Relationships of Phenology and Physiological Traits with the Yield of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Northern Khorasan
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyAbbas Frooghi 1 , Abbas Biyabani 2 , Ali Rahemi Karizaki 3 * , Gorbanali Rassam 4
1 - Ph.D. Student of Crop Physiology, Plant Production Department, Gonbad University, Gonbad Cavous, Iran
2 - Associate Prof., Department of Agriculture, Gonbad University, Gonbad Cavous, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Dept. plant production, Gonbad Kavoos University, Iran
4 - Assistant Prof., Department of Plant production, Higher Education complex of Shirvan, Shivan, Iran
Keywords: Correlation, Path analysis, stepwise regression, yield, Seed filling rate,
Abstract :
To investigate relationships among physiological traits of 20 rapeseed cultivars, an experiment was conducted at the Research Farm of Agricultural Faculty of Shirvan in Northern Khorasan in Iran, in 2014-2015. The experiment used was a randomized complete block design with four replications. Results showed that there were significant differences among cultivars for seed and biological yield, the number of pod/plant and seed/pod, 1000 seed weight, harvest index, days to germination, seedling, rosette, shooting, flowering time, end of flowering, pod formation time, end of pod formation, seed filling time and physiological maturity among the traits of rapeseed under study. The highest yield belonged to Traviata (513.56 g/m2) but did not have significant difference with Kodiak, Bilbao, L72 and SW102. The lowest yield belonged to Shirali cultivar (344.41 g.m-2) but it also did not have significant difference with Zarfam and Sarigol cultivars. Positive and significant correlation was observed for seed and biological yields, number of pods/plant and seeds/pod, seed weight, harvest index, the number of days to flowering, flowering end, beginning pod formation, ending pod formation, beginning seed filling, plant height and seed filling rate, but correlations were negative between seed yield and seed filling period and day to emergence and rosette. According to stepwise regression, seed yield was considered as dependent variable and other traits as independent ones. Positive direct effects of harvest index and biological yield and also positive indirect effect of biological yield on number of pod/plant and positive indirect effect number of pod/plant on harvest index were the traits that can be used for selection of high yielding genotypes. Path analysis revealed that traits like seed weight and seed number per unit, seed number and seed weight are its determiners of seed yield. The results also showed that seed filling rate is more effect than seed filling period in determination of seed weight. Regression analysis also showed that by increasing temperature, seed filling period was decreased by 1.54 days and seed filling rate increased 0.004 mg/ centigrad-1. Based on these results it could be concluded that genotypes varied significantly for the rate and duration of seed filling.
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Algan, N., and H. Aygün. 2001. Correlation between yield and yield components in some winter rape genotypes in Turkish. The Journal of Ege University Agricultural Faculty. 38 (1): 9-15.
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Anil, K., D.P. Singh, Y.P. Yadav, S. Bikram, A. Kumar, and B. Singh. 1998. Association between morphophysiological parameters and seed yield in Brassica genotypes. Cruciferae Newsletter. 20: 69- 70.
Basalma, D. 2008. The correlation and path analysis of yield and yield components of different winter rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L.) cultivars. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 4: 120-125.
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Çalışkan, M.E., A. Mert, M. Mert, and N. İşler. 1998. Important agronomic characters of some rapeseed cultivars and effects of these characters on yield formation in Hatay ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty MKU. 3(2): 127-142.
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Evans, L.T., and I.F. Wardlaw. 1976. Aspects of the comparatiative physiology of grain yield in cereals. Advances in Agronomy. 28: 301-359.
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FAO. 2014 Stat database. Available online at:
Faraji, A. 2010. Flower formation and pod/flower ratio in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) affected by assimilates supply around flowering. International Journal of Plant Production. 4: 271-280.
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Hashemi, Z., A. Golparvar, and M. Rasoli. 2008. Correlation, regression and path analysis of yield and components in rape seed cultivars. Agricultural Research. 4: 412-419.
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Hosseinzadeh, K., H. Irannejad, A. Hejazi, GH. Akbari, and A. Zand. 1998. Correlation between traits and path coefficient analysis for seed yield of eight rapeseed cultivars (Brassica napus L.). Agriculture Reaserch: Soil, Water and Plant in Agriculture. 8: 195-207.
Jeromela, A.M., R. Marinkovic, A. Mijic, M. Jankulovska, and Z. Zdunic. 2007. Interrelationship between oil yield and other quantitative traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Journal Central European Agriculture. 8: 165-170.
Johnson, R.A., and D.W. Wichern. 2007. Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Springer, New Jersy.
Kandil, A.A., S.I. Mahandes, and N.M. Mahrous. 1995. Genotypic and phenotypic variability, heritability and interrelationships of some characters in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Breeding Abstracts. 65(9).
Khan, F.A., S. Ali, A. Shakeel, A. Saeed, and G. Abbas. 2006. Correlation analysis of some quantitative characters in Brassica napus L. Journal of Agricultural Research. 44: 7-14.
