Site Suitability Evaluation for Ecotourism Using GIS & AHP: A Case Study of Hamedan Township
Subject Areas : landuseZahra Parvar 1 , Behnaz Heshmat nia 2 * , Kamran Shayesteh 3
1 - M. Sc, Environmental Assessment, Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources, Malayer University
2 - M. Sc Student, Environmental Assessment, Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources, Malayer University. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant prof, Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources, Malayer University
Keywords: AHP, Hamedan, MCDM, Ecotourism, GIS, Site Suitability Evaluation,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Today, tourism is a major source of income for many countries, and it affects the economy of both source and host countries, and in some countries this way of income is a vital importance. Hamedan Township is one of the most popular and important tourism areas of Iran. It is rich in nature, history and culture which make a favorite destination for various tourists. There are so many tourist attractions in Hamedan Township include historical, cultural and natural sites such as waterfall and mountain. Due to rapid growth of ecotourism, a challenge for the decision makers is the way of managing ecotourism in order to minimize the negative impacts for sustainable development of tourism. Method: The main objective of this study is to identify and prioritize the potential ecotourism site in Hamadan County, Iran, using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Seven criteria including slope, aspect, distance from water, distance from road, land use, vegetation were used in this study. Criteria's and sub-criteria's were selected according to the professional expert's opinions. The final map of suitable areas for study area prepared using Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) and Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) technique in GIS environment. Findings: The results showed that 15049 ha (5/5%) of study area has first class potential (high suitable), 114919 ha (41%) has second class potential (high), 122589 ha (44%) has third class potential (low) and 26292 ha (9/9%) has four class potential (very low suitable) based on WLC method, but in both models most suitable area is located in west and southwest of township. Discussion and Conclusion: Suitable management for ecotourism development is essential in order to conserve and maintain the biological richness of the area. The results of this site selection models can be a useful reference to the ecotourism planning and development for manager and decision makers.
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- Ziyaenazhad, H., pourkhabaz, H., farkhiyan, F., 2016. Land Capability Evaluation for Tourism Using GIS (Case Study: the Tight Solk Bahmaei, Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad). Environmenta researchs. Vol 6(11), pp. 33-118. (In Persian).
- Aryanpur, A., Khoshnazar, M., Taghvaii, M., Khomeini, D., 2012. Location of tourism village on the shore of Lake Zaryvar using AHP and GIS techniques. Two Journal of Social Tourism Studies. Vol 1(1), pp. 77-89. (In Persian).
- Sharifi, M., Bostani, A., 2015. Ecotourism zoning models using fuzzy (Case study: township of Shiraz). Geographical Planning of Space Quarterly Journal. Vol 5(16), pp. 1-17. (In Persian)
- Jafari, Z., Mikayali Tabrizi, A., Mohammadzadeh, M., Abdi, O., 2011. Assesment of Nature Conservation Capability in Golestan National Park Using Multi-criteria Evaluation and GIS. Renewable Natural Resources Research. Vol 2, I4, pp 25-37. (In Persian)
- Williams, Allan. M, Shaw, G., 2011. Internationalization and Innovation in Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. Vol 38, pp 27-51.
- Ziaie, M., Bani Kamali, S., Sharifikia, M., 2011. Assessing ecological potential and prioritizing ecotourism vulnerable zones (Case study: Minoodasht city). Planning and Space Planning (Teacher of Humanities). Vol 15(4), pp. 109-128. (In Persian)
- Kumari, S., Behera, M.D., Tewari, H.R., 2010. Identification of potential ecotourism sites in West District, Sikkim using geospatial tools. Tropical Ecology, Vol51, pp. 75-85.
