Mixed Cropping of Legumes and Maize by the Use of Urea
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyEsmaeil Alibakhshi 1 , Mohammad Mirzakhani 2 *
1 - M.Sc Student in Agronomy, Naragh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naragh, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Farahan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Farahan, Iran
Keywords: Grain yield, nitrogen, corn, Legumes,
Abstract :
To study the effect of nitrogenous fertilizers and mixed cropping of legumes and maize on its grain yield and yield component of corn in Arak, an experiment was carried at the Agricultural Research Center of Markazi Province in 2013. A factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was performed. Treatments were four levels of urea (N0= control, N1= 75 kg.ha-1, N2= 150 kg.ha-1, N3= 225 kg.ha-1) and mixed cropping with four levels (S1= planting corn, S2= planting corn + chickpea, S3= planting corn + cowpea, S4= planting corn + mung bean). Plot consisted of 4 rows, 6 m long with 60 cm between rows space and 20 cm between plants on the rows, and S.C 704 corn hybrid was used. In this study characteristics such as: plant height, number of green leaf, grain yield, number of row per ear, number of grain per ear row, nitrogen use efficiency, biomasses of legumes, nitrogen percentage and 1000 grain weight were assessed. Results indicated that the effect of different levels of urea on plant height, number of green leaf, grain yield, number of grain per row, nitrogen use efficiency, legumes biomass and nitrogen percentage were significant. Effect of mixed cropping on characteristics like grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency, biomasses of legumes nitrogen percentage was also significant. Highest and lowest grain yield (7.37 and 5.47 t.ha-1) were obtained with the use of 225 and 75 kg.ha-1 urea, respectively. The highest and lowest grain yield (7.30 and 6.01 t.ha-1) belonged to sole cropping at corn and mixed cropping of corn + mung bean, respectively.
Afsharmanesh, Gh.R. 2013. Effect of maize and potato intercropping on yield and yield components in early spring planting in Jiroft region. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 14(4): 333-345. (In Persian).
Bagheri, R., Gh.A. Akbari, M.H. Kianmehr, and Z.A. Tahmasbi Sarvastani. 2011. The effect of slow releasing nitrogen from pellet fertilizer of nitrogen and manure on grain yield and some physiological Characteristics of corn. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 4(1): 97-113. (In Persian).
Bagheri, R., Gh.A. Akbari, M.H. Kianmehr, and Z.A. Tahmasbi Sarvastani. 2012. The effect of nitrogen pellet fertilizer on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.), S.C 704. Journal of Agronomy Sciences. 5 (8): 27-38. (In Persian).
Banik, P., A. Midya, B.K. Sarkar, and S.S. Ghose. 2006. Wheat and chickpea intercropping systems in an additive experiment: Advantages and weed smothering. European Journal of Agronomy. 24: 325-332.
Baumann, D.T., L. Bastians, I. Gaudian, H.H. Vanlar, and M.J. Kroff. 2002. Analysing crop yield and plant quality in a intercropping system using an ecophysiological model for interplant competition. Agricultural Systems. 13: 173 – 203.
Chen, C., M. Westcott, K. Neill, D. Wichmann, and M. Knox. 2004. Row configuration and nitrogen application for barley-pea intercropping in Montana. Agronomy Journal. 96: 1730–1738.
Cox, W.J., and D.J.R. Cherney. 2001. Row spacing, plant density, and nitrogen effects on corn silage. Agronomy Journal. 93:597-602.
Dahmardeh, M., A. Ghanbari, B.A. Siahsar, and M. Ramroudi. 2011. Evalution of forage yield and protein content of maize and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) intercropping. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 13(4): 658-670. (In Persian).
Dordas, A.C., and C. Sioulas. 2008. Safflower yield, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and water use efficiney response to nitrogen fertilization under rainfed conditions. Industrial Crops and Products. 27: 75-85.
Eskandari, H., and A. Javanmard. 2013. Evaluation of forage yield and quality in intercropping patterns of maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna sinensis). Sustainable Agricultural and Production Science. 23 (4): 100-110. (In Persian).
Fallah, S., and A. Tadayyon. 2009. Effects of plant density and nitrogen rates on yield, nitrate and protein of silage maize. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 2(1): 105-121. (In Persian).
