Sub-Lethal Effects of Exposure to Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on Growth Indices and Body Biochemical Composition of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio)
Subject Areas : Water and Environmenthasan sahraei 1 * , Seyyed Abbas Hoseini 2 , Seyyed Aliakbar Hedayati 3 , Rasoul Ghorbani 4
1 - Ph.D., Student, Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran.*(Corresponding Author(
2 - Professor, Department of Fisheries, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Associate Prof., Dept. of Fisheries, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
4 - Associate Prof., Dept. of Fisheries, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
Keywords: Copper oxide nanoparticles, Common Carp, Carcass Biochemical Composition, specific growth rate,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Due to the increasing use of nanoparticles in human activities, as well as its role in reducing the adverse effects of heavy metals on living organisms, at this study the effects of sub-lethal concentrations of copper nanoparticles were discussed on growth factors and biochemical composition carcass of common carp. Method: 82 carp with an average weight of 42 ± 2 g was prepared and after adaptation for the laboratory condition, were exposed at 42 days at three treatments (10, 40, 80 ppm) and three replicates respectively, also a control group were prepared with three replications under the affect of sub-lethal concentrations of copper oxide nanoparticles. Findings: Analysis of growth indices showed that all growth indices had significantly different (P<0/05) with metal treatments in compared to the control group. So the control group had the highest average body weight, percent of body weight, SGR rate, and feed conversion efficiency with averaging 2.93. The lowest specific growth rate and the highest rate of conversion were related to the treatment number three (80 ppm), respectively. The amount of ash, fat, protein and maximum moisture was observed at the control group. The highest percentage of protein and fat was at treatment (3) and concentration of 80 milligrams per litre of copper oxide nanoparticles that in this regard showed significant differences (P<0.05) with the control group. Discussion and Conclusion: The results indicate that the presence of copper oxide nanoparticles in aquatic ecosystems have negative effects on growth and biochemical composition of fish carcasses even at sub-lethal concentrations, that by increasing the concentration of the nanoparticles in aquatic ecosystems, the influence of these effects will become clearer.
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- Mohanty, M., Adhikari, S., Mohanty, P. and Sarangi, N. 2009. Role of waterborne copper on survival, growth and feed Intake of Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala Hamilton. Environment Contaminate Toxicology. 82: 559-563.
- Falayi, B. A., Amatosero, R. B. 2014. The Effects of Lead (Pb) on Clarias gariepinus (B.) Juveniles in Captivity. Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management. Vol, 3(8), 353-360.
- Perreault, F., Bogdan, N., Morin, M., Claverie, J., & Popovic, R. 2012. Interaction of gold nanoglycodendrimers with algal cells (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) and their effect on physiological processes. Nanotoxicology, 6(2), 109-120.
- Leigh, K., Bouldin, J., Buchanan, R. Effects of exposure to semiconductor nanoparticles on aquatic organisms, J. Toxicol. doi:10.1155/2012/397657.
- Perreault, F., Oukarroum, A., Melegari, S. P., Matias, W. G., Popovic, R. 2012. Polymer coating of copper oxide nanoparticles increase nanoparticles uptake and toxicity in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chemosphere. (86) 1388-1394.
- Griffitt, R. J., Luo, J., Gao, J., Bonzongo, J. C., Barber, D. S. 2008. Effects of particle composition and species on toxicity of metallic nanomaterials in aquatic organisms, Environ. Toxicol. Chem. (27) 1972-1978.
- Arora, S., Jain, J., Rajwade, J. M., Paknikar, K. M. 2008 Cellular responses induced by silver nanoparticles: in vitro studies, Toxicol. Let. 179(2): 93–100.
- Al-Bairuty, G. A., Shaw, B. J., Handy, R. D., Henry, T. B. 2013 Histopathological effects of waterborne copper nanoparticles and copper sulphate on the organs of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss). Aquatic toxicology. 126, 104-115.
