Comparison on some attractants and pheromone traps for capturing the Cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis ceraci L. (Dip.: Tephritidae)
Subject Areas : entomology and othea arthropodsA. R. Jalalizand 1 * , H. Moghaddas 2
1 - Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad Unversity,
Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Department of Plant protection, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Abstract :
The cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Dip.: Tephritidae) is the most important pest of the cherry and sour cherry orchards with noticeable annual yield damage. This research was conducted in two 4.5 hectare cherry orchards located at two parts of Isfahan province (Najafabad and Khomeinishahr), Iran. A comparison was done among different types of the fly attractants presented in different traps to find the most effective one in capturing the adults of cherry fruit fly and the peak of flight activity. The treatments were including the two food based traps containing hydrolyzed protein solution and Ammonium bi-carbonate presented in 1.5 L. plastic bottle and McPhall trap respectively. The Rebell traps with no attractant and two pheromones prepared from Green Universe and Russel companies were provided in delta traps. Results showed that in the first location (Najafabad) the highest number of flies with the mean of 28.75/trap were attracted to Rebell trap and the lowest with the mean of 0.5/trap in Russell pheromone trap. In the second location (Khomeinishahr), the Rebell traps were also the most attractive (mean=15.25/trap) and the hydrolyzed protein solution with no capture was the least effective attractant. It is concluded that the Rebell traps can be recommended as a part of IPM for cherry fruit fly.