Analysis af Quantity and the Way Privatization Affects Economic Growth – Case of Members of G - Eight Countries, 1998-2010
Subject Areas : Bi-quarterly Journal of development economics and planningS. Arianmehr 1 * , A. Yahyaabadi 2 , A. Hortamani 3 , M. Shafaghat 4
1 - Graduate Student of M.A., in Department of Economic Development and Planning, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr Branch, Young Researchers and Elites Club, Khomeinishahr, Iran- Corresponding author
2 - Assistant Professr, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr Branch (Isfahan)
3 - Assistant Professr, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch (Isfahan)
4 - Graduate Student of M.A in Department of Economic Development and Planning, Islamic Azad University, Central-Tehran Branch-
Keywords: Economic Growth, Privatization, G-Eight Countries, Generalized Method of Moments (GMM),
Abstract :
Transfer to the private sector and government policies, economic activities, limiting the activities of the government and the public sector in recent decades has been unprecedented in world currency and today, more or less, in all countries, whether developed or developing, has been implemented on a wide scale. This policy, which is known as the privatization policy, has always been an important and significant impact on the operations, business performance, efficiency, institutional, and economic variables. Had the reverse. The study will attempt to examine one of the most important macroeconomic effects of privatization, with other macroeconomic variables, even on economic growth in member countries G-eight to be paid for the period 2010-1998 and the hypothesis tested that the privatization could lead to a positive impact on economic growth during the study period or not. This study uses panel data and dynamic panel generalized moments method (GMM) carries the main hypothesis of this study indicate that and shows that privatization has a positive and significant impact on economic growth in member countries G - Eight is for the period that mentioned.
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