Identifying and Priority the Indexes of Job-fitness and labor in recruiting specialized human resource
Subject Areas : مدیریتMirza Hassan Hosseini 1 , Zeinolabedin Rahmani 2 , Fataneh Habibi 3 *
1 - Payame nour University
2 - Payame nour University of Babol
3 - MSc of Educational Management
Keywords: : job fitness, Employment status, personnel recruitment, job specification, labor market indices, hierarchy process analysis,
Abstract :
Human Resource Supply is considered as one of the principal tasks of management, and the other managerial tasks (such as planning, organization, etc.) in practice realize just when the right and skilled human resource exist to implement them. The Appropriate selection of staff is of utmost importance, because the selection of inappropriate personnel, i.e. the people do not have adequate skills and eligibilities or leave the organization after a while, imposes heavy costs to the organization. Selecting and recruiting the staff is a multi-criteria decision-making issue, which encompasses numerous indices. The present research is an attempt to identify and prioritize those indices. The research statistic sample includes high-ranking executive managers, managers in human resource department, the academic faculty members and educational managers in private sectors, offices and departments in Qazvin province. This research is an applied-descriptive type in which the relationship between the indices and the factors affecting the job-fitness have been investigated using mathematical multi-criteria decision-making methods and Group Analytical Hierarchy Process (GAHP) technique, as well as the calculation and pair comparison approach. The Hierarchy Process analysis indicates that these two factors have different effects in public and private sectors. Hence, if these factors are controlled at the time of recruitment, the job fitness can be maximized.