Utilization of Micronutrients in Dorotti Sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Cultivar
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologySaeid Soleymani 1 , Elnaz Farajzadeh Memari Tabrizi 2 *
1 - Department of Agronomy, Malekan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malekan, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Malekan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malekan, Iran
Keywords: yield, Foliar application, micronutrients, Sugar-beet,
Abstract :
Micronutrients have an important role in growth and yield of plants. This investigatin was carried out to evaluate effect of foliar applications of three micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn) at different times (4-6 and 8-10 leaf stage) with three replication on sugar beet. Based on results obtained all of the micronutrients used increased sugar beet sugar yield. Highest root yield was obtained by using 9 % of micronutrients at 4-6 leaf stage, but other concentrations did not have any effect on sugar beet yield. All of the three micronutrient concentrations increased root yield significantly. Application of 6% concentration increased root yield by 15.6 %. Mn application did not have any effect on sugar yield. 9 % concentration of Zn foliar application increased sugar yield by 16.4 %, and application of 6 and 9% of Fe increased sugar yield by 18.6 and 36 % respectively. Sugar percent did not changed by Mn application, but high concentrations of Fe and Zn at 8-10 leaf stage increased it. Highest increase in sugar percent obtained by using Fe 9 % foliar appliction. Because of economical importance of sugar and root yield, foliar application of 9 % of Fe and Zn at 8-10 leaf stage will be suitable.
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Eleyan, S.E.D., A.A. Abodahab, A.M. Abdallah, and H.A. Rabeh. 2014. Effect of foliar application of manganese and iron on growth characters, yield and fiber properties of some Egyptian cotton cultivars (Gossypium barbadense L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. 7: 1283-1292.
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Mekki, B.B. 2014. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to foliar application with urea, zinc and manganese in newly reclaimed sandy soil. American-Eurasian Journal Agricultural and Environmental Science. 14 (9): 800-806.
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Robinson, B.H., E. Lombi, F.J. Zhao, and S.P. Mc Grath. 2003. Uptake and distribution of nickel and other metals in the hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii. New Phytologist. 158: 279–285.
Salem, H.M., and N.Kh.B. El-Gizawy. 2012. Importance of micronutrients and its application methods for improving maize (Zea mays L.) yield grown in clayey soil. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science. 12 (7): 954-959.
Soleymani, A., M. Firuzi, and L. Narenjani. 2012. Effect of foliar application of micronutrients on some physiological index effecting growth and yield of fodder maize. Agricultural Research Journal of Iran. 9: 340-347. (In Persian)
Stevens, W.B., and A.O. Mesbah. 2005. Zinc sulfate applied to sugarbeet using broadcast, seed-placed and foliar methods. Western Nutrient Management Conference. 200-207.
Tsialtas, J.T., E. Soulioti, N. Maslaris, and D.K. Papakosta. 2011. Effect of defoliation on leaf physiology of sugar beet cultivars subjected to water stress and re-watering. International Journal of Plant Production. 5 (3): 207-220.
Yarnia, M., M. Bagher Khorshidi Benam, H. Kazemi Arbat, E. Farajzade Memari Tabrizi, and D. Hassanpanah. 2008. Effects of complete micronutrients and their application method on root yield and sugar content of sugar beet cv. Rassoul. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 6 (3&4): 341 - 345.
Yousefi, M. 2012. Impact of Zn and mn foliar application on yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) under two irrigation regimes. International Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review. 2 (3): 102-107.
Zehtab-Salmasi, S., S. Behrouznajhad, and K. Ghassemi-Golezani. 2012. Effects of foliar application of Fe and Zn on seed yield and mucilage content of psyllium at different stages of maturity. International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Food Sciences (ICEAFS'2012) August 11-12, 2012 Phuket (Thailand).
_||_Borowski, E., and S. Michalek. 2011. The effect of foliar fertilization of French bean with iron salts and urea on some physiological processes in plants relative to iron uptake and translocation in leaves. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus. 10: 183-193
Eleyan, S.E.D., A.A. Abodahab, A.M. Abdallah, and H.A. Rabeh. 2014. Effect of foliar application of manganese and iron on growth characters, yield and fiber properties of some Egyptian cotton cultivars (Gossypium barbadense L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. 7: 1283-1292.
Feng, Y., Y. Lei, and Z. Li. 2012. Micronutrient deficiencies accelerate leaf senescence in Amomum villosum. Botanical Studies. 53: 345-352.
Galavi, M., M. Ramroudi, and A. Tavassoli. 2012. Effect of micronutrients foliar application on yield and seed oil content of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). African Journal of Agricultural Research. 7(3): 482-486.
