The Role of Landscape Ecology Spatial Structure Analysis in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Case Study: Miankaleh International Wetland)
Subject Areas : ارزیابی پی آمدهای محیط زیستی
Soolmaz Dashti
Gholam Reza Sabzghabaei
Kaveh Jafarzadeh
Mojgan Bazmara Baleshti
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.
3 - Masters Assessment and Land use planning, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.
4 - Masters Assessment and Land use planning, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.
Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment, Composition and spatial distribution, Metrics landscape, Miankaleh Wetland,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The use of environmental impact assessment methods is one of the important tools in environmental management studies and the reduction of potentially harmful environmental factors in sensitive areas such as wetlands to achieve sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of spatial composition and distribution of Miankaleh International Wetland and also to evaluate the efficiency of land features measurements to assess environmental effects. Method: For this purpose, first Landsat 7 and 8 satellite images of ETM + and OLI sensors related to 2001 and 2016 were prepared. Then, by performing the necessary processing and preprocessing, the land use map was prepared and the raster maps were entered into FRAGSTATS 4.2 software was performed. Findings: According to the results, it can be said that the water zone of the wetland (which is the most important part of the wetland) and consequently the wetlands of the wetland have a large area and has not become fine and stained, but during the study period Deleted part of its domain. The use of vegetation and man-made lands has also disrupted the natural environment by creating new spots and fragmentation. Agricultural use has not been in the form of spots and the increase in its area has been in the form of large spots. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the stated results, proper management in the wetland environment is not implemented. Because the current management of Miankaleh wetland is a hardware and old management, also due to the location of this wetland in two provinces, it does not have an integrated management and the management plan is scattered and multiple. As a result, by creating an integrated and coherent management plan, the problems of this wetland can be overcome to some extent. The present study well showed that land use measurements are a suitable tool for assessing environmental impacts in the shortest time.
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- Zedler, J.B. Kercher, S, 2005, Wetland resources: status, trends, ecosystem services, and restorability, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 30, 39–74.
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- Esmaeili, R., Yakhshaki, A., Oladi, J., 2010. Evaluation of IRS Satellite Image Capability in Optimal Management for Area (Case Study: Miankaleh Wildlife Refrigerator). The First Regional Coference of Geomaics, Islamic Azad University of Islamshahr Branch, 1-10
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- Jafarzadeh, A.A., 2011. Degradation Modeling in Zagros Forests using RS and GIS Technologies, master’s thesis, Sari Univesity of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 100.
- Safiyanian, A., Khodakarami, L., 2012. Landuse Mapping Using Fuzzy Classification Method, Case Study of Three Sub_Catchments of KaboodarAhang, Razan – Nahavand and Khonjin_ Talkhab in Hamedan Province, Landuse Planning, 3(4): 95-114.
- Zeng, H. & Wu, X. B, 2005, Utilities of edge- based metrics for studying landscape fragmentation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (29), 159- 178.
- Green, D. G., Klomp, N., Rimmington, G. & Sadedin, S, 2006, Complexity in Landscape Ecology. Springer. 208.
- Botequilha, A. and Ahren, J, 2002, Applying Landscape Ecological Concepts and Metrics in Sustainable Landscape Planning, Landurbplan. 59: 65-93.
- Zebardast, L., Yavari A.R., Salehi, E., Makhdoum, M., 2012. Using Landscape Ecological Metrics to Investigation Impacts of Road on Structural Changes in Golestan National Park During 1987 to 2010. Environmental Researches, 2(4): 11-20.
- Sadeghi Benis, M., Banaei, V., Darayesh, R., Using Landscape Metric Gradient Analysis to Investigate Urban Green Space Chnages (Case Study: Tabriz City). Geographical of Zagros Landscape, 5(16): 7-21
- Fathizadeh, H., Nohegara A., Faramarzi, M., Tazeh, M., 2014. An Investigation of Changes in Land Use According to the Analysis of Landscape Ecology Metrics by Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Arid and Semi_Arid Region of Dehloran. Land Use Planning, 5(1): 79-99.
- Mirzayi, M., Riyahi Bakhtiyari, A., Slaman MahiniA., GholamAlifard, M., 2013. Investigation the Land Cover Changes in MazandaranProvince Using Landscape Ecology,s Metrics Between 1984-2010. Applied Ecology, 2(4): 37-55.
