Faunestic study of the mites from the familiess Ascidae, Blattisociidae and Ameroseiidae in Estahban region
Subject Areas : entomology and othea arthropods
M. Naghibinejad
H. Ostovan
K. Kamali
A. Ahadiyat
1 - Department of Entomology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Entomology, Fars Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
3 - Department of Entomology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Entomology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
The most members of families Ascidae, Ameroseiidae and Blattisoeiidae are predatory mites. Samplings were taken from soil, feanes, litter, bark and saffron balb in Estahban region, Iran during 2008-2010. 8 genera and 9 species belonging to 3 families were collected and identified as follows: Ascidae: Gamasellodes bicolor (Berlese, 1918) Protogamasellus scuticalis Genis, Loots & Ryke 1967 Antennoseius masoviae Sellnick, 1943 Antennoseius bacatosimilis Karg, 1965 Arctoseius cetratus Sellnick Iphidozercon gibbus (Berlese, 1903) Blattisociidae: Lasioseius qianensis Gu& Wang, 1990 Ameroseiidae: Ameroseius ornatus Womersley Kleemannia sp. (Oudemans)