Comparing mite fauna of pome and stone fruits in Sanandaj region of the Kurdistan province
Subject Areas : entomology and othea arthropodsMasoud Arbabi 1 * , Faezeh Bidarpour 2 , Elham Sanatgar 3
1 - موسسه تحقیقات گیاه پزشکی کشور
2 - Post graduate in entomology, Islamic Azad University, Arak Unit.
3 - دانشگاه آزاد اراک
Abstract :
Mite fauna of soil and arboreal of pome (apple and pear) and stone fruits (apricot and peach) trees in Gerizeh, Hasan-abad, Babariz, Chnow, Gholiaan, Keylaneh villages of Sanandaj region investigated during 2010-2011 in Kurdistan province. Mites collected by shaking stems and leaves, stems host plants soil mite collected through Berlese. Mite identification mite resulted 31 mite species, 30 genera from 26 families from Astigmata higher cohort, Cryptostigmata, Prostigmata suborders and Mesostigmata order respectively. Soil mite constituted 61.38%, higher and lower mite recorded 228,211 for apricot, apple and pear orchards. Max. and Min. mite diversities observed in Hasan-abad and Gholiaan villages and for Mesostigmata and Astigmata mite respectively. Mite population of Phytoseiidae, Cryptostigmata mites and predatory mites constituted 3.67%, 43.46% and 15.54%. All three spider mites species incidence of widely distributed in all surveyed village’s. Mite species identified as follow, Astigmata: Acaridae (Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Tyrophagus similes, Acarus sp.), Cryptostigmata: Nothridae (Nothrus biciliatus), Lohmanniidae (Papillacarus sp., Lohmannia turcmenica), Epilohmanniidae (Epilohmannia cylindrical cylindrical), Gymnodamaeidae (Plesiodamaeus sp. nr. Ornatus), Tectocepheidae (Tectocepheus velatus), Oppiidae, Oribatulidae (Oribatula (Oribatula) sp., Oribatula (Zygoribatula) sp.) Protoribatidae (Protoribates paracapuctinus), Mycobatidae (Punctoribates sp.), Euphthiracaridae, Mesostigmata, Phytoseiidae (Amblyseius sp.), Laelapidae (Gaeolaelaps sp., Hypoaspis sp., Androlaelaps (Haemolaelaps) sp., Cosmolaelaps sp.), Uropodidae, Parasitidae (Parasitus sp.), Digmasellidae (Dendrolaelapus sp.), Pachylaelapidae (Pachylaelapus sp.), Ascidae (Antennoseius sp.), Rhdoacaridae (Rhoodoacarsellus sp.) Prostigmata: Bdellidae (Spinibdella sp.), Cunaxidae (Cunaxa sp.), Tydeidae, Erythraeidae, Tenuipalpidae (Brevipalpus sp., Cenopalpus irani), Tetranychidae (Tetranychus urticae, Panonychus ulmi, Bryobia rubrioculus).