- Weng Y.C, 2007, Spatiotemporal Changes of Landscape Pattern in Response to Urbanization. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 81 (4), 341-353.
- Lausch, A. and F. Herzog, 2002, Applicability of Landscape Metrics for the Monitoring of Landscape Change: Issues of Scale, Resolution and Interpretability. Journal of Ecological Indicators, 2(1-2), 3-15.
- Abdullah, S.A. and N. Nakagoshi. 2006, Changes in Landscape Spatial Pattern in Highly Developing State of Seangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 77(3): 263- 275.
- Bowersox, M. A. and D. G. Brown, 2001, Measuring the abruptness of patchy ecotones: A simulation-based comparison of patch and edge metrics. Plant Ecology, 156 (1): 89-13.
- Ramachandra, T.V., Aithal, B.H, 2012, Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Landscape Dynamics in Shimoga, Tier II City, Karnataka State, India, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 9, 2250-2459.
- Fichera, C.R.; Modica, G. & Pollino, M, 2012, Land Cover classification and change-detection analysis using multi-temporal remote sensed imagery and landscape metrics. European journal of Remote Sensing, 45, 1-18 pp.
- Frohn, R.C. & Hao, Y, 2006, Landscape metric performance in analyzing two decades of deforestation in the Amazon Basin of Rondonia. Remote sensing of Environment.100, 237-251.
- Odum, H. T, 1983, Systems ecology: An introduction. Wiley Interscience Publication, New York.
- Wallace, K. J, 2007, Classification of ecosystem services: problems and solutions. Biological Conservation, 139 (3–4), 235–246.
- Sugumaran, R, 2004, Using Remote Sensing Data to Study Wetland Dynamics in Iowa. Iowa Space Grant (Seed) Final Technical Report, University of Northern Iowa, Department of Geography, 17.
- Zedler, J.B. Kercher, S, 2005, Wetland resources: status, trends, ecosystem services, and restorability, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 30, 39–74.
- Kim, K.G., Lee, H., Lee, D.H, 2011, Wetland restoration to enhance biodiversity in urban areas – a comparative analysis, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 7: 27–32.
- Rahimi Balouci, L. Malek Mohammadi, B., 2013, Environmental risk Assessment of Shadegan International Wetland Based on Ecological Indicators. Journal of Environmental Studies, 39(1): 101–112.
- Ferdosi, S., Ghodousi, F, 2009.Book Summary of Environmental Impact Assessment, Experience, Bottlenecks and FutureTrends. Journal of Environment and Development, 2(3): 73-78.
- Azari Dehkordi, F., Khazaei, N., 2009. A Decision Support System for Environmental Impact Assessment in Landuse Degradation, Case Study: Shafarod Watershed in Gilan Province of Iran. Environmental Studies 51, 70-80.
- Leitao Botequilha, A. and J. Ahern, 2002, Applying Landscape Ecological Concepts and Metrics in Sustainable Landscape Planning. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 59(2), 65-93.
- Fredericton, N.B, 2016. Spatial Analyssis of Land Cover Changes in the Grand Lake Meadoes, New Brunswick, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering University of New Brunswick P.O, Box 4400, 103.
- Boscoisunju, J, 2016 Spatial Analyssis of Encroachment on Wetlands: Hazards, Vulnerability and Adaptations in Kampala City, UGANDA, Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University, Supervisor: Dr. J Kemp, Stellenbosch University, Co-supervisor: Prof. CG Orach, Makerere University, 192.
- Chen, T. S. and Lin, H. J, 2013, Development of a framework for landscape assessment of Taiwanese wetlands, Ecological Indicators, (25), 121–132.
- Mokhtari, S., Soltanifard, H., Yavari, A., 2010. Consideration of the Changing and self_ Organizing Trend in Hur_ Al_Azim Wetland by Using image Processing to Refer Landscape Ecology Approach, Physical Geology Research, 70: 93-105
- Madadi, H., Ashrafzadeh M.R., 2011. A study Land Cover Change in Bamdej Wetland with Landscape Ecology Approach. Journal of Marine science and Technology, 9(1): 51-61
- Jafari, Sh., Sakiyeh, Y., Dezhkam, S., Alaviyan Petrudi, S., Yagubzadeh, M. and Danehkar, A., 2014. Developing management strategies for Miankaleh wetland conservation using SWOT analysis. Wetlands Ecobiology, 5 (16), 18-5.