- Amirahmadi, A., Mozaffari, H., 2012. Analyzing the Proper Zones of Ecotourism Development in Zanjan Province Using Geographic Information System (GIS). Geographic Survey. Vol 27(13), pp. 135-150. (In Persian)
- Asadiyan, F., Asadi, M., avadian Namini, M., 2014. Evaluating ecological capability to determine the appropriate development areas within the Rhine section of Kerman, based on ecotourism zoning with GIS and AHP techniques. Quarterly Geographic Survey of Territory. Vol 11, pp. 35-44. (In Persian)
- Abdollahi H., Matin Shahi H., Bashari H., Hosseini, M., 2012. Determination of Tourism Priorities in Gavkhouni Region Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Natural Environment (Natural Resources of Iran). Vol 65, pp. 95-110. (In Persian)
- Mohammad Moradi, A., Akhtarkavan, M., 2009. Methodology of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Models. Architecture and Urban Planning of Arman Shahr. Vol 2, pp. 113-125. (In Persian)
- Akhoondi, l., Danehkar, A., Arjmandi, R., Shabanali Fami, H., 2015. Site Selection Appropriate Zones for Sport Tourism in Mountain Areas A Case Study: Karaj-Chalous Road. Natural Environment Journal. Vol 68, pp. 331-344. (In Persian)
- Shiea, E., Habibi, K., Kamali nasab, H., 2010. Pattern of Identification of Informal Settlements Using the AHP Model in the GIS Environment. Architecture and Urban Planning of Arman Shahr. Vol 3, pp. 77-85. (In Persian).
- Amiri, F., Arzani, H., 2012. Determination of site priority for apiculture by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Rangeland and Desert Research. Vol 19(1). pp. 159-177. (In Persian)
- Khademi A.H., Jokar Ashrafi, I., 2013. Optimization of Inland Urban Parks Using GIS and AHP Model (Case Study: Amol City). Jurnal of Natural Ecosystems of Iran. Vol 4(1), pp. 59-73. (In Persian)
- Rostamizadeh G., Mohseni Saravi, M., Nazari Samani, A.A., Khan Babaei, Z., 2013. Application of hierarchical analysis process in providing different water and soil conservation scenarios in Taleghan watershed. Two Journal of Watershed Management Researches, Vol 4(8). pp. 1-14. (In Persian)
- Hataminezhad, H., Eshghi Kharabbar, A. Optimal location of physical development of Maragheh city with emphasis on urban sustainability. Geographical Planning of Space Quarterly. 1395. Vol 6(19). pp. 15-31. (In Persian)
- Saaty, T. L., 1990. The Analytical Hierachy Proces, 2edn, RWS Publication, Pittsburgh.
- Sanaee, M., Fallah Shamsi, S.R., Ferdowsi AsmanJeerdi, H., 2010. Multi-criteria land evaluation, using WLC and OWA strategies to select a suitable site forage plantation (case study; Zakherd, Fars). Journal of Rangeland. Vol 4(2). pp. 216-227. (In Persian).
- Eastman, J. R., 2006. IDRISI Andes. Guide to GIS and Image Processing. Clark Labs, Clark University, Worcester, MA.
- Karami, O., Hosseini Nasr, S.M., 2013. Application of analytical hierarchy process and geographic information system in capability evaluation of Babolrood basin lands for range management. Vol 20(1), pp. 101-114. (In Persian)
- Shenavr, B., Hosseini, M., Orak, N., 2016. Assessing Land Capability for Urban Landuse by the Weighted Liner Composition (WLC) in GIS (Case Study: Zardrud Watersheds of Khouzestan Province). Vol 18(3), pp. 99-116. (In Persian)
- Ahmadizadeh, S., Karimzadeh Motlagh, Z., Ashrafi, A., 2016. Capability Evaluation of Ecotourism in Birjand County Based on Scenario Design and Fuzzy_OWA Algorithm. Vol 7(13). pp. 31-46(In Persian)
- Piran, H., Maleknia, R., Akbari, H., Soosani, J., Karami, O., 2013. Site selection for local forest park using analytic hierarchy process and geographic information system (case study: Badreh County). International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol 6 (7), pp. 930-935.
- Parvar, Z., Shayesteh, K., Nehzadfar, M. 2017. Detection of Changes Resulting from Construction of Shirin Darreh Dam on Land Use/Land Cover in Downstream Basin. Vol 7(14), pp. 191-202. (In Persian)
- Salman Mahini, A., Riazi, B., Naimi, B., Babaei Kafaki, S., Javadi Larijani, A., 2009. The assessment of natural ecosystem capacity of Behshahr city based on multi-criteria evaluation method using GIS. Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Vol 11(1). pp. 187-191. (In Persian)