Kozak, M., J. Bocianowski, S. Sawkojc, and A. Wnuk. 2010. Call for more graphical elements in statistical teaching and consultancy. Biometric Letter. 47: 57-68.
Mendham, N.J., and R.K. Scott. 1975. The limiting effect of plant size at inflorescence initation on subsequent growth and yield of oil seed rape (B. napus L.). Journal of Agricultural science, Cambridge. 84: 487-502.
Morrison, M.J., and D.W. Stewart. 2002. Heat stress during flowering in summer Brassica. Crop Science.42: 797-803.
Ozer, H., and E. Oral. 1999. Relationships between yield and yield components on currently improved spring rapeseed cultivars. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestly. 23: 603-607.
Pahlavani, M.H., G. Saeidi, and A.F. Mirlohi. 2007. Genetic analysis of seed yield and oil content in safflower using F1 and F2 progenies of diallel crosses. International Journal of Plant Production. 1: 129-140.
Richards, R.A. 2000. Selectable traits to increase crop photosynthesis and yield of grain crops. Journal of Exprimental Botany. 51: 447-458.
Rodi, D., S. Rahmanpour, and F. Javidfar. 2003. Rapseed agronomy. The part of oilseed reaserch. 53p. (In Persian).
Santiveri, F., C. Royo, and I. Romagosa. 2002. Patterns of grain fi lling of spring and winter hexaploid triticales. European Journal of Agronomy. 16: 219–230.
Sayed, H.I., and A.M. Gadallah. 1983. Variation in dry matter and grain filling characteristics in wheat cultivars. Field Crops Research. 7: 61-71.
Sharafi, Y., M.M. Majidi, M. Jafarzadeh, and A. Mirlohi. 2015. Multivariate analysis of genetic variation in winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars. Journal of Agrcultural Science and Technology. 17: 1319-1331.
Sylvester-Bradley, R., and R.J. Makepeace. 1984. A code for stages of development in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Aspects of Applied Biology. 6: 398-419.
Tang, Z.L., J.N. Li, X.K. Zhang, L. Chen, and R. Wang. 1997. Genetic variation of yellow seeded rapeseed lines (Brassica napus L.) from different genetic source. Plant Breeding. 116(5): 471-474.
Thurling, N. 1974. Morphophysilogical determinates of yield in rapeseed (Brassica compestris and Brassica napus). II. Yield components. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 25: 711-721.
van Sanford, D.A. 1985. Variation in kernel growth characters among soft red winter wheats. Crop Science. 25: 626-630.
Wych, R.D., R.L. Mc Graw, and D.D. Stuthman. 1982. Genotypes x year interaction for length and rate of grain filling in oats. Crop Science. 22: 1025-1028.
_||_Abuzeid, A.E., and S.J. Wilcokson. 1989. Effect of sowing date, plant density and year on growth and yield of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea). Journal of Agricultural Science. 112: 359-375.
Algan, N., and H. Aygün. 2001. Correlation between yield and yield components in some winter rape genotypes in Turkish. The Journal of Ege University Agricultural Faculty. 38 (1): 9-15.
Allen, E.J., and D.G. Morgan. 1992. A quantitative analysis of the effects of nitrogen on the growth, development and yield of oilseed rape. Journal of Agricultural Science. 78: 315 – 324.
Angadi, S.V., H.W. Cutforth, P.R. Miller, B.G. McConkey, M.H. Entz, A. Brandt, and K.M. Olkmar. 2000. Response of three brassica species to high temperature stress during reproductive growth. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 80: 693-701.
Anil, K., D.P. Singh, Y.P. Yadav, S. Bikram, A. Kumar, and B. Singh. 1998. Association between morphophysiological parameters and seed yield in Brassica genotypes. Cruciferae Newsletter. 20: 69- 70.
Basalma, D. 2008. The correlation and path analysis of yield and yield components of different winter rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L.) cultivars. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. 4: 120-125.
Berry, M.P., and J.H. Spink. 2006. A physiological analysis of oilseed rape yield, past and future (review). Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge. 199: 381-392.
Bradaran, R., A. Majidi, F. Darvish, and M. Azizi. 2006. Investigation of correlation and path analysis between yield and components in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Agriculture Science Journal. 4: 811-819. (In Persian).
Bruckner, P.L., and R.C. Frohberg. 1987. Rate and duration of grain fill in spring wheat. Crop Science.27: 451–455.
Çalışkan, M.E., A. Mert, M. Mert, and N. İşler. 1998. Important agronomic characters of some rapeseed cultivars and effects of these characters on yield formation in Hatay ecological conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty MKU. 3(2): 127-142.
Campbe, D.C., and Z.P. Kondra. 1997. Growth pattern analysis of three rapeseed cultivars. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 57: 707-712.
Darroch, B.A., and R.J. Baker. 1990. Grain filling in three spring wheat genotypes: Statistical analysis. Crop Science. 30: 525–529.
Diepenbrock, W. 2000. Yield analysis of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.): A Review. Field Crops Research. 67: 35-49.
