A serological study of antibodies to H9N2 Avain Influenza Virus in Human Population of Ardabil area, Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
آیدین عزیزپور
سعید بکائی
نریمان شیخی
شهرام حبیب زاده
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
4 - ندارد
Keywords: Avian influenza, H9N2 subtype, Human, Ardabil,
Abstract :
Orthomixoviridae family viruses (Influenza viruses) are major cause of death in human withrespiratory diseases. Although avian influenza in iranian chickens are associated with H9N2subtype, there was not any study for seroprevalence of H9N2 avian influenza virus in human ofardabil area as yet. This study was to carried out to determined antibodies to H9N2 avianinfluenza virus in different human populations during November to February 2010 in Ardabilarea, which is situated in the northwest of Iran.Antibodies against H9N2 virus were measuredusing HI test in 311 sera from two populations (patient and healthy) with different sex and agegroupsincluding 86 serum samples of patients hospitalized with clinical symptoms ofrespiratory disease, 88 sera of patients hospitalized without respiratory complications , 41 seraof veterinarian and vaccinators, 44 sera of hospitalized medical personnel who related to healthprofession, and 52 sera of farmers, poultry-farm and slaughter-house workers. Data wasevaluated with SPSS.The results of the HI test showed that in patients: 37.2% with 22.03±10.74titer of the patients hospitalized with clinical symptoms of respiratory disease and 23.9% with21.88±10.41 from patients hospitalized without respiratory complications, in healthy: 29.3%with 21.14±10.59 titer from veterinarian and vaccinators, 18.2% with 20.00±10.00 titer fromhospitalized medical personnel who related to health profession and15.4% with 26.02±11.35titer from farmers ,poultry-farm and slaughter-house workers were positive (HI titers ≥1/20).Seroprevalence of 27.0% and 23.6% were determined in male and female, respectively(P≥0.05).The highest and lowest seroprevalence among four age-groups of two humanpopulations (patient and healthy) were observed in 30≤ (26.5%) and 46-60 (22.4%) years,respectively, (P≥0.05). According to results of this study, different groups of humans werecontacted with H9N2 avian influenza virus that the highest contact was detected in patientshospitalized with respiratory complication and in regard to occupation was observed inveterinarian and vaccinators.