Investigating Some Chemical Soil Properties in the Pollarded and Less-disturbed Forest Stands in the Northern Zagros (Case study: Baneh forest, Kurdistan)
Subject Areas : natural resorcesJian Rahimi 1 , Kyumars Mohammadi Samani 2 * , Naghi Shabanian 3 , Mohammad Shafi Rahmani 4
1 - M.Sc., Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assossiate Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
4 - Laboratory Expert, Forest biology Lab, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
Keywords: Forest stand, Less-disturbed forest, Soil nutrients, northern Zagros, Pollarding,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: A Northern Zagros oak forests have been pollarded since a long time ago and finally they have been destroyed by forest dwellers. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of pollarding on some soil chemical properties. Method: Two adjacent oak forest stands with similar physiography were selected including a less-disturbed area (as control stand) and pollarded stands that it periodically pollarded once every three years. 10 composite soil samples under the tree crown have been taken from 0-15 cm soil depth of each area. Finally, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratio, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, pH and EC were analyzed. Findings: The results showed that all soil factors had significant differences in theses area except magnesium and C/N ratio. The amount of calcium and pH increased in pollarded area compare with control while soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and EC decreased. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study showed that preservation of trees and stop pollarding trees in control area can produce a better soil condition compare with pollard stands. People use trees foliage to feeding livestock by oak pollarding in this forest so that these pollarding activities of local dwellers can reduce the amount of soil organic matter content and soil nutrient reserves. The decreasing of soil nutrient reserves will be very harmful to conserve the soil fertility and productivity.
- Yang, K., Jun Zhua, J., Yana, Q and Sunc, O., 2010. Changes in soil p chemistry as affected by conversion of natural secondary forests to larch plantations, Forest Ecology and Management, 260 (3): 422-428.
- Haghnia, G H and Kouchaki, A.1996. Sustainable management of soilAcademic center for Education, Culture and Research - Khorasan Razavi. 204pp (In Persian)
- Sun, R., Chen, J.M and Zhaou, Y.Y., 2004, Spatial distribution of net primary productivity and evapotranspiration in Changbaishan natural reserve. China, using landsat ETM+ data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (5): 731-742.
- Sagheb Talebi, Khosro, Toktam Sajedi, and Mehdi Pourhashemi. 2014. Forests of Iran : A Treasure from the Past, a Hope for the Future, Plant and Vegetation;10. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. 152p. (In Persian)
- Salehi, A., Mohammadi, A and Safari. A. 2011. Investigation and comparison of physical and chemical soil properties and quantitative characteristics of trees in less-damaged and damaged area of Zagross forests (Case study: Poldokhtar, Lorestan province). Iranian Journal of Forest, 3 (1): 81-89 (In Persian)
- Ghazanfari, H., Namiranian, M., Sobhani, H., Marvi Mohadjer, M. R and Pourtahmasi, K. 2005. An Estimation of Tree Diameter Growth of Lebanon Oak (Quercus libani) in Northern Zagross Forests (Case Study, Havareh khole). Iranian J. Natural Res, 57 (4): 558-662. (In Persian)
- Fattahi M, 1994. Study on Zagros oak forests and the most important their destruction causes. Institute of Forests and Rangelands Research press, Sanandaj, Iran.63p. (In Persian)
- Camping, T. J., Dahlgren R.A., TateK. Wand HorwathW. R., 2002. Changes in soil quality due to grazing and oak tree removal in California blue oak woodlands. USDA Forest Service Gen, 184 :75-85.
- Dahlgren, R., Singer, M.J., 1991. Nutrient cycling in managed and unmanaged oak woodland-grass ecosystems. USDA Forest Service Gen. 126: 337-341.
- Dahlgren, R.A., Singer, M. J and Huang, X., 1997. Oak tree and grazing impacts on soil properties and nutrients in California oak woodland. Biogeochemistry, 39; 45–64.
- Gallardo, A., 2003. Effect of tree canopy on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients in a Mediterranean Dehesa. Pedobiologia Urban and Fischer Verlag, 47:117–125.
- Moreno, G., Jesus Obrador, J. and Garcıa, A., 2007. Impact of evergreen oaks on soil fertility and crop production in intercropped dehesas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 119: 270–280.
- Tarrega, R., Calvo, L., Marcos E and Taboada, A., 2007. Comparison of understory plant community composition and soil characteristics in Quercus pyrenaica stands with different human uses. Forest Ecology and Management 241: 235–242.
