Evaluation of ways to expand and strengthen knowledge-based businesses
Subject Areas : Public Administration
Marzieh Heydari
Fatemeh Nikoui
Maryam Maghsoudi
Mehran Haqshens
1 - islamic azad university
2 - Master in Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Abadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadeh, Iran
3 - Master's student in Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Abadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadeh, Iran
4 - Master's student in Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Abadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadeh, Iran
Keywords: Business expansion, business strengthening, knowledge-based companies,
Abstract :
this research has been carried out with the aim of "examining the ways to expand and strengthen knowledge-based businesses. The statistical population in the qualitative part of all domestic and foreign studies and in the quantitative part were the employees and managers of knowledge-based companies located in Science and Technology Park and active towns in Abadeh city, 112 people were selected as a sample using available sampling. The research method was a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative), which in the qualitative part of the metacomposite approach and in the quantitative part of the descriptive method of causal correlation . Accordingly, 4 organizational factors, individual-knowledge, environment-marketing and economic-support; They were recognized as the factors of analysis of ways to expand and strengthen knowledge-based businesses. Also, the validity in both methods were confirmed in an acceptable manner, and the reliability in the metacomposite approach based on Lincoln and Goba (1985) indices and in the preliminary study of the quantitative part were also confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficients. To analyze the findings in the qualitative part of document mining with emphasis on domestic and foreign studies and in the quantitative part of descriptive statistics (demographic indices using SPSS software and inferential statistics ( with Smart PLS software) was used. The results finally showed, "individual-knowledge and economic-support indicators had a significant impact on the creation and expansion of entrepreneurship and employment in the field of medical information technology management. But environmental-marketing factors as one of the ways to expand and strengthen Knowledge-based businesses were not approved in the companies of the Industrial town of Abadeh. Therefore, it seems that in order to strengthen knowledge-based businesses while paying attention to solving organizational problems, the individual and knowledge factors of employees as well as government and sector support should be used
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