The Phytochemical Changes of Violet Flowers (Viola cornuta) Response to Exogenous Salicylic Acid Hormone
Subject Areas : Journal of Chemical Health RisksN. Ghorbani 1 * , H. Moradi 2 , V. Akbarpour 3 , A. Ghasemnezhad 4
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Keywords: Salicylic acid, Anthocyanin, Quercetin, Rutin, Violet (Viola cornuta),
Abstract :
Violet is one of the ornamental plants with a good value in landscaping and herbal medicine. Salicylic acid is a signaling agent involving in secondary metabolite production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological responses of violet flowers to exogenous salicylic acid. This experiment was conducted in the greenhouse, as a completely randomized design. Salicylic acid was sprayed on violet plants in four levels as 0, 0.1, 0.7, 1.5 mM and three replications. Flower diameter, flower stem length, fresh weight and dry matter percentage of violet flower were measured as morphological parametes. In laboratory parameters like antioxidant activity and anthocyanin variation were recorded using spectrophotometery method. The quercetin and rutin values were determined by HPLC. Results showed that salicylic acid significantly affected on flower diameter, total antioxidant capacity, rutin and quercetin contents. Therefore data analysis provides that high levels of salicylic acid increased morphological parameters and improved chemical substance involving to secondary metabolism promotion. Furthermore, using different concentrations of the hormone is required, to achieve the best quality and quantity of plant biomass and it is also necessary to achieve the best traits of ornamental and medicinal value
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