Fallah, S., and A. Tadayyon. 2010. Uptake and nitrogen efficiency in forage maize: effects of nitrogen and plant density. Agrociencia. 44: 549-560.
Fenandez- Aparicio, M., J.C. Sillero, and D. Rubials. 2007. Intercropping with cereals reduces infection by Orobanche crenata in legumes. Crop Protection. 26: 1166- 1172.
Ghanbari-Bonjar, H. 2000. Intercropped wheat (Triticum aestivum) and bean as a low-input forage. PhD thesis. Wye College. University of London.
Hamidi, A., and A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab. 2000. Effects of plant density on crop nitrogen use efficiency in corn hybrid. Agricultural Science. 10: 57-43.
Hamzei, J., and H. Sarmadi Naiebi. 2010. Effect of biological and chemical fertilizers application on yield, yield components, agronomic efficiency and nitrogen uptake in corn. Journal of Plant Production Technology. 10(2): 53-63. (In Persian).
Hutchinson, C.M., and M.E. McGiffen. 2000. Cowpea cover mulch for weed control in desert pepper production. Horticulture Sciences. 35: 196-198.
Jahanban, L., and O. Lotfifar. 2011. Study of the effective organism (EM) application effect on efficacy of chemical and organic fertilizers in corn cultivation. Technology of Crop Production. 11(2): 43-52. (In Persian).
Jalali, A.H., M.J. Bahrani, and N. Karimian. 2011. Effect of crop residue management, application of compost and nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield and its components in maize cv. DC370. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 13(2): 336-351. (In Persian).
Jamshidi, Kh., D. Mazaheri, N. Majnoun Hosseini, H. Rahimian, and A. Peyghambari. 2008. Evaluation of yield in intercropping of maize and cowpea. Pajouhsh & Sazandegi. 80: 110 – 118.
Javanmard, A., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A. Javanshir, M. Moghaddam, and H. Janmohammadi. 2012. Effects of Maize Intercropping with legumes on forage yield and quality. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 22 (3): 137-149. (In Persian).
Javanmard, A., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A. Javanshir, M. Moghaddam, H. Janmohammadi, Y. Nasiri, and F. Shekari. 2013. Evaluation of some agronomic and physiological traits and forage quality in maize - Legume intercropping as double cropping. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 23 (2): 1-18. (In Persian).
Karimi, A., M. Moeze ardalan, M. Homaee, A. Liaghat, and F. Reesi. 2007. Manure use efficiency in sunflower with irrigation-manure system. Journal of Sciences and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 11(40 a): 65-76. (In Persian).
Khavari Khorasani, S., M. Golpashi, F. Azizi, M. Ashofteh Biragi, and R. Fatemi. 2010. Growth and yield evalution of new hybrid of silage maize. Journal of Agroecology. 2(2): 335-342. (In Persian).
Khazaei, F., M. Agha Alikhani, and S.A.M. Modarres Sanavy. 2011. Nitrogen rate and plant density effect on dry matter accumulation and fresh ear yield of sweet corn. Agronomy Journal (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi). 92: 1-8. (In Persian).
Koocheki, A.R., Z. Boroumand Rezazadeh, M. Nasiri, and S. Khoramdel. 2012. Evaluation of absorption efficiency and nitrogen use in intercropping of corn and winter wheat. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 10(2): 327-334. (In Persian).
Lithourgidis, A.S., K.V. Dhima, I.B. Vasilakoglou, C.A. Dordas, and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2007. Sustainable production of barley and wheat by intercropping common vetch. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 27: 95-99.
Mansoori, I. 2010. Evaluating performance of corn (Zea mays L.) / soybean [Glycine max ( L.) Merr] intercrop in different planting dates. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 3 (1): 209-216. (In Persian).
Mengel, K., and E.A. Kirkby. 2001. Principles of plant nutritions. Kluwer Academic Pub. Paper back - 849 pp.
Mojab Ghasrodashti, A., H.R. Balouchi, and A.R. Yadavi. 2011. Effect of municipal solid waste compost and nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield, forage production and some morphological traits of sweet corn (Zea mays L. sacchrata). Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 4(1): 115-130. (In Persian).
