Evaluation of Plant Residues on the Dynamics of Weed Populations and Corn (Zea mays L.) NS640 cultivar in two Types of Soil Textures
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyEinollah Hesami 1 * , Mohsen Jahan 2 , Mehdi Nasiri Mahallati 3 , Roozbeh Farhoudi 4 , Amin Reza Jamshidi 5 , Mohamad Moetamedi 6
1 - Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
4 - Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
5 - Department of Mechanization and Agricultural Machinery, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
6 - Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
Keywords: Yield, Weeds, Soil texture, Crop residues,
Abstract :
The use of cultivated plants in the consecutive of cropping systems is one of the most important alternative and sustainable methods to eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides. To investigate the effect of crop residues on weed control and corn yield of NS640 cultivar, an experiment was conducted in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 cropping years. This experiment was performed in two years and two places in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Two farms with clay- loamy and sandy-loam soil as a place and cultivation of four pre-corn crops including bean-branch (Vicia faba L.), wheat-Chamran (Triticum aestivum L.), rapeseed-Hayula 401 (Brassica napus L.), cabbage - Steady hybrids (Brassica oleraceae L.) and fallow were the treatments. Combined analysis of the results showed that the comparison of weed density and dry weight in different treatments of pre-cultivated plants with fallow (without pre-cultivated plants) showed the potential of pre-cultivated plant residues in reducing and controlling weeds. The reduction in the number of weeds in clay-loam field in the residues of bean, wheat, rapeseed and cabbage pre-cultivation plants compared to fallow were 22, 9, 10 and 29%, respectively, and in sandy-loam field 40, 48, 42 and 46%, respectively. Weed dry weight was significantly affected by crop residues. Bean, wheat, canola and cabbage residues reduced weed dry weight by 54, 55, 43 and 65% compared to fallow, respectively. The use of bean residues as a growing crop in clay-loamy and sandy-loam soils increased corn seed yield by 40 and 55%, respectively. The use of crop residues by higher decomposition of crop residues in the second year and creating a state of soil damage and a negative effect on weed dynamics indices can play an effective role in improving corn growth and increasing the productivity of the cultivation system.
Ackroyd, J., and M. Ngouajio. 2011. Brassicaceae cover crops affect seed germination and seedling establishment in cucurbit crops. Hort Technology. 21: 525-532.
Adler, L.S. 1993. Potential for persistence of genes escaped from canola: Germination cues in crop, wild, and crop-wild hybrid Brassica rapa. Functional Ecology. 7:736-745.
Batlla, D., B.C. Kruk, and R.I. Benech- Arnold. 2000. Very early detection of canopy pre sence by seeds thoovgh pereption of suttle modifications in red: far red signals. Functional Ecology. 14: 195- 202.
Bones, A.M., and J.T. Rossiter. 2006. The enzymic and chemically induced decomposition of glucosinolates. Phytochemistry. 67: 1053-1067.
Brust, J., W. Claupein, and R. Gerhards. 2014. Growth and weed suppression ability of common and new cover crops in Germany. Crop Protection. 63: 1-8.
Caamal-Maldonado, J.A., J.J. Jimenez-Osornio, A. Torres-Barragan, and A.L. Anaya. 2001. The use of allelopathic legume cover and mulch species for weed control in cropping systems. Journal of Agronomy. 93: 27-36.
Celik, I., I. Ortas, and S. Kilic. 2004. Effects of compost, mycorrhiza, manure and fertiLizer on some physical properties of a Chromoxerert soil. Soil and Tillage Research. 78: 59–67.
Chowdhry, M.A., I. RasooL, I. Khaliq, T. Mahmood, and M.M. Gilani. 1999. Genetics of some metric traits inspring wheat under normal and drought environment Rachis News Letter. 18(1): 34 - 39.
El-masry, R.R., N.K. Messiha, K.G. EL-Rokieks, S.A. Ahmed, and S.A. Mohamed. 2015. The allelopathic effect of Eruca sativa seed powder on growth and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris and associated weeds. Current Science International. 4(4): 485-490.
Ericson, N.A. 1993. Quality and storability in relation to fertigation of apple trees cv. Summerred. Acta Horticulture. 326: 73-83.
