Qualitative Changes and Yield of Rapeseed Cultivars in Drought Stress in Late Season
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyMojtaba Rouhi 1 , Mohammad Banayan Aval 2 * , Amir Hossein Shirani Rad 3
1 - Ph.D. Student in Agroecology, Department of Agronomy, Faculty Agriculture, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Associate Professors in Agroecology, Department of Agronomy, Faculty Agriculture, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Professor of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Drought stress, Rapeseed, Linoleic acid, linolenic acid,
Abstract :
To study the eco-physiology of new winter varieties of rapeseed (six lines ready for introduction, along with Ahmadi, native variety, as control), for drought stress of the end of the season were evaluated with two levels of planting dates, including the usual sowing date (October 12th) and late planting date (October 27th), and irrigation with two levels including normal irrigation (control) and cutting off irrigation at the siliquing stage studied in a factorial split plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications for two years (2014-2015 and 2015-2016) at the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Agricultural Research Organization in Karaj. Cultivar L72 had higher palmitic acid content in both planting dates. Normal irrigation and October 12th planting date had the highest oleic and linoleic acids, 66.2 and 18.34%, respectively. The highest erosic acid (0.27%) belonged to cultivar HW3 and on October 12th and the highest linolenic acid was obtained (6.95%) by cultivar L72. The lowest linoleic acid was obtained on October 27th by cultivar HW3. Under water stress condition, seed glucosinolate content was 14% more than the normal irrigation. The highest seed yield (4231.2 kg.ha-1) was obtained from sowing date of October 12th from cultivar L72 and the lowest of seed yield was obtained on October 27th from cultivar HW3. The highest seed oil percent (46.54%) and oil yield (2576.6 kg.ha-1) were obtained on October 12th from cultivar L72 and the lowest of these triats were obtained on October 27th from cultivar HW3. In general, the results showed that under stress condition, cultivar L72 produced highest seed and oil yields in both planting dates.
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