The relationship between the concentration of heavy metals (lead and cadmium) in soil and seeds of wheat and risk assessment of consumption of wheat
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)
Maryam Gandomi
Azita Behbahaninia
Maryam Farahani
1 - Graduated master, Department of Environment, Natural resource and environment faculty, Science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant professor, Department of Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
Keywords: Lead, Risk Assessment, wheat, Wastewater, Cadmium,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In Asyabk Zarandieh town, located in Central Province, sewage discharge is released within 20 meter from arable land of wheat. This research is to determine the concentration of lead and cadmium in contaminated soils, sewage, irrigation water and wheat grown in the area around the town Asyabk and the correlation between them and assessing the potential risks arising from the consumption of wheat grown in the region. Method: The sampling of drainage and irrigation water, surface soil, wheat was done by random. Lead and cadmium concentrations in all samples were measured. The results were statistically analyzed. Also the zonation map was prepared by GIS software. Findings: Concentration of lead and cadmium in soil samples obtained less than limit permissible but concentration of Cd and pb in wheat obtained exceeded the national standard of Iran. Based on the correlation results between the amount of lead and cadmium in the wheat samples, soil and irrigation water, there was a strong positive correlation. While there was no relationship between the concentrations of these elements in the wheat samples and the amount of metals in the wastewater samples. Discussion and Conclusion: The lack of correlation between the concentration of lead and cadmium in wheat and wastewater showed sewage spread in the region unaffected in the process of increasing the concentration of lead and cadmium in wheat. The main reason of increase Pb and Cd in wheat samples is related to irrigation water (well water). The risk index (HQ) of wheat consumption in the region obtained smaller than 1 for lead and cadmium.
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- Tahsini, H., Goblian, H.2016. Assessment of food risk of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc and copper) due to consumption of crops distributed in Sanandaj. Zanko Medical journal.vol.17, No.54, Pp.62-72. (In Persian)
- Knasmuller, W., lum,W. B., Jakwe F, Roth K., Vla deva, I.1998. Effects of soil properties and cultivar on heavy metals accumulation in wheat grain. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 159: 609 – 614.
- Moshtaghie, A.A., Raisi, A., and Goodarzi, H.A., 1991. Study of the effect cadmium toxicity on serum proteins and its relation to proteinuria in rats. Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:3, 192-195 .
- Ghajar Sepanlo, M., Sayadmanesh, M., Bahmanyar, M.A. 2016. Investigation of some heavy metals in soil and rapeseed plant in field under irrigation of Amol industrial complex wastewater. Water research in agriculture, vol.29, pp.141-155. (In Persian)
- Cherghi, M.Ghobadi, A.2016. Assessment of the health hazard of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, lead and zinc) in parsley vegetables harvested from some farms in Hamedan. Scientific research Journal of Yazd faculty of Public Health, vol.13, No.4. (In Persian)
- Behbahaninia, A.2010. Effects of sludge from wastewater treatment plants on heavy metals transport to soils and groundwater. Iranian Journal of environmental health science and engineering, vol.7. No. 5, pp. 401-409
- Karami, M., Rezaeenejad, Y., Afioni, M., Shariatmadari, H. 2007. Cumulative and residual effects of urban sewage sludge on concentration of Lead and Cadmium in soil and wheat crop. Journal of agricultural science and technology of natural resources.vol.1. (In Persian)
- Börjesson,G., Kirchmann,H.,& Kätterer,T. 2014 Four Swedish long-term field experiments with sewage sludge reveal a limited effect on soil microbes and on metal uptake by crops. Journal of Soils and Sediments, (14)1,164-177.
- Simasuwannarong, B., Satapanajaru, T., Khuntong, S. 2012. Water Air Soil Pollution. 223: 1931.
- Zheng, N., Q. Wang and D. Zheng. 2007. Health risk of Hg, Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu to the inhabitants around Huludao Zinc Plant in China via consumption of vegetables. Sci. Total Environ. 383: 81-89.
- Black, C. A.1965. Methods of soil analysis, Part 2. 2ed, Agronomy Monog. 9, ASA, Madison, WI
- Horwitz,W. 2000. Official methods of Analysis of AOAC. In: Metals and other elements, 17nd ed.AOAC Int. pp 22-27.
- APHA. 2004. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA, AWWA, WEF.
- Steel, R.G.D., Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics: a Biometrical. Approach. Second Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha
- Koja dinovic, J., Potier, M., Corre, M. L., Cosson, R. P. and Bustamante, P., 2006. Mercury content in commercial pelagic fish and its risk assessment in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 366: 688-700
- Zhang, W. and Wang, W. X., 2012. Large-scale spatial and interspecies differences in trace elements and stable isotopes in marine wild fish from Chinese waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 215-216: 65-74
- IRIS, 2010.Integrated Risk Information System-database, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Phuc Cam Tu, N., Ha, N. N., Ikemoto, T., Tanabe, BCSTand Takeuchi, I., 2008. Regional variations in trace element concentrations in tissues of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon (Decapoda: Penaeidae) from South Vietnam. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 57: 858-866
- Storelli, M. M., 2008. Potential human health risks from metals (Hg, Cd, and Pb) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) via seafood consumption: Estimation of target hazard quotients (THQ. s) and toxic equivalents (TEQs).Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46: 2782-2788
- Afioni, M. Soil Pollution standards and guideline.2013. Environmental Protection Agency. (In Persian)
- Yazdanpanah, H.1992. Human-animal feed - maximum heavy metals tolerance. Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (In Persian)
- Al Zoubi, M.M., Arslan A, Abdelgawad, G, Pejon, N.Tabbaa, M., Jouzdan. O. 2008. The Effect of sewage sludge on productivity of a crop rotation of wheat, maize and vetchand heavy metals accumulation in soil and plant in aleppo governorate, American-Eurasian Journal Agriculture and Environment Science, 3 (4): 618-625
- Tabari Kochaksaraee, M., Salehi, A.2011. Investigating effect of Irrigation urban sewage on the accumulation of heavy metals in Soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol.13, No.4, pp. 49-59. (In Persian)
- Chaney, R.L., 1993. Crop and food chain effects of toxic elements in sludge and effluent recycling municipal sludge and effluent on land. Champagne, III, pp.129-141.
- Tahsini, H., Goblian, H.2016. Assessment of food risk of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc and copper) due to consumption of crops distributed in Sanandaj. Zanko Medical journal.vol.17, No.54, Pp.62-72. (In Persian)