Zoning, zones management and landscape design periphery of Iranian ancient trees (Case study: Mongabad Mehriz old cedar)
Subject Areas :
Mohammad hadi Rad
Mohammad hosan Irannejad parizii
Saed Reza Mahdavi
Amin Yeganeh
1 - Assistant Prof, Forest and Rangeland Division, Yazd Agricultural and Natural Resource Research and Education Center, (AREEO), Yazd, Iran. *(Corresponding author)
2 - Assistant Prof, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
3 - M.Sc, Yazd Governorate, Yazd, Iran.
4 - M.Sc. Former Student in Urbanism, Yazd Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Received: 2019-07-22
Accepted : 2020-04-15
Published : 2022-02-20
National natural heritage,
Carrying capacity,
Ecological sustainability,
IUCN Classification,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Old trees are considered as rich genetic resources and valuable natural monuments. Among the old trees, the natural heritage of Mongabad Mehriz old cedar has always been the attention of people in Yazd province, especially the people of Mehriz city, Iran. For the management and conservation of this tree, zoning, zones management planning and landscape design were needed and necessary.
Material and Methodology: The base of this classified was IUCN classification and its match to the realities and comprehensive plan of the Mehriz city. Due to the review of the resources and conditions available, the perimeter of the cedar was classified in a range of 300m in different zones, contains management and recreational zones. Board capacity was also calculated for recreational activities in the tree area.
Findings: The results of zoning studies showed that 4 zones as management zones and 2 zones as recreational zones are of special importance and should be considered. Management zones include restricted nature zone, protected zone, shield Zone, and other uses zone were with an area of 2826, 5024, 23550 and 251200 m2 respectively. Type I and II type promenade zone were 11664 and 15000m2. By mapping and identifying the physical status all of the zones, the necessary proposals for each one of the zones were presented. In this regard ecological sustainability of the environment and tree health were considered. Based on this view, in order to organize the tree for the promenade, the landscape design (with the maximum maintenance of the existing green space and surrounding monuments) was taken. The capacity of the range for recreational activities were estimated at 276 people per day.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that although activities performed in the recent years around the cedar have been the main and influential factor on tree health, but by designing and implementing management and recreation programs in the form of proposed zones, it is possible to rebuild with a focus on tree health and tourism boom.
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Irannejad Parizi, M.H., Akbari, H., Khosnevis M., Shams, M.R., Abedini, T., Rad, M.H., and Rasooli, S.A. 2015. Abarkoh old cedar. Yazd University, 306pp. (In Persian)
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Le Roux, D.S., Ikin, K., Lindenmayer, D.B., Manning, A.D. and Gibbons, P. 2014. The future of large old trees in urban landscapes. Plos One, 9: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0099403
Khosnevis, M., Matinizadeh, M., Temoori, M., Shivanii, A., Samadi, V., Zamanian, N., and Bezaii Nejad, M. 2015. Final report of recognition, introduction, study of habitat, reproduction, creation of storage and preparation of ancient Iranian trees. Forests and Rangeland Institute of Iran. (In Persian)
Ali Ahma Kororii, S., Maghooli, F., Matinizadeh, M., and Rad M.H. 1998. Introducing of long-lived (old) trees in Yazd province. Forest and rangeland, 41: 43-57. (In Persian)
Rad, M.H., Ail Ahmad Kororii, S., and Matinizadeh, M. 2003. Introducing of other long-lived (old trees) in Yazd province. Forest and rangeland, 60: 45-54. (In Persian)
Lindenmayer, D.B., Laurance, W.F., Franklin, J.F., Likens, G.E., Banks, S.C., Blanchard, W., Gibbons, P., Ikin, K., Blair, D., McBurney, L., and Manning, A.D. 2014. New policies for old trees: averting a global crisis in a keystone ecological structure. Conservation Letters, 7: 61-69.
Hubbard, R.M., Bond, B.J., and Ryan, M.G. 1999. Evidence that hydraulic conductance limits photosynthesis in old Pinus ponderosa Tree Physiology, 19:165-172.
Yoder, B.J., Ryan, M.G., Waring, R.H., Schoettle, A.W., and Kaufmann, M.R. 1994. Evidence of reduced photosynthetic rates in old trees. Forest Science, 40: 513-527.
Afshar, I. 1995. Yazd memorials. Cultural Heritage Society, 130p. (In Persian)
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Sahajananthan, S., Haley, D., and Nelson, J. 1998. Planning for sustainable forests in British Columbia through land use zoning. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 73-81.
Alborzimanesh, M. 2009. Guidelines for the development of a sustainable nature conservation program in protected natural areas. Environmental Protection Organization, 64p. (In Persian)
Iranian Cultural Heritage Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. 2005. Master plan for the natural heritage of the Mongabad Mehriz Cider. (In Persian)
Harper, M.J., McCarthy, M.A. and Van der Ree, R. 2005. The use of nest boxes in urban natural vegetation remnants by vertebrate fauna. Wildlife Research, 32: 509-516.
Stagoll, K., Lindenmayer, D.B., Knight, E., Fischer, J. and Manning, A.D. 2012. Large trees are keystone structures in urban parks. Conservation Letters, 5: 115-122.
Dafni, A. 2006. On the typology and the worship status of sacred trees with a special reference to the Middle East. Journal of Ethno biology and Ethno medicine, 2: 2-26. https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-2-26.
Mahmoud, T., Gairola, S. and El-Keblawy, A. 2015. Large old trees need more conservation attention: A case of Tamarix aphylla in the arid deserts of the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 8: 183-185.
