Determination of Optimum Transplanting Date for Double Cropping of Rice (Oryza sativa L. CV. Tarom Mahalli) in Mazandaran
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Majid Esmaeilzadeh
Yousef Niknejad
Hormoz Fallah Amoli
norollah kheyri
1 - M.Sc. Graduate, Department of Agronomy, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof., Department of Agronomy, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof., Department of Agronomy, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
4 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
Keywords: Grain yield, Rice, Mazandaran, Transplanting date, Double cropping, Tarom mahalli,
Abstract :
Timely transplanting is one of the major objectives of success in double cropping of rice. To determine the best transplanting dates for double cropping of Tarom mahalli in Mazandaran, a field experiment was carried out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicaties in Amol in 2014. Treatments were: 24 transplanting dates beginning from June 28 to September 5 with intervals of three days. The results of analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences among different transplanting dates for all agronomic traits and grain yield at 1% probability levels. Delaying transplanting increased unfilled grain number per panicle and decreased other agronomic traits including seed yield. The highest grain yield (with an average of 3975.2 kg.ha-1) was obtained at 1st of July transplanting date. This was due to the increase in the number of seeds (80.3), number of filled seed per panicle (72) and panicle number per plant (18.3). The lowest grain yield (with an average of 38.5 kg.ha-1) was obtained at the 5th of September transplanting. Early transplanting decreased days to different phonological stages (days to tillering, 50% flowering and maturity). Delay in transplanting, however, reduced daily temperature, increased number of days to the developmental stages and thus decreased seed yield. Early July transplanting due to suitable temperatures and radiation for flowering and lack of heavy rainfall increased seed yield of rice. It could be concluded that transplanting from the 28th of June to the 10th of July can be considered as the optimum transplanting date for double cropping of rice (var. Tarom mahalli) at Amol climatic conditions.
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Akbari, R., and A. Moumeni. 2015. Study of optimum transplanting date and utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer in second cropping of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Koohsar in Mazandaran. Journal of Crop Production. 8(2): 195-207. (In Persian).
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Islam, M.S., M.A. Hossain, M.A.H. Chowdhury, and M.A. Hannan. 2008. Effect of nitrogen and transplanting date on yield and yield components of aromatic rice. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University. 6(2): 291-296.
Jalali, J., M. Nasiri, M. Habibi, and N. Kheyri. 2015. Evaluation of possibility of increasing success coefficient of direct seeding of rice genotypes by changing sowing dates. Crop Physiology Journal. 7(26): 85-103. (In Persian).
Khan, A, and H.U. Rahman. 2011. Effect of different planting dates on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Annals of Agrarian Science. 9(2): 1-9.
Khush, G.S. 2005. What it will take to feed 5.0 billion Rice consumers in 2030. Plant Molecular Biology. 59(1): 1-6.
Limochi, K., A. Siadat, and A.A. Gilani. 2013. Sowing dates effect on yield and growth indexes of rice cultivars in northern Khozestan. Journal of Crop Production. 6(2): 167-184. (In Persian).
Mahdavi, F., M.A. Esmaeili, A. Fallah, and H. Pirdashti. 2007. Study of morphological characteristics, physiological indices, grain yield and its components in rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces and improved cultivars. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 7(4): 280-298. (In Persian).
Mannan, M.A., M.S.U. Bhutya, S.M.A. Hossain, and M.I.M. Akhand. 2009. Study on phenology and yielding ability of basmati fine rice genotypes as influenced by planting date in aman season. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 34(3): 373-384.
Moradpour, S., A. Amiri, M. Goldoust Khorshidi, and A. Ranji. 2011. Effect of planting date and density on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Fajr. Journal of Crop Sciences. 4(14): 1-16. (In Persian).
Noorbakhshian, S.G. 2003. Effect of seed rate, planting date in nursery and transplanting date on yield and yield components of rice (Koohrang cultivar). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 5(4): 261-272. (In Persian).
Nouri, M.Z., M. Gholami, S.A.A. Mosavi, and S.S. Hosseini. 2014. Study of second cropping of rice in Mazandaran and compare of agronomical indexes of rice cultivars in twice of planting. 1st International and 13th Iranian Crop Science Congress and 3rd Iranian Seed Science and Technology Conference. Karaj. Iran. 4p. (In Persian).