Morris, R.A., and D.P. Garrity. 2007. Resource capture and utilization in intercropping: non-nitrogen nutrients. Field Crops Research. 34: 303-317.
Moser, S.M., B. Feil, S. Jampatong, and P. Stamp. 2006. Effects of pre-anthesis drouth, nitrogen fertilizer rate, and variety on grain yield, yield components, and harvest index of tropical maize. Agriculture Water Management. 81:41-58.
Mutungamiri, A., I.K. Margia, and O.A. Chivinge. 2001. Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars and density for dryland maize-bean intercropping. Tropical Agricultural. 78(1): 8-12.
Naghizadeh, M., M. Ramroudi, M. Galavi, B.A. Siahsar, M. Heydari, and A.A. Maghsoudi–Moud. 2012. Effect of chemical and biology phosphorus fertilizers on yield and yield components of corn and Lathyrus in intercropping. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 43 (2): 203-215. (In Persian).
Najafi, N., M. Mostafaei, A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, and Sh. Oustan. 2013. Effect of intercropping and farmyard manure on the growth, yield and protein concentration of corn, bean and bitter vetch. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 23 (1): 99-116. (In Persian).
Saban, Y., A. Mehmt, and E. Mustafa. 2007. Identification of advantage of maize- legume intercropping over solitary cropping through competition indices in the Esat Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture. 32:111–119.
Sarlak, Sh., and M. Aghaalikhani. 2009. Effect of plant density and mxing ratio on crop yield in sweet corn (Zea mays L. var Saccharata) and mongbean (Vigna radiata L.) intercropping. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 11 (4): 367-380. (In Persian).
Seyedi, M., J. Hamzei, G. Ahmadvand, and M.A. Abutalebian. 2012. The Evaluation of Weed suppression and crop production in barley-chickpea intercrops. Sustainable Agricultural and Production Science. 22 (3):101-114. (In Persian).
Shapiro, C.A., and C.S. Wortmann. 2006. Corn response to nitrogen rate, row spacing, and plant density in Eastern Nebraska. Agronomy Journal. 98:529-535.
Torbert, H.A., K.N. Potter, and J.E. Morrison. 2001. Tillage system, fertilizer nitrogen rate and timing effect on corn yields in the Texas Blackland prairie. Agronomy Journal. 93:1119-1124.
Vennila, C., and C. Jayanthi. 2006. Effect of integrated nitrogen management on nitrogen use efficiency in wet seeded rice + daincha dual cropping system. Madras Agricultural Journal. 93 (7-12): 274-277.
Yazdani, M., H. Pirdashti, M.A. Esmaili, and M.A. Bahmanyar. 2010. Effect of inoculation phosphate solubilization microorganisms (PSM) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on nutrient use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 3(2): 65-80. (In Persian).
Yeganehpoor, F., S. Zehtab Salmasi, and V. Valizadeh. 2012. The effects of different planting time of cover crops and medical plant on grian yield and yield components of maize and weed biomass. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 22 (1): 117-125. (In Persian).
_||_Afsharmanesh, Gh.R. 2013. Effect of maize and potato intercropping on yield and yield components in early spring planting in Jiroft region. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 14(4): 333-345. (In Persian).
Bagheri, R., Gh.A. Akbari, M.H. Kianmehr, and Z.A. Tahmasbi Sarvastani. 2011. The effect of slow releasing nitrogen from pellet fertilizer of nitrogen and manure on grain yield and some physiological Characteristics of corn. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 4(1): 97-113. (In Persian).
Bagheri, R., Gh.A. Akbari, M.H. Kianmehr, and Z.A. Tahmasbi Sarvastani. 2012. The effect of nitrogen pellet fertilizer on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.), S.C 704. Journal of Agronomy Sciences. 5 (8): 27-38. (In Persian).
Banik, P., A. Midya, B.K. Sarkar, and S.S. Ghose. 2006. Wheat and chickpea intercropping systems in an additive experiment: Advantages and weed smothering. European Journal of Agronomy. 24: 325-332.
Baumann, D.T., L. Bastians, I. Gaudian, H.H. Vanlar, and M.J. Kroff. 2002. Analysing crop yield and plant quality in a intercropping system using an ecophysiological model for interplant competition. Agricultural Systems. 13: 173 – 203.
