Investigation of Metals Bioaccumulation in Sediment and Fish Muscle of Dez River in 1393
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)Samar Mortazavi 1 * , Parisa Norozi Fard 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Malayer * (Corresponding Author
2 - PhD student of Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Malayer
Keywords: Condition factor, Dez River, Metals, Biodegradation Factor,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: The necessity of measuring elements in aquatic life comes from two aspects of ecological management and human nutritional health. In the present study, concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in sediments and muscle tissue of four native fish species of Dez River were studied to study metal contamination and its relationship with status factor (CF) and bioconcentration factor BCF). Materials and Methods: After bioassay of fish samples, digestion of the samples was performed by combining one to four nitric acids with perchloric acid and the concentration of the elements was measured by an absorbent apparatus.On the other hand, CF values were lower than the thresholds introduced for salmonids. Also comparisons of Zn concentrations in sediments are higher than the world standard CaISQG and tolerable IAEA-407 levels and in muscle tissue, Zn and Cd concentrations are higher than UK standards (MAFF) and NHMRC, respectively, indicating dangerous levels. They are for human health. Fidings: The mean concentrations of metals in sediments and muscle tissue showed a decreasing trend for Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Pb, Cd, Cu, respectively. Statistical analysis of the results showed the highest correlation between the accumulation of metals and CF in the twin species and the highest loading of its contamination by calculating the MPI index. The resulting BCF also shows a decreasing trend in the uptake of cadmium, zinc, copper and lead from the environment. Discussion & Conclusion: It seemsthat the conditions of the study area from Dez River are unfavorable for fish compared to free waters and high cadmium concentration in studied samples can be due to effluent. The farmland overlooks the river.
- , M., Askari Sari, A., Khodadadi, M., Velayate Zadeh, M., 2010, Measurement and comparison of concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn) in different species of Liza abu in Dez River of Khuzestan Province. Journal of Wetland, Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz. 6, 79-71. (In Persian)
- Ghovati, N., Mohammadi, S., Mohammadi, V., 2011, Comparison of hardness and alkalinity changes with heavy metal poisoning in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Journal of Islamic Azad University Wetland of Ahvaz Branch. 8, 28-21. In Persian
- Bagheri, H., Sharmad, T., Khairabadi, V., Bastami Darvish, K., Bagheri, Z., 2011, Measurement and evaluation of heavy metal pollution in Gorganrood River sediments. Journal of Oceanography. 5, 39-35. (In Persian)
- Sia Su, Glenn L., Ramos, Gliceria B., Sia Su, Maria Lilibeth L., 2013. Bioaccumulation and histopathological alteration of total lead in selected fishes from Manila Bay, Philippines. Biological Sciences 20, 353-355.
- Özturk, M., Özözen, G., Minareci, O., Minareci, E., 2009. Determination of heavy metals in fish, water and sediments of Avsar Dam lake in Turkey. Environmental Health Science Engineering 6(2), 73-80.
- Dogan M. and Yilmaz A.B., 2007. Heavy metals in water and in tissues of Himri (Carasobarbus luteus) from Orontes (Asi) River Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 53, 161-163.
