The Relationship between Corporate Investment and Stock Liquidity with an Emphasis on the Role of Financial Constraints in the Iranian Capital Market
Subject Areas :Sara Mosayebi 1 , Roya Darabi 2 *
1 - Master’s Degree of Accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: stock liquidity, financial constraints, corporate investment,
Abstract :
The main purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between corporate investment and stock liquidity with an emphasis on the role of financial constraints of Iran's capital market in the companies accepted at Tehran Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2017. The theoretical foundations of the present study were collected using the library research method through the books, theses papers, and the statistical information was collected using financial statements and relevant notes. The present study employed panel method as the analysis method, and it used EVIEWS7 for analysis. The results of the study suggest that there is a significant relationship between corporate investment and stock liquidity. In addition, the financial constraints have an inverse and significant effect on the relationship between corporate investment and stock liquidity
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