Chen, C., M. Westcott, K. Neill, D. Wichmann, and M. Knox. 2004. Row configuration and nitrogen application for barley-pea intercropping in Montana. Agronomy Journal. 96: 1730–1738.
Cox, W.J., and D.J.R. Cherney. 2001. Row spacing, plant density, and nitrogen effects on corn silage. Agronomy Journal. 93:597-602.
Dahmardeh, M., A. Ghanbari, B.A. Siahsar, and M. Ramroudi. 2011. Evalution of forage yield and protein content of maize and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) intercropping. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 13(4): 658-670. (In Persian).
Dordas, A.C., and C. Sioulas. 2008. Safflower yield, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and water use efficiney response to nitrogen fertilization under rainfed conditions. Industrial Crops and Products. 27: 75-85.
Eskandari, H., and A. Javanmard. 2013. Evaluation of forage yield and quality in intercropping patterns of maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna sinensis). Sustainable Agricultural and Production Science. 23 (4): 100-110. (In Persian).
Fallah, S., and A. Tadayyon. 2009. Effects of plant density and nitrogen rates on yield, nitrate and protein of silage maize. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 2(1): 105-121. (In Persian).
Fallah, S., and A. Tadayyon. 2010. Uptake and nitrogen efficiency in forage maize: effects of nitrogen and plant density. Agrociencia. 44: 549-560.
Fenandez- Aparicio, M., J.C. Sillero, and D. Rubials. 2007. Intercropping with cereals reduces infection by Orobanche crenata in legumes. Crop Protection. 26: 1166- 1172.
Ghanbari-Bonjar, H. 2000. Intercropped wheat (Triticum aestivum) and bean as a low-input forage. PhD thesis. Wye College. University of London.
Hamidi, A., and A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab. 2000. Effects of plant density on crop nitrogen use efficiency in corn hybrid. Agricultural Science. 10: 57-43.
Hamzei, J., and H. Sarmadi Naiebi. 2010. Effect of biological and chemical fertilizers application on yield, yield components, agronomic efficiency and nitrogen uptake in corn. Journal of Plant Production Technology. 10(2): 53-63. (In Persian).
Hutchinson, C.M., and M.E. McGiffen. 2000. Cowpea cover mulch for weed control in desert pepper production. Horticulture Sciences. 35: 196-198.
Jahanban, L., and O. Lotfifar. 2011. Study of the effective organism (EM) application effect on efficacy of chemical and organic fertilizers in corn cultivation. Technology of Crop Production. 11(2): 43-52. (In Persian).
Jalali, A.H., M.J. Bahrani, and N. Karimian. 2011. Effect of crop residue management, application of compost and nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield and its components in maize cv. DC370. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 13(2): 336-351. (In Persian).
Jamshidi, Kh., D. Mazaheri, N. Majnoun Hosseini, H. Rahimian, and A. Peyghambari. 2008. Evaluation of yield in intercropping of maize and cowpea. Pajouhsh & Sazandegi. 80: 110 – 118.
Javanmard, A., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A. Javanshir, M. Moghaddam, and H. Janmohammadi. 2012. Effects of Maize Intercropping with legumes on forage yield and quality. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 22 (3): 137-149. (In Persian).
Javanmard, A., A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, A. Javanshir, M. Moghaddam, H. Janmohammadi, Y. Nasiri, and F. Shekari. 2013. Evaluation of some agronomic and physiological traits and forage quality in maize - Legume intercropping as double cropping. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 23 (2): 1-18. (In Persian).
Karimi, A., M. Moeze ardalan, M. Homaee, A. Liaghat, and F. Reesi. 2007. Manure use efficiency in sunflower with irrigation-manure system. Journal of Sciences and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 11(40 a): 65-76. (In Persian).
Khavari Khorasani, S., M. Golpashi, F. Azizi, M. Ashofteh Biragi, and R. Fatemi. 2010. Growth and yield evalution of new hybrid of silage maize. Journal of Agroecology. 2(2): 335-342. (In Persian).
Khazaei, F., M. Agha Alikhani, and S.A.M. Modarres Sanavy. 2011. Nitrogen rate and plant density effect on dry matter accumulation and fresh ear yield of sweet corn. Agronomy Journal (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi). 92: 1-8. (In Persian).