Grant, C.A., J.T. O'Donovan, R.E. BLackshaw, K.N. Harker, E.N. Johnson, Y.T. Gan, G.P. Lafond, W.E. May, T.K. Turkington, N.Z. Lupwayi, D.L. Mc Laren, B.J. Zebarth, M. Khakbazan, S.T. Luce, and R. Ramnarine. 2016. Residual effects of preceding crops and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and crop and soil N dynamics of spring wheat and canola in varying environments on the Canadian prairies. Field Crops Research. 192: 86-102.
Hamzai, J., and A. Borbor. 2014. The effect of short-term tillage methods and cover crops on yield and yield components of maize and some soil characteristics. Agricultural Knowledge and Sustainable Production. 24: 77-35.
Hartwig, A., and H. Amon. 2002. Cover crops and living mulches. Weed Science. 50: 688–699.
Heap, I. 2019. The International survey of herbicide resistant weeds. Online. Internet. Thursday, 18 May, Available at weedscience.org.
Hesami, A., M. Jahan, M. Nasiri Mahallati, and R. Farhoodi. 2018. The effect of plant residues in two types of soil texture on soil characteristics and grain yield of Ns640 cuLtivar in low plowing agricultural system. Iranian JournaL of Crop Research. (In Persian).
Hesami, A., M. Jahan, M. Nasiri Mahallati, and R. Farhoodi. 2020. Evaluation of the effect of restoring crop residues on corn yield and some soil properties in Shushtar climatic Journal of Plant Ecophysiology. 12 : 134 -147. (In persian).
Jasicka-Misiak, P., P. Wieczorek, and P. Kafarski. 2005. Crotonic acid as a bioactive factor in carrot seeds (Daucus carota). Phytochemistry. 66: 1485-1491.
Jin, H., W. Qingjie, L. Hongwen, L. Lijin, and G. Huanwen. 2009. Effect of alternative tillage and residue cover on yield and water use efficiency in annual double cropping system in North China Plain. Soil and Tillage Research. 104: 198 –205.
Kramberger, B., Gselman, A., Janzekovic, M., Kaligaric, M., & Bracko, B. 2009. Effects of cover crops on soil mineral nitrogen and on the yield and nitrogen content of maize. European Journal of Agronomy, 31(2), 103-109.
Khojam Lee, R., A. Siahamrgooi, A. Zinli, and A. Soltani. 2019. Effect of winter cover crops on weed population dynamics and growth and yield of maize (Zea mays) (single cross cultivar 704). Agricultural Ecology. 11(2): 654-635.
Kruidhof, H.M., L. Bastiaans, and M.J. Kropff. 2008. EcologicaL weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed Research. 48: 492–502.
Kuchaki, A., M. Jami AL-Ahmadi, B. Kamkar, and A. Mahdavi Damghani. 2001. Principles of agricultural ecology (translation). Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Publications. (In Persian).
Medhaj, A., and R. Farhodi. 2018. The response of corn genotypes to nitrogen and competition. Crop Phisology Journal. 10(37): 83-96. (In Persian.).
Moyer, J.R.,E. Blackshaw, E.G. Smith, and S.M. McGinn. 2000. Cereal cover crops for weed suppression in a summer fallow-wheat cropping sequence. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 80: 99-109.
Nasiri MahaLLati, M., A. Kuchaki, and P. Rezvani Moghaddam. 2001. Agroecology. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad PubLications. P.453. (In Persian).
Oveyssi, M., P. Rezvani Moghadam, M.A. Baghestani, and M. Nasiri Mahallati. 2005. Study of seed bank dynamics and weed population in corn fields. Plant pests and diseases. 73: 38-22.
Pourhedari Ghafari, M., G. Ahmadvand, M.R. Ardekani, N. Keshavarz, and A. Nadali. 2012. Ecological management of weeds by covered plants: effect on winter weeds and the establishment of summer weeds in potato culture. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 10(1): 247-255. (In Persian).
Ruffo, M.L., and G.A. Bollero. 2003. Modeling rye and hairy vetch residue decomposition as a function of degree-days and decomposition-days. Agronomy Journal. 95: 900–907.
Samedani, B., and M. Montazeri. 2009. Use of cover crops in sustainable Agriculture. National Plant Protection Research Institute Press, Iran. 186 pp. (In Persian).