- Askari Sari, A., 2009, Investigation of heavy elements (lead, mercury and cadmium) in native freshwater fish of Barbus graypus and Liza abu in Karun and Karkheh rivers in winter, Journal of Marine Biology. 4, 107-95. (In Persian)
- Kheiro, N and Dadollahi S, A., 2010, Heavy metal concentrations in sediments and shrimp (Barbus grypus) in Arvandrood. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 12(2) 131-123. (In Persian)
- Askari Sari, A., Velayate Zadeh, M., Khodadadi, M., Kazemian, M, 2011, Mercury, Lead and Cadmium levels in the lizards of Diza and Bahmanshir rivers, Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research. 9(3), 1-12. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi, M., Askari Sari, A., Khodadadi, M., 2009. Cadmium and Lead levels in muscle and liver of Barbus grypus in Dez River. Journal of Wetland, Ahvaz Islamic Azad University. 1(4), 96-91. (In Persian)
- Velayate Zadeh, M., Tabibzadeh, M., 2011, Study and comparison of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead heavy metal accumulation in muscle and liver of Cyprinion macrostomus. Journal of Food Science and Technology.1, 27-32. (In Persian)
- Khorasani, N., Hussein, S, M., Pourbagher, H., Hosseini, S, V., Aflaki, F., 2013, Measurement of some heavy metals in Otolithes ruber: a case study of Mahshahr Port. Journal of Natural Environment. 66(2), 190-181. (In Persian)
- Khazaee, S, H., Ahmadi Alkoubi, Z., Shahriari, M., 2013, Evaluation of Lead, Nickel and Cadmium concentrations in consumed fishes of Khorramshahr. Jundishapur Journal of Medical Science. 85, 418-409. (In Persian)
- Mendil, D., Ünal, Ö. F., Tüzen, M., Solak, M., 2010. Determination of trace metals in different fish species and sediments from the River Yeşilırmak in Tokat, Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48, 1383-1392.
- Mohammed, A., May, T., Echols, K., Walther, M., Manoo, A., Maraj, D., et al., 2012. Metals in sediments and fish from Sea Lots and Point Lisas Harbors, Trinidad and Tobago. Marine pollution bulletin 64, 169-173.
- Yi, Y.J., Zhang, S.H., 2012. The relationships between fish heavy metal concentrations and fish size in the upper and middle reach of Yangtze River, Procedia. Environmental Sciences. 13, 1699-1707.
- Omar, W. A., Zaghloul, Kh. H., Abdel-Khalek, A. A., Abo-Hegab S., 2012. Genotoxic effectes of metal pollution in two fish species, Oreochromis niloticus and Mugil cephalus, from highly degraded aquatic habitats. Mutation Research. 746 (1), 7-14.
- Schreck, C. B., Moyle, P. B., 1990. Methods for fish Biology, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA.
- Usero, J., Gonzalez-Regalado, E., Gracia, I., 1997. Trace metal in the bivalve mollusks Ruditapes decussates and Ruditapes philippinarum from the Atlantic coast of southern Spain. Environment International. 23, 291-298.
- Zare., M., Hamidian, A, H., Pourbagher, H., Ashrafi, S., Vaziri, L., 2012, Green Algae: biological indicator of heavy metal pollution in the Salt River, Robat Karim. Journal of Natural Environment, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources. 65(2), 204-193. (In Persian)
- Mendoza-Carranza, M., Sepúlveda-Lozada, A., Dias-Ferreira, C., 2016. Distribution and bioconcentration of heavy metals in a tropical aquatic food web: A case study of a tropical estuarine lagoon in SE Mexico Violette Geissen. Environmental Pollution. 210, 155-165.
- Yap, C.K., Ismail, A., Cheng, W.H., Tan, S.G., 2006. Crystalline style and tissue redistribution in Perna viridis as indicators of Cu and Pb bioavailabilities and contamination in coastal waters. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 63, 413-423.
- . Bandani, G, A., Rostami, kh., Yalgi, H., Shekarzadeh, M., Nazari, H, 2010, Heavy metal levels (lead, cadmium, chromium and zinc) in muscle and liver of carp (Cyprinus carpio) offshore of Golestan province. Iranian Fisheries Journal.19(4), 10-1. (In Persian)
- Pashahirad, S., Saeedi, H., Abtahi, B., Keyabi, B, 2010, Evaluation of some heavy metal’s accumulation in the soft and crustal texture of edible bivalves (Amiantis umbonella) in Bandar Abbas coast, Persian Gulf. Journal of Animal Environment. 2, 9- 22. In Persian
- Dadelahi, Sohrab, A., Nabavi, M, B., Khiru, N., 2008, Relationship between some biomaterial characteristics with heavy metal accumulation in muscle tissue and gill of Barbus grypus in Arvand River. Iranian Fisheries Journal. 17(4), 27-27. (In Persian)
- WHO, 1985. Review of potentially harmful substances- cadmium, lead and tin. WHO, Geneva. (Repotrs and Studies No. 22. MO/ FAO/ UNESCO/ WMO/ WHO/ IAEA/ UN/ UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution).
