Pathological and Molecular Study of Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV) in Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
محمد افشارنسب
سیدعباس عارف زاده
سیدرضا مرتضایی
عقیل دشتیان نسب
الهام جرفی
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
4 - ندارد
5 - ندارد
Keywords: Taura syndrome virus, Litopenaeus vannamei, Histopathology, Molecular study, Iran,
Abstract :
In 2007, mass mortality occurred in juvenile shrimp L. vannamei in most farms of Bousherprovince in the south of Iran. The gross sign of moribund shrimp was red discoloration in bodysurface as well as in tail and appendage. The gut of shrimp was empty and by close observationmany necrotic area were seen in the tail and appendage. 200 samples collected and fixed inDavidson fixative for histopathology. The small part of pelopoda was preserved in ethyl alcohol95% for polymerase chain reaction. The histopathological finding that characterize in acute formof TSV were multifocal necrosis in the cuticular epithelium and often, the subcuticularconnective tissue and at time, the underlying striated muscles, multiple, spheroid inclusion bodywere scattered the affected area of cuticle tissue. This spherical inclusion body in H&E/Phstaining showed eosinophilic to basophilic color in hind gut and stomach. The samples alsoexamined by PCR KIT for TSV infection by IQ 2000TM WIT Multivir System and IQ 2000TMTSV Detection and Prevention Kit (Farming IntelliGene Technology Corporation, Taipei,Taiwan) with the respective RNA extracts. The PCR results showed positive reaction toinfection with TSV.