- Zarrinkafsh, M. 2002. Forest Soils. Iran: Iran Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands Press. 361p. (In Persian)
- Cindy E.P., 2002. Influence of the forest canopy in nutrient cycling. Tree physiology, 22: 1193-1200.
- Hajizaki, H. 2009. The effect of pollarding on soil physico-chemical properties in the northern Zagross forest (Baneh, Iran), Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, MSc Thesis. University of Kurdistan, Iran. 72pp. (In Persian)
- Heydari, M., Poorbabaei, H., Salehi, A and Esmaaelzade, O. 2013. Application of two-step clustering methods to investigate effects of oak forests conservative management of Ilam city on soil properties. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (2). 229-243. (In Persian)
- Pulido-Fernández, M., Schnabel, S, Lavado-Contador, J.F, Miralles Mellado, I., Ortega Pérez., R., 2013.Soil organic matter of Iberian open woodland rangelands as influenced by vegetation cover and land management. Catena, 109: 13–24.
- Jazirehi, H, M., and M Ebrahimi Rastaghi. 2004. Silviculture Of Zagros Forests: Tehran University press 563p. (In Persian)
- Rahimi, J. 2015. Comparative study of nutrients reserves and some physiological parameters of Lebanon oak (Quercus libani) trees from the pollarded and less-disturbed forest stands. MSc Thesis, University of Kurdistan. 77p. (In Persian)
- Walkley A and Black IA., 1934. An examination of Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sci, 37: 29-37.
- Kjeldahl, J., 1883. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs in organischen Körpern, Z. Anal. Chem, 22: 366-382.
- Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Vatanabe, F.S and DEAM, L.A., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorous in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate .U.S department of agriculture. Washington, D.C, USDA Circ, 939, 24p.
- Francaviglia, R., Benedetti, A., Doro, L., Madrau, S. and Ledda L., 2014. Influence of land use on soil quality and stratification ratios underagro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean management systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 183:86–92.
- Youkhana, A and Idol, T., 2009. Tree pruning mulch increases soil C and N in a shaded coffee agroecosystem in Hawaii. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41 (12):2527–2534.
- Kialashki, A and Shabani, S. 2010. . Investigation of some forest soil properties in different forest Gaps in Sarcheshmeh Chalous forests. Journal of Sciences and Techniques in Natural Resources. 5 (3): 23-30. (In Persian)
- Tolosa E.M.C., Rodrigues C.J., Behmer O. and Freitas Neto A.G., 2003. Manual de Técnicaspara Histologia Normal e Patológica.2ª ed. Manole, São Paulo. 331p.
- Snowdon, P., Ryan, P and Raison, J. 2005. Review of C:N ratios in vegetation, litter and soil under Australian native forests and plantations. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 45: 60p.
- Yamakura, Tand Sahunalu, P., 1990. Soil carbon/nitrogen ratio as a site quality index for some south-east Asian forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 6 (3): 371-377
- Elyasazar, K. 1990. Principle of Soil. Jahade Daneshgahi Press. Urmia University. 396 p. (In Persian)
- HabibiKaseb H (1992). Principles of Forest Pedology (Tehran University Press) 428. (In Persian)
- Sanchez Maranon, M., Soriano, M., Delgado, G and Delgado, R., 2002. Soil Quality in Mediterranean Mountain Environment. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J, 66: 948-958.
- Brady, N. C.; Weil, R. R., 2002. The nature and properties of soils. Prentice Hall, 2002.ISBN: 0130167630, 9780130167637. 980pp
- Banj Shafiei, A., Ashkavand, P and Beygi Heidarlou, H. 2014. Assessing Soil and Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Forest Species in Semi-Protected and Degraded Regions of Marivan Forests, Kurdistan Province. J. of Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources, 2 (2): 81-98. (In Persian)
- Foth, H. D and Ellis, B. G., 1988. Soil fertility. Published by Wiley. 304pp.
- Foth, H. D. 1990. Fundamentals of Soil Science, 8th Edition. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. 384p
- Salardini, A. 2011. Soil fertility. Iran: University of Tehran Press. 434p. (In Persian)
- Moghaddas, E.Y. and Stephens, S. L. (2007). Thinning, burning, and thin-burn fuel treatment effects on soil properties in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 250 (2007) 156–166
- Vesterdal, L., Dalsgaard, M., Felby, C., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Jørgensen, B.B., 1995. Effects of thinning and soil properties on accumulation of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the forest floor of Norway spruce stands. Forest Ecology and Management 77. 1-10.
