Bioindicators and their Applications: A Comprehensive Review
Subject Areas : Journal of Chemical Health RisksMohammad Hossein Bahranipour 1 , Nazanin Geravand 2 , Bahareh Nowruzi 3 *
1 - Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Converging Sciences and Technologies, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Converging Sciences and Technologies, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Converging Sciences and Technologies, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Bio-sensors, Bio-indicators, Environmental change, Eco-systems, Soil eco-system, Marine Eco-system, organisms, Heavy metal, Fresh water,
Abstract :
Biomarkers encompass a diverse range of living organisms, such as plants, plankton, animals, and microorganisms. Biological markers are commonly employed to assess and evaluate the environmental quality and health of ecosystems. Furthermore, these instruments serve as valuable resources for identifying instances of environmental deterioration and assessing its consequences for human civilization. Organisms are influenced by environmental determinants that contribute to environmental change. These organisms, commonly referred to as bio-indicators, serve as a crucial tool in monitoring environmental pollution and are widely recognized as one of the primary methods employed for this purpose. Bioindicators provide scientists with a comprehensive assessment of the present state of various ecosystems. By analyzing this data, scientists are allowed to exercise improved management over ecosystem conditions and subsequently address issues such as pollution and toxic substances. The primary objective of this study is to collect pertinent and extensive data for individuals seeking to acquire knowledge about bioindicators or engage in research about this field, given its substantial role within the ecosystem. The data presented herein is acquired through the examination of bioindicators in diverse ecosystems, drawing upon the research conducted by other scholars.
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