Evaluation of Coagulation and Flocculation Process in Removal of Heavy Metals from Chemical Wastewater of Mobarakeh Steel Complex
Subject Areas : Environment Pullotion (water and wastewater)Masoud Taheriyoun 1 * , Alireza Memaripour 2
1 - Asisstant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran *(Corresponding author).
2 - Department of Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: central composite design, response surface method (RSM), Heavy Metals, Optimization, coagulation and flocculation,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Wastewater from the steel industry as one of the heavy metal pollution sources plays an important role in environmental pollution. Therefore, the optimal treatment and removal of these pollutants are very important to protect the environment and achieve discharge standards. In the Mobarakeh Steel Complex, wastewater is produced during the production of galvanized steel and tin-plated steel, containing high concentrations of ferrous and chromium metals. In this study, the efficiency of the coagulation and flocculation process in removing these metals from the wastewater of Mobarakeh Steel chemical treatment plant is investigated. Method: To design the experiments, the central composite design method, which is the most common design type in response surface methodology (RSM), is used. The variables studied in this study are four factors of pH, inlet turbidity, coagulant and coagulant aid concentrations that each is studied at five levels. For each of the studied metals, a regression model of removal percentage is obtained based on the effective factors. Findings: Results of the modeling stage shows that pH is the most effective factor on the effluent iron concentration and inlet turbidity is the most effective factor on chromium percent removal. The optimization results show the optimum coagulant dose (ferric chloride) 397 mg/L, coagulant aid concentration (polyelectrolyte) 0.06 mg/L, optimum pH of 10.25 and optimum inlet turbidity of 103 NTU. Discussion & Conclusion: RSM is an effective method in experimental design that by developing a second-order regression model of the coagulation-flocculation process, it is possible to predict different operating conditions and simultaneous effect of factors on the response.
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- Hegazi, Removal of heavy metals from wastewater using agricultural and industrial wastes as adsorbents, HBRC Journal, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 276–282
- J. C. Xu, G. Chen, X.F. Huang, Iron and manganese removal by using manganese ore constructed wetlands in the reclamation of steel wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials 169, 2009, 309–317
- C. Gao, Optimization and evaluation of steel industry’s water-use system, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2011,Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 64–69
- A. Trabian, Evaluation of the methods of wastewater treatment of tin plated and galvanized sheet industry, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2005, No. 26. (In Persian).
- F. Fenglian, Q. Wang, Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewaters: A review, Journal of Environmental Management 92 ,2011, 407e418
- S.A. Abo-Farha, A.Y. Abdel-Aal, I.A. Ashourb, S.E. Garamon, Removal of some heavy metal cations by synthetic resin purolite C100, J. Hazard. Mater. 169 ,2009, 190e194.
- L. Agoubordea, R. Navia, Heavy metals retention capacity of a non-conventional sorbent developed from a mixture of industrial and agricultural wastes, J. Hazard. Mater. 167, 2009, 536e544
- L. Ahmad, B. S. Ooi, a study on acid reclamation and copper recovery using low pressure nanofiltration membrane, Chem. Eng. J. 56, 2010, 257e263.
- J.R. Parga, D.L. Cocke, J.L. Valenzuela, J.A. Gomes, M. Kesmez, G. Irwin, H. Moreno, Arsenic removal via electrocoagulation from heavy metal contaminated groundwater in La Comarca Lagunera México, J. Hazard. Mater.124, 2005, 247e254.
- M. Plattes, A. Bertrand, B. Schmitt, J. Sinner, F. Verstraeten, Removal of tungsten oxyanions from industrial wastewater by precipitation, coagulation and flocculation processes, J. Hazard. Mater. 148 ,2007, 613e615.
- T. Nandy, S. Shastry, P.P. Pathe, S.N. Kaul, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 148, 2003, 15.
- M. Syu, B.J. Chen, S.T. Chou, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 42 ,2003, 6862.
- J.R. Dominguez, J.B. de Heredia, T. Gonzalez, F. Sanchez-Lavado, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 44, 2005, 6539.
- M. Franceschi, A. Girou, A.M. Carro-Diaz, Optimisation of the coagulation–flocculation process of raw water by optimal design method, Water research, 36(14), 2002, pp. 3561-3572.
- J. P. Wang, Y.Z. Chen, X. W. Geو Optimization of coagulation–flocculation process for a paper-recycling wastewater treatment using response surface methodology, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 302(1), 2007, pp. 204-210.
- E. Khalili Moghaddam, A. R. Gashtil, Study and assessment of the methods for heavy metals removal from industrial wastewater, The first national conference on the treatment of water and industrial wastewater, 2012 (In Persian)
- L. Charerntanyarak, Heavy metals removal by chemical coagulation and precipitation, Water Science and Technology, Volume 39, Issues 10–11, 1999, Pages 135-138
- A.G. El Samrani, B.S. Lartiges, F. Villie´ras, Chemical coagulation of combined sewer overflow: Heavy metal removal and treatment optimization, Water Reaserch 42, 2008, 951 – 960
- J. Beltrán Heredia, J. Sánchez Martín, Removing heavy metals from polluted surface water with a tannin-based flocculant agent, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 165, Issues13, 15, 2009 ,Pages1215-1218
- X.M. Li, Q. Yang, Landfill leachate pretreatment by coagulation–flocculation process using iron-based coagulants: Optimization by response surface methodology, Chemical Engineering Journal 200–202 ,2012, 39–51
- M.A. Shahzad, Z. Iqbal, Khalil-ur-Rehman, Hafeez-Ur-Rehman, M.F. Ejaz, Time Course Changes in pH, Electrical Conductivity and Heavy Metals (Pb, Cr) of Wastewater Using Moringa oleifera Lam. Seed and Alum, a Comparative Evaluation, J. appl. res. technol 2014, vol.12 no.3 México jun.
- ASTM D 2035, Standard practice for coagulation-flocculation jar test of water, 2008, Vol 11.02
- ASTM E 1812, Standard Practice for Optimization of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Equipment ,2004, Vol 03.05
- APHA (American Public Health Association), Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th ed. APHA, AWWA, WEF,1998
- C. Douglas Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments”. Fifth Edition Arizona State University, 2000