Anatomical Analysis of Noise Transactions and Pricing Error
Subject Areas :
Marziye Abdolbaghi Ataabadi
Abdolmajid Abdolbaghi Ataabadi
1 - PhD Student in Public management - financial trends, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch,Isfahan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Management, Shahroud University of Technology, Semnan, Iran
Received: 2023-03-28
Accepted : 2023-06-02
Published : 2023-06-22
Behavioral Finance,
Unsystematic Risk,
Pricing Error,
Keywords: Noise Trading,
Abstract :
AbstractBehavioral finance is one of the main factors of market defects, which focuses on the systematic occurrence of decision-making errors by investors and managers, and studies how investors and managers make systematic and mental errors in their judgments, and expresses the lack of rational behavior of investors in the capital market, which leads to The creation of stock price differences is due to its intrinsic value. The purpose of the current research is to analyze the anatomy of noisy transactions and pricing errors caused by the entry of uninformed traders. The statistical population of this research is the companies accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange and its statistical sample includes the data of 113 companies. The sampling method was systematic elimination. The method used to estimate the model is the multivariate regression method using the combined data method. The research results show that noise trading has a positive and significant effect on the level of stock pricing error. Also, the pricing error is different at different levels of noise trading; That is, the more the noise, the more the pricing error. This is despite the fact that in addition to the fluctuations of noise transactions, the B/M ratio also affects it. In other words, the pricing error is different at different levels of B/M ratio. As a result, according to the results of the research, the entry of uninformed traders in the stock market creates noise and causes the deviation of the stock price.
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