Pathological Inquiry of Criminology on the Social Impacts of Undesirable Ruling Infractions with a look at Islamic Doctrines
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence and Criminal Law Doctrines
Sayyed Mohammadreza Mousavifard
1 - -Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.
Keywords: elements of desirable ruling, pathology of ruling, criminal policy of ruling, ruling violations, criminal psychology of ruling,
Abstract :
Receive Date: 2023/07/11 Revise Date: 2023/08/26 Accept Date: 2023/09/10 AbstractToday, violations of political ruling and government in general due to the spread of mass media have a negative impact on the unity of the members of society, which first of all, must be resolved. Although, this inquiry approach, surveys to answer this question with interdisciplinary studies between management science, social pathology and political and criminal psychology with a documented method will continue the social effects of identifying pathological approaches of undesirable ruling based on Islamic doctrines. By virtue of interdisciplinary studies can divide disorders into two categories: First a systematic disorder that can be resolved with a kind of pathology. In the next step, sometimes this disorder appears at the levels of the behaviors and grand policies of the leaders and political rulers, which should be used to explain their personality by the doctrines of criminal and political psychology, and the result of all this process is crystallized in ruling and desirability and lack thereof. The results and findings show that: first, individual and structural pathology in the form of sociology of organizations and institutions can be resulted in the realization of great ruling. Second, the expansion of the psychological studies of managers in ruling, can lead to the emergence of the right decision-making in the realization of desirable ruling. Third, the practice of some elements of desirable ruling that are confirmed by the holy law can also be the practice of religious duty in order to achieve desirable modern religious ruling.