Effectiveness of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in Nitrate Removal from Water Emphasizing on the Influence of Acidity
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)Ali Daryabeigi Zand 1 * , Shima Ziajahromi 2
1 - Assistant Professor,Faculty of Environment, College of Engineering, University of Tehran *(Corresponding Author)
2 - - PhD Student, Faculty of Environment, Planning and Architecture, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
Keywords: nano particles, Synthesis, Nitrate, PH, Zero-Valent Iron,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Drinking water supply is an important environmental challenge throughout the world. Water pollution with nitrate is a serious human health hazard in Iran. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of synthesized zero-valent iron (ZVI) nanoparticles in removal of nitrate from water emphasizing on the influence of pH variation on performance of nanoparticles. Method: ZVI nanoparticles were synthesized in the laboratory and measured for dimension with Transition Electron Microscopy (TEM) before using in the experiment. Impact of ZVI nanoparticles dosage on the removal of nitrate from water was also examined in this study. Findings: Results indicated that performance of ZVI nanoparticles in the removal of nitrate is greater in acidic environment compared to neutral and basic state. In addition, pH increased over the course of the experiment at initial acidic and neutral states. Discussion and Conclusion: Application of small amount of ZVI nanoparticles can reduce nitrate content in water significantly. The principal fraction of removal reaction was achieved at initial stages due to acidic condition. Results of the present study showed application of small amounts of ZVI nanoparticles can reduce nitrate concentration in waster scales significantly.
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- Kumar, S., Ahlawat, W., Bhanjana, G., Heydarifard, S., Nazhad, D.M., Dilbaghi, N. 2014. Nanothecnology-based water treatment strategies. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, pp. 1838-1858.
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- Yang, G.C.C., Lee, H.L. 2005. Chemical reduction of nitrate by nanosized iron: kinetics and pathways. Water Research, Vol. 39, pp. 884-894.
- Fewtrell, L. 2004. Drinking-water nitrate, Methemoglobinema and global burden of disease: a discussion. Environmental Health Perspective, Vol. 112, pp. 1371-1374.
- Wasik, E., Bohdziewicz, J., Blaszczyk, M. 2001. Removal of nitrates from ground water by a hybrid process of biological denitrification and microfiltration membrane. Process Biochemistry, Vol. 37, pp. 57-64.
- Zulin, S., Liangliang, B. 2007. Trans-jurisdictional River Basin Water Pollution Management and Cooperation in China: Case Study of Jiangsu/ Zhejiang Province in Comparative Global Context. China Population, Resources and Environment, Vol. 17, pp. 3-9.
- Zhang, J., Hao, Z., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., Xu, X. 2010. Kinetics of nitrate reductive denitrification by nanoscale zero-valent iron. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol.88, pp. 439-445.
- Magalheas, N.S., Mosqueira, V.C. 2010. Nanotechnology applied to the treatment of malaria. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. Vol. 62, pp. 560-575.
- Alvarez, P.J.J., Colvin, V., Lead, J., Stone, V. 2009. Research priorities to advance eco-responsible nanotechnology. ACS Nano, Vol. 3, pp. 1616-1619.
- Bruggen, B. V., Vandecasteele, C. 2003. Removal of pollutants from surface water and groundwater by nanofiltration: overview of possible applications in the drinking water industry. Journal of Environmental Pollution, Vol. 122, pp. 435-445.
- Sabbatini, P., Yrazu, F., Rossi, F., thern, G., Marajofsky, A. 2010. Fabrication and characterization of iron oxide ceramic membranes for arsenic removal. Water research, Vol. 44, pp. 5702-5712.
- Zhang, H., Jin, H.J., Qin, C.H. 2006. Synthesis of nanoscale zero-valent iron supported on exfoliated graphite for removal of nitrate. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol. 16, pp. 345-349.
- Zhang, W. X. 2003. Nanoscale iron particles for environmental remediation: an overview. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 5, pp. 323-332.
- Groza, N., Radulescu, R., Panturu, E., Olteanu, A.F., Panturu, R.I. 2009. Zero-Valent Iron Used for Radioactive Waste Water Treatment. Chemical Bulletin Polytehnica University, Vol. 54, pp. 21-25.
- Kassaeea, M.Z., Motamedi, E., Mikhak, A., Rahnemaie, R. 2011. Nitrate removal from water using iron nanoparticles produced by arc discharge. Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 166, pp. 490-495.
- Xiong, Z., Zhao, D., Pan, G. 2009. Rapid and controlled transformation of nitrate in water and brine by stabilized iron nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 11, pp. 807-819.
- Choe, S., Chang, Y.Y., Hwang, K.Y., Khim, J. 2000. Kinetics of reductive denitrifcation by nanoscale zero-valent iron. Chemosphere, Vol. 41, pp. 1307-1311.
- Liou, Y.H., Lo, S.L., Lin, C.J., Kuan, W.H., Weng, S.C. 2005. Chemical reduction of an unbuffered nitrate solution using catalyzed and uncatalyzed nanoscale iron particles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 127, pp. 102-110.
- Li, X.Y., Chu, H.P. 2003. Membrane bioreactor for the drinking water treatment of polluted surface water supplies. Water research, Vol. 37, pp. 4781-4791.