Ghazinasab, M., and Modir, N. 2005. Culture and History of Mehriz, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of Yazd Province, 399pp. (In Persian)
Ali Ahma Kororii, S., Maghooli, F., Matinizadeh, M., and Rad M.H. 1999. Introduction of long-term cedars of Yazd province and their genetic relationship with each other. Forest and Rangeland, 42: 54-62. (In Persian)
Hosayni, S.R. 1998. Monography of Mehriz city. Isfahan Cultural Training Center, 132pp. (In Persian)
Ikin, K., Le Roux, D.S., Rayner, L., Villaseñor, N.R., Eyles, K., Gibbons, P., Manning, A.D. and Lindenmayer, D.B. 2015. Key lessons for achieving biodiversity‐sensitive cities and towns. Ecological Management & Restoration, 16: 206-214.
Lindenmayer, D.B. and Laurance, W.F. 2017. The ecology, distribution, conservation and management of large old trees. Biological Reviews, 92: 1434-1458.
Moradpanah, M., and Moradpanah, H. 2017. Zoning of Maloosan protected area using GIS. Journal of Environment and Science Technology, 19: 463-474. (In Persian)
Irannejad Parizi, M.H., Akbari, H., Khosnevis M., Shams, M.R., Abedini, T., Rad, M.H., and Rasooli, S.A. 2015. Abarkoh old cedar. Yazd University, 306pp. (In Persian)
Pederson, N. 2010. External characteristics of old trees in the Eastern Deciduous Forest. Natural Areas Journal, 30: 396-407.
Lindenmayer, D.B., Laurance, W.F., and Franklin, J.F. 2012. Global Decline in Large Old Trees. Science, 338: 1305-1306.
Le Roux, D.S., Ikin, K., Lindenmayer, D.B., Manning, A.D. and Gibbons, P. 2014. The future of large old trees in urban landscapes. Plos One, 9: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0099403
Khosnevis, M., Matinizadeh, M., Temoori, M., Shivanii, A., Samadi, V., Zamanian, N., and Bezaii Nejad, M. 2015. Final report of recognition, introduction, study of habitat, reproduction, creation of storage and preparation of ancient Iranian trees. Forests and Rangeland Institute of Iran. (In Persian)
Ali Ahma Kororii, S., Maghooli, F., Matinizadeh, M., and Rad M.H. 1998. Introducing of long-lived (old) trees in Yazd province. Forest and rangeland, 41: 43-57. (In Persian)
Rad, M.H., Ail Ahmad Kororii, S., and Matinizadeh, M. 2003. Introducing of other long-lived (old trees) in Yazd province. Forest and rangeland, 60: 45-54. (In Persian)
Lindenmayer, D.B., Laurance, W.F., Franklin, J.F., Likens, G.E., Banks, S.C., Blanchard, W., Gibbons, P., Ikin, K., Blair, D., McBurney, L., and Manning, A.D. 2014. New policies for old trees: averting a global crisis in a keystone ecological structure. Conservation Letters, 7: 61-69.
Hubbard, R.M., Bond, B.J., and Ryan, M.G. 1999. Evidence that hydraulic conductance limits photosynthesis in old Pinus ponderosa Tree Physiology, 19:165-172.
Yoder, B.J., Ryan, M.G., Waring, R.H., Schoettle, A.W., and Kaufmann, M.R. 1994. Evidence of reduced photosynthetic rates in old trees. Forest Science, 40: 513-527.
Afshar, I. 1995. Yazd memorials. Cultural Heritage Society, 130p. (In Persian)
Majnoonian, H. 2003. National Parks Design Guide, Practical Basis of the Process of Designing and Preparing a National Parks Management Plan. Environmental Protection Organization, 200pp. (In Persian)
Sahajananthan, S., Haley, D., and Nelson, J. 1998. Planning for sustainable forests in British Columbia through land use zoning. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 73-81.
Alborzimanesh, M. 2009. Guidelines for the development of a sustainable nature conservation program in protected natural areas. Environmental Protection Organization, 64p. (In Persian)
Iranian Cultural Heritage Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. 2005. Master plan for the natural heritage of the Mongabad Mehriz Cider. (In Persian)
Harper, M.J., McCarthy, M.A. and Van der Ree, R. 2005. The use of nest boxes in urban natural vegetation remnants by vertebrate fauna. Wildlife Research, 32: 509-516.
Stagoll, K., Lindenmayer, D.B., Knight, E., Fischer, J. and Manning, A.D. 2012. Large trees are keystone structures in urban parks. Conservation Letters, 5: 115-122.
Dafni, A. 2006. On the typology and the worship status of sacred trees with a special reference to the Middle East. Journal of Ethno biology and Ethno medicine, 2: 2-26. https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-2-26.
Mahmoud, T., Gairola, S. and El-Keblawy, A. 2015. Large old trees need more conservation attention: A case of Tamarix aphylla in the arid deserts of the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 8: 183-185.
Ghazinasab, M., and Modir, N. 2005. Culture and History of Mehriz, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of Yazd Province, 399pp. (In Persian)
Ali Ahma Kororii, S., Maghooli, F., Matinizadeh, M., and Rad M.H. 1999. Introduction of long-term cedars of Yazd province and their genetic relationship with each other. Forest and Rangeland, 42: 54-62. (In Persian)
Hosayni, S.R. 1998. Monography of Mehriz city. Isfahan Cultural Training Center, 132pp. (In Persian)
Ikin, K., Le Roux, D.S., Rayner, L., Villaseñor, N.R., Eyles, K., Gibbons, P., Manning, A.D. and Lindenmayer, D.B. 2015. Key lessons for achieving biodiversity‐sensitive cities and towns. Ecological Management & Restoration, 16: 206-214.
Lindenmayer, D.B. and Laurance, W.F. 2017. The ecology, distribution, conservation and management of large old trees. Biological Reviews, 92: 1434-1458.