Egli, D.B. 2004. Seed-fi ll duration and yield of grain crops. Advances in Agronomy. 83: 243–279.
Egli, D.B. 2006. The role of seed in the determination of yield of grain crops. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 57: 1237–1247.
Evans, L.T., and I.F. Wardlaw. 1976. Aspects of the comparatiative physiology of grain yield in cereals. Advances in Agronomy. 28: 301-359.
Evans, L.T., and R.A. Fischer. 1999. Yield potential: Its definition, measurement, and significance. Crop Science. 39: 1544-1551.
FAO. 2014 Stat database. Available online at:
Faraji, A. 2010. Flower formation and pod/flower ratio in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) affected by assimilates supply around flowering. International Journal of Plant Production. 4: 271-280.
Faraji, A. 2014. Seed weight in oilseed rape as a function of assimilate supply and source-sink ratio during seed filling period. International Journal of Plant Production. 8: 255-270.
Hashemi, Z., A. Golparvar, and M. Rasoli. 2008. Correlation, regression and path analysis of yield and components in rape seed cultivars. Agricultural Research. 4: 412-419.
Hey, R.K.M., and A.J. Walker. 1989. An introduction to physiology of crop yield. Longman Group, London.
Hosseinzadeh, K., H. Irannejad, A. Hejazi, GH. Akbari, and A. Zand. 1998. Correlation between traits and path coefficient analysis for seed yield of eight rapeseed cultivars (Brassica napus L.). Agriculture Reaserch: Soil, Water and Plant in Agriculture. 8: 195-207.
Jeromela, A.M., R. Marinkovic, A. Mijic, M. Jankulovska, and Z. Zdunic. 2007. Interrelationship between oil yield and other quantitative traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Journal Central European Agriculture. 8: 165-170.
Johnson, R.A., and D.W. Wichern. 2007. Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Springer, New Jersy.
Kandil, A.A., S.I. Mahandes, and N.M. Mahrous. 1995. Genotypic and phenotypic variability, heritability and interrelationships of some characters in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Breeding Abstracts. 65(9).
Khan, F.A., S. Ali, A. Shakeel, A. Saeed, and G. Abbas. 2006. Correlation analysis of some quantitative characters in Brassica napus L. Journal of Agricultural Research. 44: 7-14.
Kozak, M., J. Bocianowski, S. Sawkojc, and A. Wnuk. 2010. Call for more graphical elements in statistical teaching and consultancy. Biometric Letter. 47: 57-68.
Mendham, N.J., and R.K. Scott. 1975. The limiting effect of plant size at inflorescence initation on subsequent growth and yield of oil seed rape (B. napus L.). Journal of Agricultural science, Cambridge. 84: 487-502.
Morrison, M.J., and D.W. Stewart. 2002. Heat stress during flowering in summer Brassica. Crop Science.42: 797-803.
Ozer, H., and E. Oral. 1999. Relationships between yield and yield components on currently improved spring rapeseed cultivars. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestly. 23: 603-607.
Pahlavani, M.H., G. Saeidi, and A.F. Mirlohi. 2007. Genetic analysis of seed yield and oil content in safflower using F1 and F2 progenies of diallel crosses. International Journal of Plant Production. 1: 129-140.
Richards, R.A. 2000. Selectable traits to increase crop photosynthesis and yield of grain crops. Journal of Exprimental Botany. 51: 447-458.
Rodi, D., S. Rahmanpour, and F. Javidfar. 2003. Rapseed agronomy. The part of oilseed reaserch. 53p. (In Persian).
Santiveri, F., C. Royo, and I. Romagosa. 2002. Patterns of grain fi lling of spring and winter hexaploid triticales. European Journal of Agronomy. 16: 219–230.
Sayed, H.I., and A.M. Gadallah. 1983. Variation in dry matter and grain filling characteristics in wheat cultivars. Field Crops Research. 7: 61-71.
Sharafi, Y., M.M. Majidi, M. Jafarzadeh, and A. Mirlohi. 2015. Multivariate analysis of genetic variation in winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars. Journal of Agrcultural Science and Technology. 17: 1319-1331.
Sylvester-Bradley, R., and R.J. Makepeace. 1984. A code for stages of development in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Aspects of Applied Biology. 6: 398-419.
Tang, Z.L., J.N. Li, X.K. Zhang, L. Chen, and R. Wang. 1997. Genetic variation of yellow seeded rapeseed lines (Brassica napus L.) from different genetic source. Plant Breeding. 116(5): 471-474.
Thurling, N. 1974. Morphophysilogical determinates of yield in rapeseed (Brassica compestris and Brassica napus). II. Yield components. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 25: 711-721.
van Sanford, D.A. 1985. Variation in kernel growth characters among soft red winter wheats. Crop Science. 25: 626-630.
Wych, R.D., R.L. Mc Graw, and D.D. Stuthman. 1982. Genotypes x year interaction for length and rate of grain filling in oats. Crop Science. 22: 1025-1028.