- Bewket, W. and I, Stroosnijder. (2003). Effects of Agro-ecological Land Use Succession on soil properties in Chemoga Watershed, Blue Nil Basins, Ethiopia. Geoderma 111: 85-95.
- Islam, K. and wiel, R. (2000). Land use effects on soil quality in a tropical forest ecosystem of Bangladesh. Agriculture ecosystems and environment. 79: 9-16.
- Tejada, M. and Gonzalez, J. (2008). Influence of two organic amendments on the soil physical properties, soil losses, sediments and runoff water quality. Geoderma 145: 325-334.
- Grisso, R. B., wysor, M. A.W. G., Holshouser, D and Thomason, W. 2009. Precision Farming Tools: Soil Electrical Conductivity. Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 6 pp.
- Yang, K., Jun Zhua, J., Yana, Q and Sunc, O., 2010. Changes in soil p chemistry as affected by conversion of natural secondary forests to larch plantations, Forest Ecology and Management, 260 (3): 422-428.
- Haghnia, G H and Kouchaki, A.1996. Sustainable management of soilAcademic center for Education, Culture and Research - Khorasan Razavi. 204pp (In Persian)
- Sun, R., Chen, J.M and Zhaou, Y.Y., 2004, Spatial distribution of net primary productivity and evapotranspiration in Changbaishan natural reserve. China, using landsat ETM+ data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (5): 731-742.
- Sagheb Talebi, Khosro, Toktam Sajedi, and Mehdi Pourhashemi. 2014. Forests of Iran : A Treasure from the Past, a Hope for the Future, Plant and Vegetation;10. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. 152p. (In Persian)
- Salehi, A., Mohammadi, A and Safari. A. 2011. Investigation and comparison of physical and chemical soil properties and quantitative characteristics of trees in less-damaged and damaged area of Zagross forests (Case study: Poldokhtar, Lorestan province). Iranian Journal of Forest, 3 (1): 81-89 (In Persian)
- Ghazanfari, H., Namiranian, M., Sobhani, H., Marvi Mohadjer, M. R and Pourtahmasi, K. 2005. An Estimation of Tree Diameter Growth of Lebanon Oak (Quercus libani) in Northern Zagross Forests (Case Study, Havareh khole). Iranian J. Natural Res, 57 (4): 558-662. (In Persian)
- Fattahi M, 1994. Study on Zagros oak forests and the most important their destruction causes. Institute of Forests and Rangelands Research press, Sanandaj, Iran.63p. (In Persian)
- Camping, T. J., Dahlgren R.A., TateK. Wand HorwathW. R., 2002. Changes in soil quality due to grazing and oak tree removal in California blue oak woodlands. USDA Forest Service Gen, 184 :75-85.
- Dahlgren, R., Singer, M.J., 1991. Nutrient cycling in managed and unmanaged oak woodland-grass ecosystems. USDA Forest Service Gen. 126: 337-341.
- Dahlgren, R.A., Singer, M. J and Huang, X., 1997. Oak tree and grazing impacts on soil properties and nutrients in California oak woodland. Biogeochemistry, 39; 45–64.
- Gallardo, A., 2003. Effect of tree canopy on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients in a Mediterranean Dehesa. Pedobiologia Urban and Fischer Verlag, 47:117–125.
- Moreno, G., Jesus Obrador, J. and Garcıa, A., 2007. Impact of evergreen oaks on soil fertility and crop production in intercropped dehesas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 119: 270–280.
- Tarrega, R., Calvo, L., Marcos E and Taboada, A., 2007. Comparison of understory plant community composition and soil characteristics in Quercus pyrenaica stands with different human uses. Forest Ecology and Management 241: 235–242.
- Zarrinkafsh, M. 2002. Forest Soils. Iran: Iran Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands Press. 361p. (In Persian)
- Cindy E.P., 2002. Influence of the forest canopy in nutrient cycling. Tree physiology, 22: 1193-1200.
- Hajizaki, H. 2009. The effect of pollarding on soil physico-chemical properties in the northern Zagross forest (Baneh, Iran), Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, MSc Thesis. University of Kurdistan, Iran. 72pp. (In Persian)
- Heydari, M., Poorbabaei, H., Salehi, A and Esmaaelzade, O. 2013. Application of two-step clustering methods to investigate effects of oak forests conservative management of Ilam city on soil properties. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (2). 229-243. (In Persian)
- Pulido-Fernández, M., Schnabel, S, Lavado-Contador, J.F, Miralles Mellado, I., Ortega Pérez., R., 2013.Soil organic matter of Iberian open woodland rangelands as influenced by vegetation cover and land management. Catena, 109: 13–24.