- Chen, Y.C. and Chen, M.H., 2001. Heavy metal concentration in nine species of fishes caught in coastal- waters off Ann-Ping, S.W. Taiwan. Food and Drug Analysis 9, 107-114.
- Darmono, D. and Denton, G.R.W., 1990. Heavy metal concentration in the banana prawn Penaeus merguiensis and leader prawn P. monodon in the Townsvile region of Australia. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 44, 479-486.
- MAFF., 1995. Monitoring and surveillance of non-radioactive contaminants in the aquatic environment and activities regulating the disposal of wastes at sea, 1993. Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report No. 44. Direcorate of Fisheries Research, Lowestoft.
- Askari Sari, A., Velayatzadeh, M., Beheshti, M., Khodadadi, M., 2011, Heavy metals accumulation of mercury, lead and cadmium in the tissues of Liza abu in Karun and Bahmanshir Rivers, Khuzestan province. Iranian Journal of Fisheries. 2, 140-131. (In Persian)
- Zalaghi, F., Haieripour, S., Askari Sari, A., 2011, Evaluation of lead and cadmium concentration in liver and muscle tTissues of Barbus Pectoralis in Karun River. Journal of Wetland, Ahmad Ahwaz Islamic Azad University. 8, 75-68. (In Persian)
- UNEP, 1985. Reference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies, Determination of total Hg in marine sediments and suspended solids by cold vapour AAS, 26.
- TFC, Turkish Food Codes, 2002. Official Gazette, 23 September 2002, No. 24885.
- EC (European Commission), 2005. Commission Regulation (EC) No 78/2005 of 19 January 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 as regards heavy metals, L 16/43–45.
- Uttah, C., Utth, E., Ayanda, I., 2012. Environmental Quality Assessment of Anthropogenically Impacted Estuary using Fish Genera Composition, Tissue Analysis, and Condition Factor. Science and Technology 13 (2), 537-542.
- Mendil, D., Uluozlii, O.D., 2006. Oetermination of trace metal levels in sediment and five fish species form lakes in Tokat Turkey. Food Chemistry 2, 281-285.
- Suthar, S. Nema, A.K. Chabukdhara, M. Gupta, S.K., 2009. Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: Impact of industrial and urban discharges. Hazardous Materials 171, 1088-1095.
- Varol M., 2011. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in sediments of the Tigris River (Turkey) using pollution indices and multivariate statistical techniques. Hazarous Materials 195, 355-364.
- Varol, M., Sen B., 2012. Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena 92, 1-10.
- , M., Askari Sari, A., Khodadadi, M., Velayate Zadeh, M., 2010, Measurement and comparison of concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn) in different species of Liza abu in Dez River of Khuzestan Province. Journal of Wetland, Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz. 6, 79-71. (In Persian)
- Ghovati, N., Mohammadi, S., Mohammadi, V., 2011, Comparison of hardness and alkalinity changes with heavy metal poisoning in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Journal of Islamic Azad University Wetland of Ahvaz Branch. 8, 28-21. In Persian
- Bagheri, H., Sharmad, T., Khairabadi, V., Bastami Darvish, K., Bagheri, Z., 2011, Measurement and evaluation of heavy metal pollution in Gorganrood River sediments. Journal of Oceanography. 5, 39-35. (In Persian)
- Sia Su, Glenn L., Ramos, Gliceria B., Sia Su, Maria Lilibeth L., 2013. Bioaccumulation and histopathological alteration of total lead in selected fishes from Manila Bay, Philippines. Biological Sciences 20, 353-355.
- Özturk, M., Özözen, G., Minareci, O., Minareci, E., 2009. Determination of heavy metals in fish, water and sediments of Avsar Dam lake in Turkey. Environmental Health Science Engineering 6(2), 73-80.