Singh, H.P., D.R. Batish, and R.K. Kohli. 2003. Allelopathic interactions and allelochemicals: New possibilities for sustainable weed management. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 22(3&4): 239-311.
Tabatabaei far, S.A., and A.R. Karimzade. 2013. Investingating the effects of cover crops density barly on weed control hawk. The Fifteen Iranian Weed Congress. Tehran. (In Persian).
Wicks, G.A., W.L. Felton, R.D. Murison, and R.L. Martin. 2000. Changes in fallow weed species in continuous wheat in northern New South Wales 1981 -1990. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 40: 831 – 842.
Wu, H. 2004. Molecular approaches in improving wheat allelopathy. Proceedings of the 4Th World Congress on Allelopathy, 11 -14 August, Wagga Wagga, Australia. Pp324-328.
Yang, Y., W. Zhao, Z. Li, and S. Zhu. 2011. Molecular identification of a Candidates phytoplasma ziziphi-Phytoplasma ziziphi related strain infecting amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 159: 635-637.
_||_Ackroyd, J., and M. Ngouajio. 2011. Brassicaceae cover crops affect seed germination and seedling establishment in cucurbit crops. Hort Technology. 21: 525-532.
Adler, L.S. 1993. Potential for persistence of genes escaped from canola: Germination cues in crop, wild, and crop-wild hybrid Brassica rapa. Functional Ecology. 7:736-745.
Batlla, D., B.C. Kruk, and R.I. Benech- Arnold. 2000. Very early detection of canopy pre sence by seeds thoovgh pereption of suttle modifications in red: far red signals. Functional Ecology. 14: 195- 202.
Bones, A.M., and J.T. Rossiter. 2006. The enzymic and chemically induced decomposition of glucosinolates. Phytochemistry. 67: 1053-1067.
Brust, J., W. Claupein, and R. Gerhards. 2014. Growth and weed suppression ability of common and new cover crops in Germany. Crop Protection. 63: 1-8.
Caamal-Maldonado, J.A., J.J. Jimenez-Osornio, A. Torres-Barragan, and A.L. Anaya. 2001. The use of allelopathic legume cover and mulch species for weed control in cropping systems. Journal of Agronomy. 93: 27-36.
Celik, I., I. Ortas, and S. Kilic. 2004. Effects of compost, mycorrhiza, manure and fertiLizer on some physical properties of a Chromoxerert soil. Soil and Tillage Research. 78: 59–67.
Chowdhry, M.A., I. RasooL, I. Khaliq, T. Mahmood, and M.M. Gilani. 1999. Genetics of some metric traits inspring wheat under normal and drought environment Rachis News Letter. 18(1): 34 - 39.
El-masry, R.R., N.K. Messiha, K.G. EL-Rokieks, S.A. Ahmed, and S.A. Mohamed. 2015. The allelopathic effect of Eruca sativa seed powder on growth and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris and associated weeds. Current Science International. 4(4): 485-490.
Ericson, N.A. 1993. Quality and storability in relation to fertigation of apple trees cv. Summerred. Acta Horticulture. 326: 73-83.
Grant, C.A., J.T. O'Donovan, R.E. BLackshaw, K.N. Harker, E.N. Johnson, Y.T. Gan, G.P. Lafond, W.E. May, T.K. Turkington, N.Z. Lupwayi, D.L. Mc Laren, B.J. Zebarth, M. Khakbazan, S.T. Luce, and R. Ramnarine. 2016. Residual effects of preceding crops and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and crop and soil N dynamics of spring wheat and canola in varying environments on the Canadian prairies. Field Crops Research. 192: 86-102.
Hamzai, J., and A. Borbor. 2014. The effect of short-term tillage methods and cover crops on yield and yield components of maize and some soil characteristics. Agricultural Knowledge and Sustainable Production. 24: 77-35.
Hartwig, A., and H. Amon. 2002. Cover crops and living mulches. Weed Science. 50: 688–699.
Heap, I. 2019. The International survey of herbicide resistant weeds. Online. Internet. Thursday, 18 May, Available at weedscience.org.