- Li, B., Hwang, J.Y., Drelich, J., Popko, D., Bagley, S. 2010. Physical,chemical and antimicrobialcharacterization of copper-bearingmaterial.Jom Journal of the Minerals,Metals and Materials Society. 62: 80-85.
- Zhou, X., Wang, Y., Gu, Q., Li, W. 2009. Effects of different dietary selenium sources (selenium nanoparticle and selenomethionine) on growth performance, muscle composition and glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity of crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Aquaculture, 291(1): 78-81.
- Zhao, J., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Xie, X., Zhang, K., Xing, B. 2011. Distribution of CuO nanoparticles in juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio) and their potential toxicity. Journal of hazardous materials, 197, 304-310.
- AOAC, 1990. Official Methods of Analysis, fifteenthed. Association of Official Analytic Chemists, Arlington VA, USA.
- Saravanan, M., Kumar, K.P., Ramesh, M. 2011. Haematological and Biochemical responses of freshwater teleost fish Cyprinus carpio (Actinoptertgii: Cypriniformes) during acute and chronic sublethal exposure to lindane. Pesticide Biochemistry and physiology, 100:206-211.
- Fatima, M., Mandiki, S.N.M., Douxifile, J., Silvestre, F., Coppe, P., Kestemont, P. 2007. Combined effect of herbicides on biomarkers reflecting immune-endocrine interactions in gold fish immune and antioxidant effects. Aquatic Toxicology, 81:159-167.
- Ghobadi, SH., Rsjabi eslami, H., Hosseini, M., Palangi, L. 2014. Effect of Different Levels of Iron Nanoparticles (Fe) on Growth and Feed Growth Factors of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Quarterly journal of Applied Aquaculture. 3 (9): 82-67 (In Persian).
- Prochorov, A. M., Pavlov, G.V., Okpattah, G.A., Kaetanovich. C. 2002. The effect of nano-disprse iton on the biological parameters of fish. 10th foresight conference on molecular Nanotechnology.
- Behara, T., Swain, P., Rangachrulu, P.V., Samanta, M . 2013. Nano-Fe as feed additive improves the hematological and immunological parameters if fish, Labeo rohita H. J. Appl Nanosci. 13: 251 – 258.
- Lin, Y.H., Shiau, S. Y. 2005. Dietary selenium requirements of juvenile grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus. Aquaculture. 250: 356–363.
- Abdel-Tawwab, M., Mousaad, M. N., Sharafeldin, K. M., Ismaiel, N. E. 2013. Changes in growth and biochemical status of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. exposed to water-born zinc toxicity for different periods. Int Aquat Res, 5, 11.
- Shirmohammad, F., Mahboubi Sofiyani, N., Poor Reza, J. 2005. Effect of dietary supplement of phytase and copper on growth and carcass composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 8 (4): 142-133 (In Persian).
- Chen, J., Dong, X., Xin, Y., Zhao, M. 2011. Effects of titanium dioxide nano-particles on growth and some histological parameters of zebrafish (Danio rerio) after a long-term exposure. Aquatic Toxicology, 101(3), 493-499.
- Kim, S. G., Kang, J. C. 2004. Effect of dietary copper exposure on eccumulation, grows and hematological parameters of the juvenile rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli. Marine environmental research. 58: 65-82.
- Hayat, S., Javed, M., Razzaq, S. 2007. Growth performance of metal stressed major carps viz. Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala reared under semi-intensive culture system. Pakistan Veterrinary Journal. 27: 8-12.
- Mohanty, M., Adhikari, S., Mohanty, P. and Sarangi, N. 2009. Role of waterborne copper on survival, growth and feed Intake of Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala Hamilton. Environment Contaminate Toxicology. 82: 559-563.
- Falayi, B. A., Amatosero, R. B. 2014. The Effects of Lead (Pb) on Clarias gariepinus (B.) Juveniles in Captivity. Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management. Vol, 3(8), 353-360.