Instructions for locating pocket parks in neighborhoods (Abouzar, Majidie, Amanie) of Tehran with the approach of CPTED
Subject Areas : Sustainable citiesMalihe Ahmadi 1 * , Amir Farshchi 2
1 - Department of urban development, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Urban planning expert, Department of urban development, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Pocket Park, Neighborhood Parks, CPTED, Locating, AHP.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Fast development of cities and the need for more green space per capita, lack of suitable space for the construction of extensive green spaces and also requirement of public realms caused the introduction of pocket parks as neighborhood parks and small parks. Fear of insecurity, insecurity and other aspects about crime are worries can disturb pocket park performance. Also the importance of correct locating and planning of any spaces, reveals the importance of locating criteria about pocket parks.
Method: With an "analytical-descriptive" to recognize "the properties of the pocket Park" as a small, neighborhood green spaces, will handle with an emphasis on urban security. Research methodology is analysis hierarchy process (AHP) That's in it, taking into consideration the theoretical framework, Based on the viewpoint of the necessary criteria CPTED, for localizing pocket parks, three lands located in three neighborhoods of Tehran had been selected as case studies.
Findings: By creating a location guide contains of pocket park design guide and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design approach (CPTED) principles, best case has been introduced as the first priority to design and construction of a pocket park.
Discussion and conclusion: Based on the calculations performed, Option no. 2 (in Majidie) with the final score 0.35757, As the first priority and options3 (in Amanie) and 1 (in Abouzar), With the acquisition of 0.33149 and 0.31094 points respectively, As the second and third priority the construction of Pocket Park With the approach of preventive environmental design of the crime were known.
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