Irmak, S., A. Nuran Çıl, H. Yücel, and Z. Kaya. 2012. The effects of iron application to soil and foliarly on agronomic properties and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment.10 (3and4): 417 - 422.
Jabeen, N. and R. Ahmad. 2012. Improving tolerance of sunflower and safflower during growth stages to salinity through foliar spray of nutrient solutions. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 44(2): 563-572.
Kobraee, S., G. Noormohamadi, H. Heidari Sharif Abad, F. Darvish Kajori, and B. Delkhosh. 2013. Micronutrients distribution in soybean plant with Zn, Fe, and Mn application. Annual Review & Research in Biology. 3(2): 83-91.
Laszlo, M. 2008. Manganese requirement of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and triticale (x Triticosecale W.) at early stage of growth. European Journal of Agronomy. 28: 586–596.
Mazlomi M., A. Pirzad, and M. Zardoshti. 2012. Allocation ratio of photosynthate to different parts of sugar beet plant affected by nano-iron foliar application at varying growth stages. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences. 2: 121: 128.
Mekki, B.B. 2014. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to foliar application with urea, zinc and manganese in newly reclaimed sandy soil. American-Eurasian Journal Agricultural and Environmental Science. 14 (9): 800-806.
Mohammadzadeh, M., and M.S. Hatamipour. 2010. Effect of drying conditions on properties of dried sugar beet. Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 7: 81-87. (In Persian).
Moosavi, A.A., and A. Ronaghi. 2011. Influence of foliar and soil applications of iron and manganese on soybean dry matter yield and iron-manganese relationship in a Calcareous soil. American Journal of Cultural Sosiology. 5(12): 1550-1556.
Mousavi, S.R., M. Galavi, and M. Rezaei. 2013. Zinc (Zn) Importance for crop production. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production. 4 (1): 64-68.
Moustafa, Z.R., A.M.K. Soudi, and K. El-Shenawy. 2011. Productivity and quality of sugar beet as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer and some micronutrients. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research. 89(3): 1005-1012.
Pirzad, A., and F. Shokrani. 2012. Effects of iron application on growth characters and flower yield of Calendula officinalis L. under water stress. World Applied Sciences Journal. 18 (9): 1203-1208.
Potarzycki, J., and W. Grzebisz. 2009. Effect of zinc foliar application on grain yield of maize and its yielding components. Plant Soil Environment. 55(12): 519-527.
Prasad, T.N.V.K.V., P. Sudhakar, Y. Sreenivasulu, P. Latha, V. Munaswamy, K. Raja Reddy, T.S. Sreeprasad, P.R. Sajanlal, and T. Pradeep. 2012. Effect of nanoscale zinc oxide particles on the germination, growth and yield of peanut. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 35:905–927.
Refay, Y.A. 2010. Root yield and quality traits of three sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) varieties in relation to sowing date and stand densities. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 6 (5): 589-594.
Robinson, B.H., E. Lombi, F.J. Zhao, and S.P. Mc Grath. 2003. Uptake and distribution of nickel and other metals in the hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii. New Phytologist. 158: 279–285.
Salem, H.M., and N.Kh.B. El-Gizawy. 2012. Importance of micronutrients and its application methods for improving maize (Zea mays L.) yield grown in clayey soil. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science. 12 (7): 954-959.
Soleymani, A., M. Firuzi, and L. Narenjani. 2012. Effect of foliar application of micronutrients on some physiological index effecting growth and yield of fodder maize. Agricultural Research Journal of Iran. 9: 340-347. (In Persian)
Stevens, W.B., and A.O. Mesbah. 2005. Zinc sulfate applied to sugarbeet using broadcast, seed-placed and foliar methods. Western Nutrient Management Conference. 200-207.
Tsialtas, J.T., E. Soulioti, N. Maslaris, and D.K. Papakosta. 2011. Effect of defoliation on leaf physiology of sugar beet cultivars subjected to water stress and re-watering. International Journal of Plant Production. 5 (3): 207-220.
Yarnia, M., M. Bagher Khorshidi Benam, H. Kazemi Arbat, E. Farajzade Memari Tabrizi, and D. Hassanpanah. 2008. Effects of complete micronutrients and their application method on root yield and sugar content of sugar beet cv. Rassoul. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 6 (3&4): 341 - 345.
Yousefi, M. 2012. Impact of Zn and mn foliar application on yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) under two irrigation regimes. International Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review. 2 (3): 102-107.
Zehtab-Salmasi, S., S. Behrouznajhad, and K. Ghassemi-Golezani. 2012. Effects of foliar application of Fe and Zn on seed yield and mucilage content of psyllium at different stages of maturity. International Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Food Sciences (ICEAFS'2012) August 11-12, 2012 Phuket (Thailand).