Explaining the Most Preferred Source of Water Supply of Gas Refinery in Fars Province; Application of Multi-Stakeholders Approach
Subject Areas :
Water Resource Management
Mansour Ghanian
Omid M. Ghoochani
Mona Dorani
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Khuzestan, Iran. *(Corresponding author).
2 - PhD. Student, Agricultural Extension and Education, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Khuzestan, Iran.
3 - PhD. Student , Agricultural Extension and Education, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Khuzestan, Iran.
Received: 2016-07-31
Accepted : 2017-01-04
Published : 2019-08-23
Water sources,
Persian gas refinery,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: Using water is common in all industries and without this vital material, industrial activities would be impossible. Among all industries, the refinery industries are the most water-intensive ones. Given to the recent drought, the present study tried to identify the best water source of Persian refinery in Fars province. Method: The dominant approach of the present study is quantitative and applied research. Elites and experts from the various governmental agencies considered as the respondents of the present study. The data analyzed using Expert Choice software and AHP technique. Findings: The results showed that social coherence, trust, responsibility, and participation are respectively the most effective factors to choose of the water sources. Also, the most suitable sources of water supply were the water management. Discussion and Conclusion: The goal of comprehensive water resources management is to create a system that has the benefit of reflection and feedback by interacting water management with the environment and social and economic development and finally, with the participation of different sectors. Decisions are made on allocating and developing water resources. Therefore the policy-making and planning of water resources management should be formulated and defined in accordance with the knowledge of water interconnections and development, the facilities and management tools, technical and financial facilities, and the constraints of the social and political system of society which the present study can initiate this route.
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Khosravi, Sh. Abed saeedi, Zh. 2010. A focused group, a method for collecting information. Journal of Nursing, 23 (68), pp. 30-19. (In Persian)
Shafeghati, M. 2009. Integrated Water Resources Management, Challenges and Solutions, 10th Global Irrigation Seminar and Reduction of Evaporation. (In Persian)
Nurisepehr, M. Tashayoyi, H. 2006. Managing the supply of drinking water in villages, the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Management of Crisis in Natural Disasters, Tehran, Quality Promotion Company. Persian
Dakhili, M. 2015. Water supply solutions in the refinery industry. Available in: http://nmbk.ir/content-54497.xhtml (In Persian)
Tajrishi, M. Ahmadabrisham, Ch. 2004. Water Resources Demand Management in Iran, First Conference on National Waste Conservation Methods, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Academy of Sciences. Persian.
Ehteshami, M., and Ahmadnia, R. 2006. Modeling of Petroleum hydrocarbon leakage in soil resources of underground waters. Environment Science and Technology, 29 (2), pp. 47-57.
Shadizadeh, S. R., and Zoveidavianpoor, M. 2007. Investigation of crude oil penetration in Abadan refinery underground layer. Research Project, Petroleum University of Technology and Abadan Refinery.
Askarzadeh, T., Bazrafshan, A., and Hajipourfard, H. 2003. Petroleum pollution investigation of groundwater in Arak refinery. Environmental Studies, 32, pp. 56-67.
Clark, R. Fronk, C. 1988. In removing organic contaminants from groundwater, Environmental Science Technology, 22(10), pp. 1130-1126.
Koehn, J. Stanko, G. 1988. In groundwater monitoring. Environmental Science Technology. 22(11), pp. 1264-1262.
Barghi, H. 2009. Water Resources Optimization Planning and Management and Its Role in Reducing the Effects of Droughts, Second National Conference on Drought Effects and its Management Solutions Portal of the Water Conference in the Industry, Challenges and Solutions. (In Persian)
Jahed, H. 2008. Effective educational methods for the preservation and development of social capital in organizations, Second International Conference of Educational Managers, Tehran. (In Persian)
Mitchell, R. Agle, B. Wood, D. 1997. Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what really counts. Academy of management review, 22(4), pp. 853-886.
Babel M. Das Gupta A. Nayak D. 2005. A Model for Optimal Allocation of Water to Competing Demands. Water resources management, 19, pp. 693- 712.
Sevizi, M. 2011. The role of social capital in securing investment. Quarterly Journal of Policy Making, 2 (3), pp. 146-119
UNDP. (United Nations Development Programme). 2012. Multi-stakeholder decision-making: A guidebook for establishing a multi-stakeholder decision-making process to support green, low-emission and climate-resilient development strategies. New York: UNDP Publication.
Hall, C. 2008. Identifying farmer attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) crops in Scotland: Are they pro-or anti-GM?. Geoforum, 39 (1), pp. 204-212.
Adenle, A. A. 2014. Stakeholders’ perceptions of GM technology in West Africa: Assessing the responses of policymakers and scientists in Ghana and Nigeria. Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics, 27(2), pp. 241-263.
Firuzjayi, E. Sedighi, H. Mohamadi, M. 2006. Comparison of social capital components of farmers' members and non-members of rural production cooperatives. Journal of Social Welfare Research, 6 (23), pp. 93-111.
Miri, Gh. Afrakhte, S. Velayati, S. Shayan, H. 2010. The Role of Social Capital in Rural Development (Case Study: The Sistan Regional Basin). Magazine Geography and Regional Development, 14, pp. 48-30.
Rostami, F. Shabanali fami, H. Kalantari, Kh, Mohamadi, E. 2011. Investigating mechanisms of social capital development in Iran agricultural education system. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 42 (4), pp. 645-627. (In Persian)
Fu, Q. 2004. Trust, social capital, and organizational effectiveness (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University).
Rothstein, B., & Stolle, D. 2002. How political institutions create and destroy social capital: An institutional theory of generalized trust. In 98th Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Boston, MA.
Ostrom, E., & Ahn, T. K. 2003. Foundations of social capital, 1-23.
Forughi ghomi, F. Bordbar, H. (2009). Impact of social capital on social components (organization, development, health, education and standard of living). Scientific Specialist Strategies, 3, pp. 238-217. (In Persian)
Fenger, M. 2012. Deconstructing social cohesion: towards an analytical framework for assessing social cohesion policies. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, (2), pp. 39-54.
Lindén-Bostrom, M. Persson, C. Eriksson, C. 2010. Neighborhood characteristics, social capital and self-rated health-A population-based survey in Sweden. BMC public health, 10(1), p. 628.
Spoonley, P. Peace, R. Butcher, A. O’Neill, D. 2005. Social cohesion: A policy and indicator framework for assessing immigrant and host outcomes. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 24(1), pp. 85-110.
Ali, A. K., Mansor, A. E. 2006. Social capital and rural community development in Malaysia. Potential of Social Capital for Community Development. Report of the APO Survey and Symposium on Redesigning Integrated Community Development 2003-2005, ISBN: 92-833-7050-3.
Claridge, T. 2004. Social capital and natural resource management (Doctoral dissertation, School of Natural and Rural Systems Management, University of Queensland).
Khosravi, Sh. Abed saeedi, Zh. 2010. A focused group, a method for collecting information. Journal of Nursing, 23 (68), pp. 30-19. (In Persian)
Shafeghati, M. 2009. Integrated Water Resources Management, Challenges and Solutions, 10th Global Irrigation Seminar and Reduction of Evaporation. (In Persian)