The fauna of harmful and beneficial arthropods of medicinal and range plants in Isfahan
Subject Areas : entomology and othea arthropodsM. R. Bagheri 1 * , M. Nasr Isfahani 2
1 - Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Isfahan, Plant Protection Department
2 - Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Isfahan, Plant Protection Department
Abstract :
Medicinal plant fields of Shahid Fozveh, Kabootar Abad and Djannat Abad for Agriculture and Natural Resource Research Stations and Kashan Botanical Garden were surveyed, during 1999-2003. Pests and beneficial arthropods were collected by different methods. Collected specimens were identified through valid sources and/or specialists of Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP) and Agriculture Faculty, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). In this research, 41 pest and 21 beneficial species were collected and identified on 40 medicinal and range plants in Isfahan province, as follows: a) The pests: Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera Pieris rapae Lecerf, Helicoverpa armigera Huebner, Caradrina exigua Hüebner, Agrotis segetum Schiff, Plusia gamma L., Eublemma parva Hüebner Order: Orthoptera Aiolopus sp., Acrotylus sp., Sphingonotus sp., Heteracris sp., Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. Order: Coleoptera Sitona humeralis Steph., Sitona puncticollis Steph., Apion aestivum Schiff., Larinus flavescens Germ., Larinus liliputanus Fst., Spermophagus sericeus Geoffr., Anthrenus verbasci L., Anthrenus vorax Water, Anthrenus sp. Order: Hemiptera Graphosuma criticum L., Macrostelles leavis Ribaut, Empoasaca sp., Austroagalia sinuata Mulsant & Rey, Aphis gossypii Glover, A. nerii, Uroleucon (Uromolan) compositae Theobald, Pleotrichophorus grandolosus Kalt., Brachycaudus helichrysi Kalt., Eucarazzia elegans Ferrari, Hyadaphis sphondyti Koch, Parlatoria ephedrae Lindinger, Ephedraphis ephedrae New. Order: Diptera Acanthiophilus helianthi Rossi Order: Thysanoptera Thrips tabaci Lindeman Class: Arachnida Order: Trombidiformes Tetranychus urticae Koch Class: Gastropoda Order:Pulmonata Helicella krynickii Krynicki, H. candeharica Pfeiffer b) Beneficial arthropods: Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Coccinella septempunctata L , Oenopia conglobata L., Hippodamia variegata Goeze, Adalia bipunctata L., Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata L., Scymnus syriacus Marseul, Chilochorus bipustulatus L., Stethorus punctillum weise, S. gilvifrons Mulsant Order: Thysanoptera 131 Aeolothrips fasciatus (L.), Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall Order: Hemiptera Orius albidipennis (Reuter) Order: Neuroptera Chrysoperlla carnea Stephens Order: Hymenoptera Antistrophoplex conthurnatus Masi, Bracon hebetor Say Class: Arachnida Order:Araneae Misumena vatia Clerk, Nigma flavescents Walckenaer, Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, Heliophanus cupreus Walckenaer, Dictyna sp.Juvenile, Xysticus sp. Juvenile