Hesami, A., M. Jahan, M. Nasiri Mahallati, and R. Farhoodi. 2018. The effect of plant residues in two types of soil texture on soil characteristics and grain yield of Ns640 cuLtivar in low plowing agricultural system. Iranian JournaL of Crop Research. (In Persian).
Hesami, A., M. Jahan, M. Nasiri Mahallati, and R. Farhoodi. 2020. Evaluation of the effect of restoring crop residues on corn yield and some soil properties in Shushtar climatic Journal of Plant Ecophysiology. 12 : 134 -147. (In persian).
Jasicka-Misiak, P., P. Wieczorek, and P. Kafarski. 2005. Crotonic acid as a bioactive factor in carrot seeds (Daucus carota). Phytochemistry. 66: 1485-1491.
Jin, H., W. Qingjie, L. Hongwen, L. Lijin, and G. Huanwen. 2009. Effect of alternative tillage and residue cover on yield and water use efficiency in annual double cropping system in North China Plain. Soil and Tillage Research. 104: 198 –205.
Kramberger, B., Gselman, A., Janzekovic, M., Kaligaric, M., & Bracko, B. 2009. Effects of cover crops on soil mineral nitrogen and on the yield and nitrogen content of maize. European Journal of Agronomy, 31(2), 103-109.
Khojam Lee, R., A. Siahamrgooi, A. Zinli, and A. Soltani. 2019. Effect of winter cover crops on weed population dynamics and growth and yield of maize (Zea mays) (single cross cultivar 704). Agricultural Ecology. 11(2): 654-635.
Kruidhof, H.M., L. Bastiaans, and M.J. Kropff. 2008. EcologicaL weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed Research. 48: 492–502.
Kuchaki, A., M. Jami AL-Ahmadi, B. Kamkar, and A. Mahdavi Damghani. 2001. Principles of agricultural ecology (translation). Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Publications. (In Persian).
Medhaj, A., and R. Farhodi. 2018. The response of corn genotypes to nitrogen and competition. Crop Phisology Journal. 10(37): 83-96. (In Persian.).
Moyer, J.R.,E. Blackshaw, E.G. Smith, and S.M. McGinn. 2000. Cereal cover crops for weed suppression in a summer fallow-wheat cropping sequence. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 80: 99-109.
Nasiri MahaLLati, M., A. Kuchaki, and P. Rezvani Moghaddam. 2001. Agroecology. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad PubLications. P.453. (In Persian).
Oveyssi, M., P. Rezvani Moghadam, M.A. Baghestani, and M. Nasiri Mahallati. 2005. Study of seed bank dynamics and weed population in corn fields. Plant pests and diseases. 73: 38-22.
Pourhedari Ghafari, M., G. Ahmadvand, M.R. Ardekani, N. Keshavarz, and A. Nadali. 2012. Ecological management of weeds by covered plants: effect on winter weeds and the establishment of summer weeds in potato culture. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 10(1): 247-255. (In Persian).
Ruffo, M.L., and G.A. Bollero. 2003. Modeling rye and hairy vetch residue decomposition as a function of degree-days and decomposition-days. Agronomy Journal. 95: 900–907.
Samedani, B., and M. Montazeri. 2009. Use of cover crops in sustainable Agriculture. National Plant Protection Research Institute Press, Iran. 186 pp. (In Persian).
Singh, H.P., D.R. Batish, and R.K. Kohli. 2003. Allelopathic interactions and allelochemicals: New possibilities for sustainable weed management. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 22(3&4): 239-311.
Tabatabaei far, S.A., and A.R. Karimzade. 2013. Investingating the effects of cover crops density barly on weed control hawk. The Fifteen Iranian Weed Congress. Tehran. (In Persian).
Wicks, G.A., W.L. Felton, R.D. Murison, and R.L. Martin. 2000. Changes in fallow weed species in continuous wheat in northern New South Wales 1981 -1990. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 40: 831 – 842.
Wu, H. 2004. Molecular approaches in improving wheat allelopathy. Proceedings of the 4Th World Congress on Allelopathy, 11 -14 August, Wagga Wagga, Australia. Pp324-328.
Yang, Y., W. Zhao, Z. Li, and S. Zhu. 2011. Molecular identification of a Candidates phytoplasma ziziphi-Phytoplasma ziziphi related strain infecting amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) in China. Journal of Phytopathology. 159: 635-637.