- Esmaeili, R., Yakhshaki, A., Oladi, J., 2010. Evaluation of IRS Satellite Image Capability in Optimal Management for Area (Case Study: Miankaleh Wildlife Refrigerator). The First Regional Coference of Geomaics, Islamic Azad University of Islamshahr Branch, 1-10
- Jensen, J.R., 2007, "Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective", 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall: Saddle River.
- Pat, S. Chavez, J.R. 1988, An Improved Dark-Object Subtraction Technique for Atmospheric Scattering Correction of Multispectral Data", Remote Sensing of Environment. 24(3), 459-479.
- Jafarzadeh, A.A., 2011. Degradation Modeling in Zagros Forests using RS and GIS Technologies, master’s thesis, Sari Univesity of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 100.
- Safiyanian, A., Khodakarami, L., 2012. Landuse Mapping Using Fuzzy Classification Method, Case Study of Three Sub_Catchments of KaboodarAhang, Razan – Nahavand and Khonjin_ Talkhab in Hamedan Province, Landuse Planning, 3(4): 95-114.
- Zeng, H. & Wu, X. B, 2005, Utilities of edge- based metrics for studying landscape fragmentation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (29), 159- 178.
- Green, D. G., Klomp, N., Rimmington, G. & Sadedin, S, 2006, Complexity in Landscape Ecology. Springer. 208.
- Botequilha, A. and Ahren, J, 2002, Applying Landscape Ecological Concepts and Metrics in Sustainable Landscape Planning, Landurbplan. 59: 65-93.
- Zebardast, L., Yavari A.R., Salehi, E., Makhdoum, M., 2012. Using Landscape Ecological Metrics to Investigation Impacts of Road on Structural Changes in Golestan National Park During 1987 to 2010. Environmental Researches, 2(4): 11-20.
- Sadeghi Benis, M., Banaei, V., Darayesh, R., Using Landscape Metric Gradient Analysis to Investigate Urban Green Space Chnages (Case Study: Tabriz City). Geographical of Zagros Landscape, 5(16): 7-21
- Fathizadeh, H., Nohegara A., Faramarzi, M., Tazeh, M., 2014. An Investigation of Changes in Land Use According to the Analysis of Landscape Ecology Metrics by Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Arid and Semi_Arid Region of Dehloran. Land Use Planning, 5(1): 79-99.
- Mirzayi, M., Riyahi Bakhtiyari, A., Slaman MahiniA., GholamAlifard, M., 2013. Investigation the Land Cover Changes in MazandaranProvince Using Landscape Ecology,s Metrics Between 1984-2010. Applied Ecology, 2(4): 37-55.
- Weng Y.C, 2007, Spatiotemporal Changes of Landscape Pattern in Response to Urbanization. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 81 (4), 341-353.
- Lausch, A. and F. Herzog, 2002, Applicability of Landscape Metrics for the Monitoring of Landscape Change: Issues of Scale, Resolution and Interpretability. Journal of Ecological Indicators, 2(1-2), 3-15.
- Abdullah, S.A. and N. Nakagoshi. 2006, Changes in Landscape Spatial Pattern in Highly Developing State of Seangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 77(3): 263- 275.
- Bowersox, M. A. and D. G. Brown, 2001, Measuring the abruptness of patchy ecotones: A simulation-based comparison of patch and edge metrics. Plant Ecology, 156 (1): 89-13.
- Ramachandra, T.V., Aithal, B.H, 2012, Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Landscape Dynamics in Shimoga, Tier II City, Karnataka State, India, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 9, 2250-2459.
- Fichera, C.R.; Modica, G. & Pollino, M, 2012, Land Cover classification and change-detection analysis using multi-temporal remote sensed imagery and landscape metrics. European journal of Remote Sensing, 45, 1-18 pp.
- Frohn, R.C. & Hao, Y, 2006, Landscape metric performance in analyzing two decades of deforestation in the Amazon Basin of Rondonia. Remote sensing of Environment.100, 237-251.