The Role of Legal and Criminal Safeguards in Supporting Private Urban Green Space
Subject Areas : environmental low
shirin shirazian
mohammad shahpari
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - M.Sc., Student of Environmental Law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran *(Correspondence Author)
Keywords: Legal and Criminal Guarantees , urban green space, Environmental rights,
Abstract :
The context and purpose of laws and regulations has always been one of the most important and effective tools of governments to preserve the fundamental values of society; Thus, since the 1972 Stockholm Conference, environmental values have been defined as one of the fundamental values of human society. All countries are required to develop safeguards to protect the environment. One of the important components of the environment is vegetation, which is known in cities as urban green space. In Iran, several environmental laws have been developed at various levels, including legal, criminal, administrative and regulations. Therefore, laws and regulations are set and developed as tools of urban decision-making structure in order to protect and preserve these spaces in order to achieve the goals of urban sustainability and environmental justice.The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical which has been tried to collect laws, regulations related to the preservation and development of urban green space and also to identify challenges, gaps and shortcomings in the implementation and legal maintenance and development of urban green spaces and its privacy, take action. One of the most important laws in the field of urban green space is the bill on protection and expansion of green space in cities (approved in 1980) and the law amending the law on protection and expansion of green space in cities (approved in 2009). In order to preserve and develop urban green spaces, these laws have resorted to some legal and more criminal enforcement guarantees.The results of this study indicate that the laws and regulations related to green space in Iran are old and have many gaps and criticisms and in some cases it seems that it cannot meet the support needs as well as the development and maintenance of urban green space.
Iravani, Mohammadjafar, (1384), When the law is difficult, there is a critique of the legislation on green space, Mahnameh Payame sabz, sal5, NO43.23-26 (Persian)
Iravani, Mohammadjafar, (1384), When the law is difficult, there is a critique of the legislation on green space, Mahnameh Payame sabz, sal5, NO43.23-26 (Persian)