- Dogan M. and Yilmaz A.B., 2007. Heavy metals in water and in tissues of Himri (Carasobarbus luteus) from Orontes (Asi) River Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 53, 161-163.
- Askari Sari, A., 2009, Investigation of heavy elements (lead, mercury and cadmium) in native freshwater fish of Barbus graypus and Liza abu in Karun and Karkheh rivers in winter, Journal of Marine Biology. 4, 107-95. (In Persian)
- Kheiro, N and Dadollahi S, A., 2010, Heavy metal concentrations in sediments and shrimp (Barbus grypus) in Arvandrood. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 12(2) 131-123. (In Persian)
- Askari Sari, A., Velayate Zadeh, M., Khodadadi, M., Kazemian, M, 2011, Mercury, Lead and Cadmium levels in the lizards of Diza and Bahmanshir rivers, Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research. 9(3), 1-12. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi, M., Askari Sari, A., Khodadadi, M., 2009. Cadmium and Lead levels in muscle and liver of Barbus grypus in Dez River. Journal of Wetland, Ahvaz Islamic Azad University. 1(4), 96-91. (In Persian)
- Velayate Zadeh, M., Tabibzadeh, M., 2011, Study and comparison of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead heavy metal accumulation in muscle and liver of Cyprinion macrostomus. Journal of Food Science and Technology.1, 27-32. (In Persian)
- Khorasani, N., Hussein, S, M., Pourbagher, H., Hosseini, S, V., Aflaki, F., 2013, Measurement of some heavy metals in Otolithes ruber: a case study of Mahshahr Port. Journal of Natural Environment. 66(2), 190-181. (In Persian)
- Khazaee, S, H., Ahmadi Alkoubi, Z., Shahriari, M., 2013, Evaluation of Lead, Nickel and Cadmium concentrations in consumed fishes of Khorramshahr. Jundishapur Journal of Medical Science. 85, 418-409. (In Persian)
- Mendil, D., Ünal, Ö. F., Tüzen, M., Solak, M., 2010. Determination of trace metals in different fish species and sediments from the River Yeşilırmak in Tokat, Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48, 1383-1392.
- Mohammed, A., May, T., Echols, K., Walther, M., Manoo, A., Maraj, D., et al., 2012. Metals in sediments and fish from Sea Lots and Point Lisas Harbors, Trinidad and Tobago. Marine pollution bulletin 64, 169-173.
- Yi, Y.J., Zhang, S.H., 2012. The relationships between fish heavy metal concentrations and fish size in the upper and middle reach of Yangtze River, Procedia. Environmental Sciences. 13, 1699-1707.
- Omar, W. A., Zaghloul, Kh. H., Abdel-Khalek, A. A., Abo-Hegab S., 2012. Genotoxic effectes of metal pollution in two fish species, Oreochromis niloticus and Mugil cephalus, from highly degraded aquatic habitats. Mutation Research. 746 (1), 7-14.
- Schreck, C. B., Moyle, P. B., 1990. Methods for fish Biology, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA.
- Usero, J., Gonzalez-Regalado, E., Gracia, I., 1997. Trace metal in the bivalve mollusks Ruditapes decussates and Ruditapes philippinarum from the Atlantic coast of southern Spain. Environment International. 23, 291-298.
- Zare., M., Hamidian, A, H., Pourbagher, H., Ashrafi, S., Vaziri, L., 2012, Green Algae: biological indicator of heavy metal pollution in the Salt River, Robat Karim. Journal of Natural Environment, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources. 65(2), 204-193. (In Persian)
- Mendoza-Carranza, M., Sepúlveda-Lozada, A., Dias-Ferreira, C., 2016. Distribution and bioconcentration of heavy metals in a tropical aquatic food web: A case study of a tropical estuarine lagoon in SE Mexico Violette Geissen. Environmental Pollution. 210, 155-165.
