Factor Analysis of Seed Yield, Its Components and Oil Content of Corn Genotypes Affected Nitroxin Fertilizer
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Nutrition ScienceAnise Jorfi 1 * , Mojtaba Alavi Fazel 2 , Adel Modhej 3
1 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.
Keywords: Maize, nitrogen, Hybrid, Biofertilizer,
Abstract :
Fertilizer management is essential for achieving sustainable agriculture and protecting the environment. To evaluate the effect of Nitroxin bio-fertilizer application on quantitative and qualitative traits of corn hybrids a farm research was arranged via split plot experiment based on the randomized complete block design with four replications in 2013. Main plots were Included: use of the chemical and biological fertilizers in four levels (F1: 100% urea + 0% Nitroxin; F2:75% urea + 100% Nitroxin; F3:50% urea + 100% Nitroxin; F4: 25% urea + 100% Nitroxin) and the sub plots consisted three maize hybrids (H1: Single Cross 704, H2: Mobin, H3: Karoun). According result of analysis of variance effect of fertilizer treatments on seed yield,100 seed weight, number of seed per unit area and oil yield was significant at 1% probability level, but effect of hybrid on all measured traits (instead oil percentage and oil yield) was significant. Also interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits (instead number of rows per ear) was significant. The mean comparison results indicated that the highest seed yield and 100 seed weight was belonged to 50% urea with 100% Nitroxin application treatment, also between different hybrids the highest seed yield and 100 seed weight belonged to Karoun. Interaction effect of treatments revealed the treatments of chemical fertilizer (50%) +biological fertilizer (100%) + single cross 701 (Karoun) had highest seed yield and can be advised to farmers. According to result of factor analysis five independent factors justify 98.5% of the data changes and the number of seed per row and number of seed per area was positively correlated with seed yield and the difference in yield among the studied populations was mainly due to the diversity of number of seed per area.
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