Koocheki, A.R., Z. Boroumand Rezazadeh, M. Nasiri, and S. Khoramdel. 2012. Evaluation of absorption efficiency and nitrogen use in intercropping of corn and winter wheat. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 10(2): 327-334. (In Persian).
Lithourgidis, A.S., K.V. Dhima, I.B. Vasilakoglou, C.A. Dordas, and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2007. Sustainable production of barley and wheat by intercropping common vetch. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 27: 95-99.
Mansoori, I. 2010. Evaluating performance of corn (Zea mays L.) / soybean [Glycine max ( L.) Merr] intercrop in different planting dates. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 3 (1): 209-216. (In Persian).
Mengel, K., and E.A. Kirkby. 2001. Principles of plant nutritions. Kluwer Academic Pub. Paper back - 849 pp.
Mojab Ghasrodashti, A., H.R. Balouchi, and A.R. Yadavi. 2011. Effect of municipal solid waste compost and nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield, forage production and some morphological traits of sweet corn (Zea mays L. sacchrata). Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 4(1): 115-130. (In Persian).
Morris, R.A., and D.P. Garrity. 2007. Resource capture and utilization in intercropping: non-nitrogen nutrients. Field Crops Research. 34: 303-317.
Moser, S.M., B. Feil, S. Jampatong, and P. Stamp. 2006. Effects of pre-anthesis drouth, nitrogen fertilizer rate, and variety on grain yield, yield components, and harvest index of tropical maize. Agriculture Water Management. 81:41-58.
Mutungamiri, A., I.K. Margia, and O.A. Chivinge. 2001. Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars and density for dryland maize-bean intercropping. Tropical Agricultural. 78(1): 8-12.
Naghizadeh, M., M. Ramroudi, M. Galavi, B.A. Siahsar, M. Heydari, and A.A. Maghsoudi–Moud. 2012. Effect of chemical and biology phosphorus fertilizers on yield and yield components of corn and Lathyrus in intercropping. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 43 (2): 203-215. (In Persian).
Najafi, N., M. Mostafaei, A. Dabbagh Mohammadi Nasab, and Sh. Oustan. 2013. Effect of intercropping and farmyard manure on the growth, yield and protein concentration of corn, bean and bitter vetch. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 23 (1): 99-116. (In Persian).
Saban, Y., A. Mehmt, and E. Mustafa. 2007. Identification of advantage of maize- legume intercropping over solitary cropping through competition indices in the Esat Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture. 32:111–119.
Sarlak, Sh., and M. Aghaalikhani. 2009. Effect of plant density and mxing ratio on crop yield in sweet corn (Zea mays L. var Saccharata) and mongbean (Vigna radiata L.) intercropping. Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 11 (4): 367-380. (In Persian).
Seyedi, M., J. Hamzei, G. Ahmadvand, and M.A. Abutalebian. 2012. The Evaluation of Weed suppression and crop production in barley-chickpea intercrops. Sustainable Agricultural and Production Science. 22 (3):101-114. (In Persian).
Shapiro, C.A., and C.S. Wortmann. 2006. Corn response to nitrogen rate, row spacing, and plant density in Eastern Nebraska. Agronomy Journal. 98:529-535.
Torbert, H.A., K.N. Potter, and J.E. Morrison. 2001. Tillage system, fertilizer nitrogen rate and timing effect on corn yields in the Texas Blackland prairie. Agronomy Journal. 93:1119-1124.
Vennila, C., and C. Jayanthi. 2006. Effect of integrated nitrogen management on nitrogen use efficiency in wet seeded rice + daincha dual cropping system. Madras Agricultural Journal. 93 (7-12): 274-277.
Yazdani, M., H. Pirdashti, M.A. Esmaili, and M.A. Bahmanyar. 2010. Effect of inoculation phosphate solubilization microorganisms (PSM) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on nutrient use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 3(2): 65-80. (In Persian).
Yeganehpoor, F., S. Zehtab Salmasi, and V. Valizadeh. 2012. The effects of different planting time of cover crops and medical plant on grian yield and yield components of maize and weed biomass. Sustainable Aagricultural and Production Science. 22 (1): 117-125. (In Persian).