- Yap, C.K., Ismail, A., Cheng, W.H., Tan, S.G., 2006. Crystalline style and tissue redistribution in Perna viridis as indicators of Cu and Pb bioavailabilities and contamination in coastal waters. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 63, 413-423.
- . Bandani, G, A., Rostami, kh., Yalgi, H., Shekarzadeh, M., Nazari, H, 2010, Heavy metal levels (lead, cadmium, chromium and zinc) in muscle and liver of carp (Cyprinus carpio) offshore of Golestan province. Iranian Fisheries Journal.19(4), 10-1. (In Persian)
- Pashahirad, S., Saeedi, H., Abtahi, B., Keyabi, B, 2010, Evaluation of some heavy metal’s accumulation in the soft and crustal texture of edible bivalves (Amiantis umbonella) in Bandar Abbas coast, Persian Gulf. Journal of Animal Environment. 2, 9- 22. In Persian
- Dadelahi, Sohrab, A., Nabavi, M, B., Khiru, N., 2008, Relationship between some biomaterial characteristics with heavy metal accumulation in muscle tissue and gill of Barbus grypus in Arvand River. Iranian Fisheries Journal. 17(4), 27-27. (In Persian)
- WHO, 1985. Review of potentially harmful substances- cadmium, lead and tin. WHO, Geneva. (Repotrs and Studies No. 22. MO/ FAO/ UNESCO/ WMO/ WHO/ IAEA/ UN/ UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution).
- Chen, Y.C. and Chen, M.H., 2001. Heavy metal concentration in nine species of fishes caught in coastal- waters off Ann-Ping, S.W. Taiwan. Food and Drug Analysis 9, 107-114.
- Darmono, D. and Denton, G.R.W., 1990. Heavy metal concentration in the banana prawn Penaeus merguiensis and leader prawn P. monodon in the Townsvile region of Australia. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 44, 479-486.
- MAFF., 1995. Monitoring and surveillance of non-radioactive contaminants in the aquatic environment and activities regulating the disposal of wastes at sea, 1993. Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report No. 44. Direcorate of Fisheries Research, Lowestoft.
- Askari Sari, A., Velayatzadeh, M., Beheshti, M., Khodadadi, M., 2011, Heavy metals accumulation of mercury, lead and cadmium in the tissues of Liza abu in Karun and Bahmanshir Rivers, Khuzestan province. Iranian Journal of Fisheries. 2, 140-131. (In Persian)
- Zalaghi, F., Haieripour, S., Askari Sari, A., 2011, Evaluation of lead and cadmium concentration in liver and muscle tTissues of Barbus Pectoralis in Karun River. Journal of Wetland, Ahmad Ahwaz Islamic Azad University. 8, 75-68. (In Persian)
- UNEP, 1985. Reference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies, Determination of total Hg in marine sediments and suspended solids by cold vapour AAS, 26.
- TFC, Turkish Food Codes, 2002. Official Gazette, 23 September 2002, No. 24885.
- EC (European Commission), 2005. Commission Regulation (EC) No 78/2005 of 19 January 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 as regards heavy metals, L 16/43–45.
- Uttah, C., Utth, E., Ayanda, I., 2012. Environmental Quality Assessment of Anthropogenically Impacted Estuary using Fish Genera Composition, Tissue Analysis, and Condition Factor. Science and Technology 13 (2), 537-542.
- Mendil, D., Uluozlii, O.D., 2006. Oetermination of trace metal levels in sediment and five fish species form lakes in Tokat Turkey. Food Chemistry 2, 281-285.
- Suthar, S. Nema, A.K. Chabukdhara, M. Gupta, S.K., 2009. Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: Impact of industrial and urban discharges. Hazardous Materials 171, 1088-1095.
- Varol M., 2011. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in sediments of the Tigris River (Turkey) using pollution indices and multivariate statistical techniques. Hazarous Materials 195, 355-364.
- Varol, M., Sen B., 2012. Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena 92, 1-10.