Optimization Specific Fuel Consumption of Diesel, Biodiesel and Bioethanol Fuel Blends by Response Surface Methodology
Subject Areas : Renewable EnergyGolmohammad Khoobbakht 1 * , Mohammad ghahderijani 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
*(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Machinery and mechanization, science and research branch, Islamic azad university, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: specific fuel consumption, diesel, Response Surface Methodology, Biodiesel, bioethanol,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Recently much attention has been paid to the development of alternative fuels in order to meet the emission standards and to reduce the dependency on fossil fuel. Especially biodiesel and ethanol have been considered as major alternative fuels as they are derived from renewable sources. These fuels are well oxygenated and therefore have a great potential to reduce emissions. Method: This study is aimed at investigating the effect of operating factors of engine load and speed as well as blended levels of biodiesel and ethanol in diesel fuel on the specific fuel consumption of a DI diesel engine OM 314. The experiments were designed using a statistical tool known as response surface methodology (RSM). Findings: The results depicted that specific fuel consumption increased with increasing percentage of bioethanol and biodiesel and the minimum of the specific fuel consumption (156 g/kWh) was accured at full load and engine rotational speed of 2453 rpm for pure diesel (B0E0D100) Discussion and Conclusion: the maximum of specific fuel consumption was obtained with amount of 413 g/kWh at 20% engine load and rotational speed of 2800 rpm and for a fuel blend containing 0.4 l biodiesel, 0.4 l ethanol and 1l diesel (B22E22D56).
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- Al-Hassana M, Mujafet H, Al-Shannagb M. An Experimental Study on the Solubility of a Diesel-Ethanol Blend and on the Performance of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Diesel- Biodiesel - Ethanol Blends. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2012; 6: 147 – 153.
- McCormick RL, Parish R. Technical barriers to the useof ethanol in diesel fuel. Milestone Report to NREL/MP 2001; 540-32674.
- Armas O, Yehliu K, Boehman AL. Effect of alternative fuels on exhaust emis-sions during diesel engine operationwithmatched combustion phasing. Fuel2010;89: 438–56.
- Luján JM, Bermúdez V, Tormos B, Pla B. Comparative analysis of a DI dieselengine fuelled with biodiesel blends during the European MVEG-A cycle: Performance and emissions (II). Biomass Bioenerg 2009;33:948–56.
- Hulwan DB, Joshi SV. Performance, emission and combustion characteristic of a multicylinder DI diesel engine running on diesel–ethanol–biodiesel blends of high ethanol content. Applied Energy 2011; 88 : 5042–5055.
- Ghobadian B, Rahimi H, Nikbakht AM, Najafi G, Yusaf TF. Diesel engine per-formance and exhaust emission analysis using waste cooking biodiesel fuelwith an artificial neural network. Renew Energ 2009;34:976–82.
- Mahanta P, Mishra SC, Kushwah YS. An experimental study of Pongamia pin-nata L. oil as a diesel substitute.PIMechEngA-JPw 2006;220:803–8.
- Subbaiah GV, Gopal KR, Hussain SA, The Effect of Biodiesel and Bioethanol Blended Diesel Fuel on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine. ranica Journal of Energy & Environment 1 (3): 211-221, 2010
- XueJ, Grifta TE, Hansen A C. Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2011; 15 :1098–1116.
- Castillo ED. PROCESS OPTIMIZATION: A Statistical Approach. New York: Springer; 2007.
- Zhu L, Cheung CS, Zhang WG, Huang Zh. Emissions characteristics of a diesel engine operating on biodiesel and biodiesel blended with ethanol and methanol. Science of the Total Environment 2010; 408 : 914–921.
- Pang X, Shi X, Mu Y, He H, Shuai S, Chen H, Li R. Characteristics of carbonyl compounds emission from a
- Aydin H, Ilkilic C. Effect of ethanol blending with biodiesel on engine performance and exhaust emissions in a CI engine. Applied Thermal Engineering 2010; 30: 1199–1204.
- Rahimi H, Ghobadian B, Yusaf T, Najafi Gh, Khatamifar M. Diesterol: An environment-friendly IC engine fuel. Renewable Ene 2009; 34: 335-342.
- Xue J. Combustion characteristics, engine performances and emissions of waste edible oil biodiesel in diesel engine. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2013;23 :350–365.
- Li D, Zhen H, Xing-cai L, Wu-gao Z, Jian-guang Y. Physico-chemical properties of ethanol–diesel blend fuel and its effect on performance and emissions of diesel engines. Renewable Energy 2005; 30: 967–976.
- Al-Hassana M, Mujafet H, Al-Shannagb M. An Experimental Study on the Solubility of a Diesel-Ethanol Blend and on the Performance of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Diesel- Biodiesel - Ethanol Blends. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2012; 6: 147 – 153.