- Jazirehi, H, M., and M Ebrahimi Rastaghi. 2004. Silviculture Of Zagros Forests: Tehran University press 563p. (In Persian)
- Rahimi, J. 2015. Comparative study of nutrients reserves and some physiological parameters of Lebanon oak (Quercus libani) trees from the pollarded and less-disturbed forest stands. MSc Thesis, University of Kurdistan. 77p. (In Persian)
- Walkley A and Black IA., 1934. An examination of Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sci, 37: 29-37.
- Kjeldahl, J., 1883. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs in organischen Körpern, Z. Anal. Chem, 22: 366-382.
- Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Vatanabe, F.S and DEAM, L.A., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorous in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate .U.S department of agriculture. Washington, D.C, USDA Circ, 939, 24p.
- Francaviglia, R., Benedetti, A., Doro, L., Madrau, S. and Ledda L., 2014. Influence of land use on soil quality and stratification ratios underagro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean management systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 183:86–92.
- Youkhana, A and Idol, T., 2009. Tree pruning mulch increases soil C and N in a shaded coffee agroecosystem in Hawaii. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 41 (12):2527–2534.
- Kialashki, A and Shabani, S. 2010. . Investigation of some forest soil properties in different forest Gaps in Sarcheshmeh Chalous forests. Journal of Sciences and Techniques in Natural Resources. 5 (3): 23-30. (In Persian)
- Tolosa E.M.C., Rodrigues C.J., Behmer O. and Freitas Neto A.G., 2003. Manual de Técnicaspara Histologia Normal e Patológica.2ª ed. Manole, São Paulo. 331p.
- Snowdon, P., Ryan, P and Raison, J. 2005. Review of C:N ratios in vegetation, litter and soil under Australian native forests and plantations. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 45: 60p.
- Yamakura, Tand Sahunalu, P., 1990. Soil carbon/nitrogen ratio as a site quality index for some south-east Asian forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 6 (3): 371-377
- Elyasazar, K. 1990. Principle of Soil. Jahade Daneshgahi Press. Urmia University. 396 p. (In Persian)
- HabibiKaseb H (1992). Principles of Forest Pedology (Tehran University Press) 428. (In Persian)
- Sanchez Maranon, M., Soriano, M., Delgado, G and Delgado, R., 2002. Soil Quality in Mediterranean Mountain Environment. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J, 66: 948-958.
- Brady, N. C.; Weil, R. R., 2002. The nature and properties of soils. Prentice Hall, 2002.ISBN: 0130167630, 9780130167637. 980pp
- Banj Shafiei, A., Ashkavand, P and Beygi Heidarlou, H. 2014. Assessing Soil and Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Forest Species in Semi-Protected and Degraded Regions of Marivan Forests, Kurdistan Province. J. of Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources, 2 (2): 81-98. (In Persian)
- Foth, H. D and Ellis, B. G., 1988. Soil fertility. Published by Wiley. 304pp.
- Foth, H. D. 1990. Fundamentals of Soil Science, 8th Edition. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. 384p
- Salardini, A. 2011. Soil fertility. Iran: University of Tehran Press. 434p. (In Persian)
- Moghaddas, E.Y. and Stephens, S. L. (2007). Thinning, burning, and thin-burn fuel treatment effects on soil properties in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 250 (2007) 156–166
- Vesterdal, L., Dalsgaard, M., Felby, C., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Jørgensen, B.B., 1995. Effects of thinning and soil properties on accumulation of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the forest floor of Norway spruce stands. Forest Ecology and Management 77. 1-10.
- Bewket, W. and I, Stroosnijder. (2003). Effects of Agro-ecological Land Use Succession on soil properties in Chemoga Watershed, Blue Nil Basins, Ethiopia. Geoderma 111: 85-95.
- Islam, K. and wiel, R. (2000). Land use effects on soil quality in a tropical forest ecosystem of Bangladesh. Agriculture ecosystems and environment. 79: 9-16.
- Tejada, M. and Gonzalez, J. (2008). Influence of two organic amendments on the soil physical properties, soil losses, sediments and runoff water quality. Geoderma 145: 325-334.
- Grisso, R. B., wysor, M. A.W. G., Holshouser, D and Thomason, W. 2009. Precision Farming Tools: Soil Electrical Conductivity. Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 6 pp.