Isolation and identification of Mycoplasma gallisepticum from commercial broiler Flocks in Ghaemshahr Town ship
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiologyامید طیبی درازکلا 1 * , سیدعلی پوربخش 2 * , منصور بنانی 3 * , پیمان حجتی 4 * , زهرا صلاحی 5 * , مه زاد ارمی 6 *
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Keywords: Isolation, identification, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, commercial broiler flocks, Ghaemshahr Town ship,
Abstract :
Mycoplasmosis a common disease in the poultry industry. Among the most important illnessmakingin birds Mycoplasma, it can be called Mycoplasma gallisepticum. But so far, we did nothave any research about finding Mycoplasma gallisepticum by using of PCR method in GhaemshahrTown ship. The goal of this study (research) was isolation and identification Mycoplasmagallisepticum of Ghaemshahr Town ships commercial broiler flocks with using from microbiologyand molecules (PCR) methods. In this research performed sampling from eighty one ofGhaemshahr Town ships commercial broiler flocks. at the beginning of this work , from commercialbroiler flocks performed biopsy of windpipe, sirenx and airsocks and after transmitting samples toRazi institute, it began to culture PPLO bruth place and agar into sampling of tissues. in thisresearch, from the whole eighty one sampled farm broiler, twenty farm broiler in regard to culture,and forty farm broiler in PCR experiment in regard to genus be positive as well as ten farm broilerin PCR experiment in regard to Mycoplasma gallisepticum species. The results indicate thatGhaemshahr Town ships farm broiler be contaminated to Mycoplasma gallisepticum and basicprogramme is necessary for control and prophylaxis disease s factor, and be recommended tomaking use of molecule s experiment such as PCR for identification diseases factor and immediatediagnosis.