Osman, K.A., A.M. Mustafa, Y.M.A. Elsheikh, and A.E. Idris. 2015. Influence of different sowing dates on growth and yield of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in semi-arid zone (Sudan). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research. 6(6): 38-48.
Rafiei, M. 2008. Effect of planting date on yield of some rice cultivars in Khorramabad condition. Journal of Plant and Seed. 24(2): 251-263. (In Persian).
Safdar, M.E., A. Ali, S. Muhammad, Gh. Sarwar, and T.H. Awan. 2008. Effect of transplanting dates on paddy yield of fine grain rice genotypes. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 40(6): 2403-2411.
Slaton, N.A., S.D. Linscombe, R.J. Norman, and E.E. Gbur. 2003. Seeding date effect on rice grain yields in Arkansas and Louisiana. Agronomy Journal. 95: 218-223.
Surender, K, and B. Bucha. 1992. Effect of transplanting time, plant density and seedling age on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 37(1): 18-21.
Valadabadi, S.A., M. Basharkhah, J. Daneshian, and A. Erfani. 2011. Effect of planting time on dry weight and physiological characteristics of rice cultivars in direct seeding system. Journal of Crop ecophysiology. 3(1): 68-81. (In Persian).
Walia, U.S., S.S. Walia, A.S. Sidhu, and S. Nayyar. 2014. Productivity of direct seeded rice in relation to different dates of sowing and varieties in central Punjab. Journal of Crop and Weed. 10(1): 126-129.
Abou-Khadrah, S.H., M.I. Abo-Youssef, E.M. Hafez, and A.A. Rehan. 2014. Effect of planting methods and sowing dates on yield and yield attributes of rice varieties under D.U.S. experiment. Scientia Agriculturae. 8(3): 133-139.
Akbar, N., A. Iqbal, H.Z. Khan, M.K. Hanif, and M.U. Bashir. 2010. Effect of different sowing dates on the yield and yield components of direct seeded fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. 2(10): 312-315.
Akbari, R., and A. Moumeni. 2015. Study of optimum transplanting date and utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer in second cropping of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Koohsar in Mazandaran. Journal of Crop Production. 8(2): 195-207. (In Persian).
Akram, H.M., A. Ali, M.A. Nadeem, and M.S. Iqbal. 2007. Yield and yield components of rice varieties as affected by transplanting dates. Journal of Agricultural Research. 45(2): 105-111.
Ali, H.M.A.A., M.A. Nadeem, and M.S. Iqbal. 2007. Yield and yield components of rice varieties as affected by transplanting dates. Journal of Agricultural Research. 45(2): 105-111.
Ali, M.Y., and M.M. Rahman. 1992. Effect of seedling age and transplanting time on late planted Aman rice. Pakistan Journal of Training and Development. 5: 75-83.
Alizadeh, M.A., and H.R. Isvand. 2006. Rice in Egypt. Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Publications. Agronomy Deputy. 541 pp. (In Persian).
Baloch, M.S., I.U. Awan, and G. Hassan. 2006. Growth and yield of rice as affected by transplanting dates and seedlings per hill under high temperature of Dera Ismail Khan. Journal of Zhejiang University Science. 7(7): 572-579.
Das, D.K., and R.L. Jat. 1997. Influence of three soil-water regimes on root porosity and growth of four rice varieties. Agronomy Journal. 69: 197-200.
Dawadi, K.P., and N.K. Chaudhary. 2013. Effect of sowing dates and varieties on yield and yield attributes of direct seeded rice in Chitwan, Nepal. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research. 2(4): 095-102.
Dinesh, C., K. Lodh, M. Sahoo, B.B. Nanda, and D. Chander. 1997. Effect of date of planting and spacing on grain yield and quality of scented rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in wet season in coastal. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science. 67: 93-97.
Haqverdian, M., M. Sam-Daliri, H.R. Mobasser, and A.A. Mousavi. 2011. Effect of planting date on yield and some of agronomic traits of different varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in direct seeding. Journal of Crop Sciences. 3(12): 1-16. (In Persian).
