Presenting the model of factors affecting the success of financial technology institutions at the customer level
Subject Areas :Sanaz Ahangaran 1 , fatemeh samadi 2 * , masomeh jafari 3
1 - not
2 - Member of the faculty of Azad University, Tehran East branch
3 - Islamic Azad University Tehran shargh
Keywords: Interpretive Structural Modeling, Fintech, Financial Technology, Business Success, financial structure analysis,
Abstract :
Financial technology institutions cover a wide range of jobs in the financial field in Iran, and success in these jobs depends on various indicators, of which customers are one of these factors. Therefore, the identification and classification of these factors can be a strategy for new institutions in this field to reach the current model of fintech institutions, and it can also be a guideline to maintain the current state of financial technology institutions that have grown at the moment, to design a model of factors affecting the success of financial technology institutions. At the customer level, in this research, the interpretive structural modeling method has been used. MICMAC analysis has also been performed in the continuation of ISM interpretive structural modeling.The purpose of MICMAC analysis is to investigate and analyze the power of penetration the power of dependence of the components that are calculated in the stage of forming the final received matrix, by using a multi-criteria decision-making method, all factors and indicators affecting the success of financial technology institutions at the level of customers have been ranked by the opinion of the experts of the Fintech Association of Iran. Factors affecting the success of financial technology institutions at the customer level, customer orientation has taken the first place. The next ranks are given to agility, security management, low profit margin, easy adaptation, scalability and innovation, the model derived from the ISM method was fitted to the structural equation method, which shows the relationship between the variables.