Investigating the effect of intellectual capital of auditors and its dimensions on the ranking of audit institutions
Subject Areas :
Hossein Bakhshi
Ehsan Rahmaninia
Zahra Pourzamani
آزیتا جهانشاد
1 - Department of Accounting, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Accounting, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - گروه حسابداری، واحد تهران مرکزی، دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی، تهران، ایران
4 - استادیار دانشکده اقتصاد و حسابداری دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکزی
Keywords: intellectual capital of auditors, human capital, communication capital, structural capital, ranking of audit institutions,
Abstract :
The aim is to investigate the impact of intellectual capital of auditors and its dimensions (human capital, communication capital and structural capital) on the ranking of audit institutions. The statistical population is all certified accountants working and active in audit institutions, members of the Certified Certified Accountant Society of Iran. whose number is equal to 1879 people. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 319 people and the samples were selected and studied using random sampling method. To measure the intellectual capital (human capital, communication capital and structural capital) from the intellectual capital questionnaire of Bontis (1998) and Al-Sharnoubi and Albana (2021) and to measure the ranking of audit institutions from the standard questionnaire of Kenchel et al. (2013) and Karvene and colleagues (1991) has been used. In examining the validity and reliability of the research tool, with confirmatory factor analysis, the general structure of the research questionnaires was subjected to content and confirmatory construct validity. The results of the test of research hypotheses indicate that auditors' intellectual capital has a positive and significant effect on the ranking of audit institutions. Also, auditors' human capital, communication capital, and structural capital have a positive and significant effect on the ranking of audit institutions. The results of this study can be used for several groups, including the legislators of the auditing profession, the auditing organization, the community of certified accountants, and auditing institutions.
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