Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Noise Pollution Based On GIS, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering and Principal Component Analysis (Case Study: Tehran)
Subject Areas : nosie
Amir Esmael Forouhid
Mohsen Rostami
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Parand branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Department of Civil Engineering, South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Noise Population, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, principal component analysis, vehicles,
Abstract :
Background & Objective: Noise is an adverse factor in the living environments of today’s communities. This type of pollution has drawn attention to itself in the three recent decades, being a major problem in larger cities and seen as one of the significant environmental problems, blood pressure leading to cardiovascular disorders.Material and Methodology: The paper studied Tehran, Iran. The study areas consisted of Tajrish Square, Tohid and Sattarkhan crossroads, Hakim Freeway and Hemmat Freeway of Tehran. The study areas were selected based on their traffic and urban importance. The survey measured sound levels, road slope, road width, traffic, and land use (residential, commercial, administrative, and green space). In the field method, noise pollution level was measured using a sound level meter. Due to the role of traffic parameters, slope and residential, commercial, office and green space usage parameters, the parameters were recorded for each map of harvest. The spatial and temporal dependencies were extracted using "Agglomerative hierarchical clustering" and "principal components analysis".Findings: The results indicate the critical significance of urban traffic in noise pollution, as by a large difference it had the highest contribution to noise level, followed by green space, administrative, and commercial land use; road width, and road slope.Discussion & Conclusions: It is recommended that for future roads or revamping the existing ones, more lanes be implemented to produce wider roads, prevent the construction of tall buildings on the sided of main roads, and maintaining a standard distance between buildings and main roads, freeways, and other motorways.
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12. Majidi, Faramarz, Khosravi, Yunus, Evaluation of noise pollution in the central part of Zanjan using geographic information system, Health and Environment Journal, Scientific Research Quarterly, 9th Volume, 1st Issue, Spring 2015, Pages 91-102. (In Persian)
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2.Abbaspour, M., ((Environmental Engineering of Tehran)), No. 6, Tehran, Islamic Azad University: 1371. (In Persian)
8.Zoqi, Hassan, ((Traffic Engineering Book)), fifth issue, Tehran, Islamic Azad University, 2018, pp: 214-215. (In Persian)
9.Weber N, Haase D, Franck U (2014). Assessing modelled outdoor traffic-induced noise and air pollution around urban structures using the concept of landscape metrics. Landsc Urban Plan, 125: 105–116.
11.Sayadi Anari, Mohammad Hossein, Mawafaq, Afsana, Evaluation of sound pollution in Birjand using statistical and GIS techniques, Environmental Science, Volume 40, Number 3, Fall 2013, Pages 693-710. (In Persian)
12. Majidi, Faramarz, Khosravi, Yunus, Evaluation of noise pollution in the central part of Zanjan using geographic information system, Health and Environment Journal, Scientific Research Quarterly, 9th Volume, 1st Issue, Spring 2015, Pages 91-102. (In Persian)
13.Mandal P.K., Bandyopadhyay A. (2014), Case study from West Bengal, India: Management of noise levels during festival time in Kolkata and Howrah Municipal Corporation Areas from 2002 to 2011, Environ- mental Quality Management, 23, 13–32.