Ardabil Alluvial Plain Aquifer Vulnerability Zoning Using a Combination of GIS and DRASTIC Method
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)Hojatollah Mardan 1 * , Bahman Yargholi 2
1 - M.Sc., Environmental Pollutions, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Ardabil plain, DRASTIC Model, Geographical Information System (GIS), Groundwater, Weighted Overlap,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Groundwater resources are the second largest fresh water resources in the world and almost one third of the world population depend on these resources. These resources that are accessible through wells, canals and springs are utilized for different uses and in return they receive ample amount of domestic, industrial and agricultural waste waters. Assessment of aquifer vulnerability is very useful in land uses management and development, groundwater quality monitoring and prevention of water resources pollution. Method: In current study, DRASTIC model in conjunction with GIS is used for zoning Ardabil plain vulnerability and aquifer quality data processing and analysis is performed accordingly by these tools. It also uses the measurement results of nitrate in groundwater, DRASTIC model is calibrated to the Ardabil plain. Findings: The results of the drastic model show that the vulnerability of the Ardabil plain aquifer is more in the moderate vulnerability group. According to the findings of this study, moderate vulnerability is 39.3%, low vulnerability is 32.4% and high vulnerability is 21.1%, very low vulnerability is 6% and very high vulnerability is 1.1%, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: The level of contaminations of Ardabil aquifer was observed to be high and the result of this research revealed that its potential to be polluted is high. Therefore, given the importance of the groundwater resources in the region, it is necessary to establish a management plan to optimize the usage of this valuable resource.
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- Vrba, J., A, Zoporozec., 1994. Guidebook on mapping groundwater vulnerability. International Contributions to Hydrogeology. Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH and Co.KG.
- Antonakos, A.k., Lambrakis N.J., 2007.Develoment and testing of three hybrid methods for the assessment of aquifer vulnerability to nitrates, based on the drastic model, an example from NE Korinthia, Greece. Journal of Hydrology 333,288-304.
- Tesoriero, A.J., Inkpen, E .L and Voss, F.D., 1998. Assessing ground-water vulnerability using logistic regression. Proceedings for the Source Water Assessment and Protection 98 Conference, Dallas, TX; 157– 65
- Aller, L., Bennet, T., Lehr et al.1987. DRASTIC: A Standardized System for Evaluating Ground Water Pollution Potential Using Hydro geologic Settings, EPA 600/2-87-035. Ada, Oklahoma: U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.
- Khodei, K., Shahsavari, y., 2003. Zoning of aquifer vulnerability in Behbahan plain against pollution by drastic method., 22th Earth science conference. In Persian.
- Tajrishi, M., Abrishamchi, A., Mousavi, S.R., Tafzeili, M., Alamol-Hoda, A.A., Tofigh, M., Pourkashani, F., 1999. Providing a method for evaluating the vulnerability of groundwater to Poisons and pesticides, Collection of research papers at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology. In Persian
- Khoshdooz-Masooleh, N. Babazadeh, H. Tabatabaei, S, H. Naderi, M. Modifying DRASTIC model to determine groundwater vulnerability in a coastal region. Journal of Soil and Water Resources Conservation Vol.3, No.1, Fall2013. In Persian
- LeGrand, H.E.,1964. System for evaluating the contamination potential of some waste site. Journal of American Water Works Association 56, 959-974.
- Babiker, I.S., et al., 2005. A GIS-based DRASTIC model for assessing aquifer vulnerability in Kakamigahara, Heights, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Science of the Total Environment 345,127-140.
- AL-Adamat, R.A.N., Foster, I.D.L., Baban, S.M.J., 2003. Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping for the Basaltic aquifer of the Azraq basin of Jordan using GIS, remote sensing and DRASTIC. Applied Geography 23,303-324.
- Evans,B.M., Mayers, W.L., 1990 .A GIS-based approach to evaluating regional ground
- Water Pollution Potential With DRASTIC. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 45, 242-245.
- Panagopoulos, G.,A., Antonakos, N.,Lambrakis., 2006. Optimization of DRASTIC model for groundwater vulnerability assessment, by the use of simple statistical methods and GIS. Hydrogeology Journal (published Online).
- Bouwer, H., 1978. Groundwater, New York, Mc Grow, Hill Inc.
- Todd,P.K., 1980.Ground Water, Hydrology, Kluwer Academic Publisher. 400 p.
- Yekom Consulting Engineers Co., 2014. Study of Surface and Ground Water Resources Quality in Ardabil Province, Volume II. In Persian