences, University of Tehran Press. (In Persian)
Rasooli, A. A. 2008 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Tabriz University Press. (In Persian)
Tso. B. and P.M. Mather, 2009, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data. Chapter3 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis Pub., America.