With a Glance to the Implementation of Environmental Treaties
Subject Areas : environmental lowSeyed Abbas Poorhashemi 1 , mojtaba sobhaninia 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Environmental Law Department, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch of Tehran, Iran & President of the Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise (CIFILE), Toronto, Canada
2 - Ph.D. Student, Environmental Law, Tehran Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, *(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: Self-executive agreement, International Treaties, Iran’s legal system, Implementation of international law, International Environmental law,
Abstract :
One of the legal problems of the implementation of international law in general and international environmental law in particular in Iran is the lack of a clear legal definition of the place of international treaties in the legal system. International treaties are norms that have no place in the hierarchy of different legal systems (based on the relationship between domestic and international law) and in some countries are superior to ordinary laws, in others they are considered the breadth of ordinary laws, and in others it is considered a lower position than the normal law. In the Iranian legal system, due to the ambiguity in the laws regarding the status of the treaty, each of the three mentioned theories has been supported by some jurists. The result of the present article, by examining and analyzing the practical procedures adopted by the three powers of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is that the Iranian legal system has chosen the approach of equality of international treaty law (and not the entire international legal system) with the domestic legal system.
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- Khalaf Rezaei, Hossein, «International agreements in Iranian legal order», First Edition, Tehran, Gurdian Council Research Center, 2014, P. 29. (In Persian)
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- crc/c/sr.1016, 28 Jan 2005, Para 43.
- Hashemi, Hamid, «Application of international Agreements in Iranian judiciary system: Limits and Capacities», Legal Research Journal, 2008, Vol. 15, pp. 229-258. (In Persian)
- Poorhashemi, Seyed Abbas, «International Environmental Law», First Edition, Tehran, Dadgostar Publication, 2012, p. 66. (In Persian)
- Mousazadeh, Reza, «Concise of Public Internatioal Law», 23th Edition, Tehran, Mizan Legal Foundation, 2013, p. 26. (In Persian)
- Malcolm, Shaw, Vaghar, Mohammad hossein, (Translator), Third Edition, Tehran, Ettelat Publication, p. 119. (In Persian)
- Azari, Hajar, «Iranian Legal Syatems challenges in accepting international conventions», Comparative Law Studies Jouranal, 2016, Vol. 1, pp. 1-24. (In Persian)
- Robinson, Nicolas, Hosseini, Mohammad Mahdi (Translator), «Basics of international environmental law», First Edition, Mizan Legal Foundation, 2011, p. 87. (In Persian)
- Ziaei Bigdeli, Mohamad Reza, «Public International Law», 40th Edition, Tehran, Ganjedanesh Publication, 2010, pp. 80-72. (In Persian)
- Wallace, Rebecca, Zamani, Ghasem (Translator), «International Law», Fourth Edition, Tehran, Shahre Danesh Institue of Law, 2014, p.95. (In Persian)
- Vazquez, Carlos Manuel, 1995, The Four Doctrine of Self-Executing Treaties, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 89, pp. 695-723.
- Grimmett, Richard ,2001, Treaties and Other International Agreements: The Role of United States Senate, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,pp. 4.
- Izadi, Ali, «Comparative Research on Application of International Law in Domestic Courts», Public Law Studies Journal, 2015, Vol. 3, pp. 497-529. (In Persian)
- Akbari, Hassan, «The Status of International Conventions in the Practice of Islamic Republic of Iran», Master Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Sicence Tehran University, 2013. P. 33. (In Persian)
- Fifth report of Islamic Republic of Iran to Biodiversity Convention, 2015, Avaiable at:
- https://www.thegef.org/project/bs-building-national-capacity-implement-national-biosafety-framework-islamic-republic-iran
- Heydari, Ismaeil, «Iranian Departement of Environment’s Mesures at International Field», Tehran, Honar Abi Publication, 2003, p. 21. (In Persian)
- Decision XVIII/27 (2006), and Decision XIX/27 (2007) Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol.
- Statement by the Head of I.R. Iran’s deligation to the 24th MoP of the Montreal Protocol, 12-16 Nov 2012. Available at: http://conf.montreal-protocol.org/meeting/mop/mop-24/presentations/statements%20from%20Heads%20of%20Delegations%20%20Highlevel%20Se/c_Iran-Statement.doc
- Decision XVI/20: Potential non-compliance in 2003 with consumption of the controlled substance in Annex B, group III (methyl chloroform) by Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, and request for plans of action, 16th Meeting of the Parties, 2004.
- Decision XVII/27: Potential non-compliance in 2005 with the control measures of the Montreal Protocol governing consumption of the controlled substance in Annex B group II, (carbon tetrachloride) by the Islamic Republic of Iran and request for a plan of action, 18th Meeting of the Parties, 2006. And Decision XIX/27: Compliance with the Montreal Protocol by Islamic Republic of Iran, 19th Meeting of the Parties, 2007.
- Abdullahi, Mohsen, «Law of Protection of Air», First Edition, Tehran, Mizan Legal Foundation, 2010, p. 183. (In Persian)