The effect of nanosilver oral administration on body function, some blood and biochemical parameters of serum in chickens
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
M. Rahim,
M. Talebi mehrdar,
1 - Department of biochemistry, payam noor university, Tehran, iran
2 - Department of biochemistry, payam noor university, Tehran. Iran
Keywords: broiler chicks, Blood biochemical properties, immune system, Silver Nanoparticles,
Abstract :
Silver has long been known for its antibacterial properties. In fact, silver nanoparticles, due to the release of silver ions, show such properties against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and are widely used as additives in poultry diets. Regarding the antibacterial effects of this compound, research has shown contradictory results that do not indicate beneficial antibacterial effects. For this study, 240 one-day-old male chickens were divided into six groups with four replications. The experimental groups were: control diet (without additives), diet containing 10 ppm of the antibiotic avilamycin, diet containing 400 ml of silver nanoparticles per ton of feed, diet containing 800 ml of silver nanoparticles per ton of feed, diet containing 400 ml of silver nanoparticles per cubic meter of drinking water, diet containing 800 ml of silver nanoparticles per cubic meter of drinking water and to investigate the effect of silver nanoparticles on growth factor and body efficiency and some blood and serum parameters and microbial population of the device Digestive (ileum) of broiler chickens and comparison of antibacterial and growth stimulant effects with avilamycin antibiotic.The results showed a significant increase (P <0.05) in monocytes and chicken feed consumption and an increase in Clostridium population and a significant decrease in triglyceride concentration in the 800 ml group of silver particles in the diet and water (P <0.05), but its effect There was no significant effect on chicken weight gain and feed conversion ratio. Contrary to popular belief, silver nanoparticles are not suitable as a growth stimulant additive to control harmful bacteria in the poultry digestive tract and strengthen the immune system, increasing the feed conversion ratio of broilers.
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