Hashemi-Dezfuli, A.H., A. Koocheki, and M. Banayan. 1995. Maximize crop yields. Jihad-e-Daneshgahi of Mashhad Publications. 287 pp. (In Persian).
Hayashi, S., A. Kamoshita, J. Yamgishi, A. Kotchasatit, and B. Jongdee. 2007. Genotypic differences in grain yield of transplanted and direct seeded rainfed lowland rice in northern Thailand. Field Crops Research. 102: 9-21.
Islam, M.S., M.A. Hossain, M.A.H. Chowdhury, and M.A. Hannan. 2008. Effect of nitrogen and transplanting date on yield and yield components of aromatic rice. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University. 6(2): 291-296.
Jalali, J., M. Nasiri, M. Habibi, and N. Kheyri. 2015. Evaluation of possibility of increasing success coefficient of direct seeding of rice genotypes by changing sowing dates. Crop Physiology Journal. 7(26): 85-103. (In Persian).
Khan, A, and H.U. Rahman. 2011. Effect of different planting dates on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Annals of Agrarian Science. 9(2): 1-9.
Khush, G.S. 2005. What it will take to feed 5.0 billion Rice consumers in 2030. Plant Molecular Biology. 59(1): 1-6.
Limochi, K., A. Siadat, and A.A. Gilani. 2013. Sowing dates effect on yield and growth indexes of rice cultivars in northern Khozestan. Journal of Crop Production. 6(2): 167-184. (In Persian).
Mahdavi, F., M.A. Esmaeili, A. Fallah, and H. Pirdashti. 2007. Study of morphological characteristics, physiological indices, grain yield and its components in rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces and improved cultivars. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 7(4): 280-298. (In Persian).
Mannan, M.A., M.S.U. Bhutya, S.M.A. Hossain, and M.I.M. Akhand. 2009. Study on phenology and yielding ability of basmati fine rice genotypes as influenced by planting date in aman season. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 34(3): 373-384.
Moradpour, S., A. Amiri, M. Goldoust Khorshidi, and A. Ranji. 2011. Effect of planting date and density on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Fajr. Journal of Crop Sciences. 4(14): 1-16. (In Persian).
Noorbakhshian, S.G. 2003. Effect of seed rate, planting date in nursery and transplanting date on yield and yield components of rice (Koohrang cultivar). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 5(4): 261-272. (In Persian).
Nouri, M.Z., M. Gholami, S.A.A. Mosavi, and S.S. Hosseini. 2014. Study of second cropping of rice in Mazandaran and compare of agronomical indexes of rice cultivars in twice of planting. 1st International and 13th Iranian Crop Science Congress and 3rd Iranian Seed Science and Technology Conference. Karaj. Iran. 4p. (In Persian).
Osman, K.A., A.M. Mustafa, Y.M.A. Elsheikh, and A.E. Idris. 2015. Influence of different sowing dates on growth and yield of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in semi-arid zone (Sudan). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research. 6(6): 38-48.
Rafiei, M. 2008. Effect of planting date on yield of some rice cultivars in Khorramabad condition. Journal of Plant and Seed. 24(2): 251-263. (In Persian).
Safdar, M.E., A. Ali, S. Muhammad, Gh. Sarwar, and T.H. Awan. 2008. Effect of transplanting dates on paddy yield of fine grain rice genotypes. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 40(6): 2403-2411.
Slaton, N.A., S.D. Linscombe, R.J. Norman, and E.E. Gbur. 2003. Seeding date effect on rice grain yields in Arkansas and Louisiana. Agronomy Journal. 95: 218-223.
Surender, K, and B. Bucha. 1992. Effect of transplanting time, plant density and seedling age on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 37(1): 18-21.
Valadabadi, S.A., M. Basharkhah, J. Daneshian, and A. Erfani. 2011. Effect of planting time on dry weight and physiological characteristics of rice cultivars in direct seeding system. Journal of Crop ecophysiology. 3(1): 68-81. (In Persian).
Walia, U.S., S.S. Walia, A.S. Sidhu, and S. Nayyar. 2014. Productivity of direct seeded rice in relation to different dates of sowing and varieties in central Punjab. Journal of Crop and Weed. 10(1): 126-129.